Online Dating Rules – Be Safe out There

What are the rules for dating?
Follow these commandments of online dating.
Look for a better business seal or another seal of approval. The URL – or the name in the browser bar – should start with https and not the standard http. The “s” represents an extra level of security as you enter your credit card information.
One of the rules of online dating is to stay aware of any communication from the dating site that was either hacked or the shopping cart/payment processor that you went through was hacked.
Protect your credit information by getting a one-time credit card number from the card company that can’t be used again.
One of the basic rules for online dating is to look for a site that has a protected and private email system. This means that you communicate through the site email system and your personal information is never shared until you share it.
Your user name shouldn’t be related to your email address.
Be sure that the site has a blocking option so you can block someone from seeing your profile or contacting you.
What are the rules for dating?
If you are wondering, “How can I date online successfully?”, remember not to believe everything you read. Also, make sure you get to know the person before meeting them or sharing your digits.
One of the new rules of online dating etiquette is to wait for a couple of hours for the other person to respond and on your end, do not stall unnecessarily, just to act pricey. Try to reply within 24 hours.
People tend to lie about any number of things – age, size, children, occupation. It’s not a good way to start a relationship, but they do it anyway.
One of the crucial online dating rules is to not reveal your personal data until you’ve met the individual in public places several times. Set up an email account that doesn’t link to your name or address.
Try not to rush into any relationship
It can be tough to contain your enthusiasm, but it is the safest route to take.
Even when you decide to talk on the phone, use a voice number from Google that isn’t connected to your home number or personal details that anyone can access.
If you are being harassed by anyone, report them to the dating site. They are there to monitor and help you.
Avoid continuing conversations with anyone who lies, is intimidating, threatening, uses inappropriate language, posts inappropriate photos or easily angered.
When you meet for the first and second time, do it in public. Be sure you have two friends who know where you’re going and who you are with. Give them the other person’s phone number and name/username on the site.
How do you pursue online dating safely?
Be wary of men and women who seem to go hot and cold. In other words, they contact you immediately after your email and then you wait for days for the next email. Sometimes we get busy or are traveling, so give some grace but if it’s a pattern it’s something you must consider before meeting them.
Don’t trust anyone whose online persona is different from the person you are emailing or meet.
If the photo is obviously someone else, you may be dating someone who is married. No one should ask for your financial information, money, financial assistance, or ask you to invest in something.
Be wary of people who are anxious to know about your wealth and possessions.
Dating, online or offline, is not a risk-free zone. It pays to be vigilant to protect your safety: personal, financial and emotional. Follow the essential online dating rules and you will find success at enjoying thriving relationships and fun dates.
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