13 Reasons Why You Need Healthy Fighting in a Relationship

Is fighting good in a relationship? Is it normal to fight every day in a relationship? Yes and no. Constant fighting in a relationship is uncomfortable, but there will always be reasons to fight.
The specific type of fights in a relationship determines how the relationship grows. For instance, physical fights or infliction of injury or pain on one’s partner are awful. Similarly, an argument aimed at belittling and ridiculing one’s partner is detrimental to the relationship.
Despite these, there can be healthy fights between a couple who are willing to gain something out of it as a team.
Yes! Couples aiming to improve their relationship must fight once in a while because there are certain advantages attached to it. Typical fights in a relationship involve arguments about differences, dislikes, and behaviors.
Healthy fighting in a relationship revolves around positive motives and expectations from a conflicting situation.
According to Empowerment mentor & therapist Dionne Eleanor
Healthy fighting allows us to express our feelings and needs respectfully, fostering understanding and deeper connections in our relationships.
A typical relationship involves two unique individuals from different backgrounds.
In addition, healthy fighting helps you improve and be a better person. After every fight, couples must find a way to come back together and compromise to build a positive relationship.
Is it normal to fight in relationships?
Is it normal to fight in a relationship? Absolutely yes! Every lovely and romantic couple you see out there fights occasionally. Your relationship will experience a rough patch at some point. You will have arguments and disagree with your partner.
Fighting in a relationship is more about how you fight than how often you fight. Once you adopt healthy fighting in a relationship, it will only lead to positive outcomes.
Dionne Eleanor shares
Through healthy fighting, we confront misunderstandings and address issues head-on, preventing resentment from building up and fostering a stronger sense of trust and intimacy.
For instance, holding a grudge against your partner over what they did that they didn’t know about is wrong. Similarly, arguing over a minor issue that you could otherwise settle is no longer a healthy fight. That is nitpicking.
However, having constant fights in a relationship with good intentions is allowed. A lack of fights in a relationship should call for concern. It means you both do not have deep communication or are not close enough. Ensure you express yourself calmly without belittling your partner.
Is fighting healthy in a relationship? Is fighting normal in a relationship? Keep reading this article to see the reasons healthy fighting in a relationship is suitable for your love life.
How important is fighting in a relationship?
Fighting in a relationship isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to handle it in a healthy and constructive way. It’s a natural part of any partnership because two people with different thoughts, feelings, and perspectives are bound to clash at times.
A bit of conflict can even be productive, as it can help couples address issues, grow, and better understand each other. It’s a way to express your feelings, set boundaries, and work through challenges.
However, it’s crucial to keep the intensity and frequency in check. Too much fighting can erode the trust and intimacy in a relationship.
What are the benefits of healthy fighting in a relationship?
Healthy fighting in a relationship can have several benefits. It allows partners to express their thoughts and feelings, leading to better understanding and communication. It can help set boundaries, address issues, and foster personal growth.
When done constructively, it can strengthen the emotional connection, as it shows that both partners care enough to work through their differences. In the end, it can lead to a more resilient and loving relationship.
13 reasons fighting is healthy for your relationship
Is fighting normal in a relationship? Every couple fights some or the other time. Sometimes, you may question if the fights you and your partner have are normal and how they affect your relationship in the long term.
1. Fighting strengthens the relationship
Is fighting good in a relationship? If it strengthens the bond, then yes. That’s what healthy fighting in a relationship is all about.
One of the reasons to fight in relationships is because it strengthens the bond between the couples. Healthy and constructive fighting allows each person to air their views and express themselves without abuse or violence.
Fights like this only help the couple to become better people. Also, it allows the couple to settle their differences on time, see a clearer sky, and understand each other better.
2. Fighting creates trust between partners
Is it healthy to never fight in a relationship? Well, perhaps it could mean that you and your partner are not communicating well and may not trust each other completely. It’s better to switch to healthy fighting in a relationship.
Is fighting good in a relationship?
Another reason fighting in a relationship is encouraged is that it strengthens trust. It makes you embrace confrontation more rather than be afraid of it. It can be really healing knowing that you are dealing with a reasonable person who will only try to understand.
Besides, you won’t feel like your relationship will be threatened. Being able to survive every fight gives you more assurance about the relationship. It means you are honest with each other.
3. Fighting brings a moment of relief
Is fighting in a relationship healthy? If it makes you feel less pressed and constricted as a person, then yes. It is one of the benefits of fighting in a relationship.
In the early part of a relationship, couples tend to ignore many unusual or different issues about their partner. Since the relationship is still new, it is only normal to watch while things unfold. Eventually, fights in a relationship erupt, and that’s when you hear many surprising facts from your partner.
For example, you might have been making your partner uncomfortable with your frequent habits which do not seem a big deal to you but impact your partner a lot.
Sometimes, healthy fighting brings out these issues, which you can now work on better. You feel relieved that you can solve a problem affecting your relationship.
Similarly, your partner feels like a huge load has been lifted off their shoulder once you take part in it. It’s better to allow space for healthy fighting in a relationship.
Instead of ignoring now, they will make sure they can start calling your attention to many things. Also, you will be comfortable reciprocating. That is what a healthy fight is all about in a relationship.
4. Fighting allows you to know each other more
One of the fighting relationship advantages is that it reveals a lot about your partner, which helps you know how to treat them. As stated earlier, many of the things you let go of initially will come out in your first fight.
Expressing yourself clearly without mincing words gives your partner a new perspective about you. They see a new side they haven’t noticed before. It is like a reality check to remind them they are dealing with a human.
A reasonable partner will understand your feelings towards a particular subject partner. Not speaking about something that makes you uncomfortable will only pass a wrong message to your partner. However, when you tell them, they will know you are resolute and adjust appropriately.
5. Fighting increases love
Fighting is good in a relationship because it enhances love.. After every healthy fight, you can’t help but love your partner more. Yes! It might feel like the fights in a relationship happen for just 5 minutes, but you miss them more for those minutes.
Conflicts are essential to strengthen the intimacy in a relationship.
Often, though not always, makeup sex interconnects with healthy fights. This activity helps to boost your love life and assure you of something worthwhile.
Although makeup sex has emotional consequences that may not always be positive. Nonetheless, some couples use it to avoid further confrontation.
6. Fighting allows you to be yourself
Constant fight in a relationship makes you realize that you and your partner are humans. Before you met your partner, you must have certainly created a perfect image in your head. We all do. Everyone wants a beautiful or handsome partner. Nice, calm, down-to-earth, etc.
The truth is we forget that no one is perfect. Healthy fighting is what bounces us back to reality. Fighting is good in a relationship because it lets your partner know that you are not an angel.
It shows that you are a human with a baggage of faults and helps you embrace it.
Therapist Dionne Eleanor explains
Often the ideal formula for healthy relationships is two perfectly imperfect people coming together, in the name of love and being willing to grow together.
7. Fighting shows your partner is different
Fighting is good in a relationship because it reveals your partner’s personality. We all expect people to act like us, forgetting we all come from different backgrounds.
Often, some people wonder why their partners can’t do some things for them. It is normal to have these expectations because we have only believed our ways are correct.
However, fighting in a relationship tells you otherwise.
It is easy to think your partner knows all your dislikes and likes, moods, and needs. Some partners even expect their love interest to read their minds and tell when they are unhappy about a particular thing. Relationships don’t work like that because it involves two unique individuals.
When you see a partner who disagrees with your point of view or attitude, you suddenly realize they are a different person after all. This relationship stage can be scary as you don’t know if you can cope with their personality.
You will continue to see new things about your partner as you grow together. It is best to adjust or find common ground for the development of the relationship.
8. Fighting makes you a better person
Fights in a relationship make partners improve themselves. Our partners are usually the ones to call us to our weaknesses. You might have been living your life for decades and not even realize there is a fault. Remember that no one is perfect, and your imperfections make you a human.
When you meet a reasonable person, and they engage in constant healthy fighting, you get to see your weaknesses in a better light. That leads to improvement. Note that fighting in a relationship is in how you fight and not the frequency.
If you call your partner’s attention to an issue in a responsible way, they can improve. However, scolding and critiquing them can worsen it. With several fights in a relationship, your patience, love, and care increase while you focus on improving yourself and your partner.
Dionne Eleanor states
Our partners can act as powerful mirrors to help us see important aspects that will shift us towards being the best version of ourselves.
9. Fighting creates memories
According to LifeHack, your first fight in a relationship is an important milestone you need to celebrate. Constant fight in a relationship is a foundation for great memories in the future. Some fights will be unreasonable, weird, and blown out of proportion.
You would cry over a silly thing your partner did. For instance, you might fight your partner for forgetting to get you a cup of ice cream after reminding her several times. You can term this as your partner not taking you as necessary.
Some day, however, you and your partner will look back and laugh over it. It is one of the healthy fighting advantages. It helps you unusually create bonds.
Watch this video to understand how people who fight in relationships are likely to be more in love:
10. Fighting shows you care for each other
Instead of constant fighting in a relationship, would you rather have your partner lie to you?
When your partner complains to you about something, it is a sign that they want you to adjust and become a better person. Remember that they could have just ignored you, but then it would mean they care less about you.
Occasional arguments would mean your partner is in the long haul with you. They want you to be in their life for a while. They will always argue with you over what they see as hurdles and detrimental to the relationship.
Partners willing to endure uncomfortable fights and hurling of words have a high chance of sticking with you for long.
11. Personal growth
When you engage in healthy fights in a relationship, it’s like holding up a mirror to yourself. You see your reactions, your triggers, and your emotions more clearly. This self-awareness can lead to personal growth because you start understanding your own patterns and behaviors.
You might discover areas where you need to improve or make changes in how you handle conflicts. Over time, this self-discovery can make you a more self-aware and emotionally mature person, which can benefit not just your relationship but also your life as a whole.
12. Learning and adapting
Is it good to fight in a relationship where you’re constantly growing as a person? Of course, yes.
Every fight is a lesson in disguise. It’s a chance to learn about your partner and yourself. Through these disagreements, you figure out what works and what doesn’t in your relationship. You learn what buttons not to push and what strategies are more effective for resolving conflicts.
This learning process helps you adapt so you can prevent unnecessary arguments or handle them more effectively in the future. It’s like building a toolbox of relationship skills that you can use to keep the love alive.
13. Appreciating peace
After a heated argument, when the dust settles, there’s a feeling of relief that comes with peace. You realize the value of those calm, harmonious moments in your relationship. It’s like the warm sunshine after a storm.
The contrast between the chaos of an argument and the calm of reconciliation makes you appreciate the peace even more. You start to cherish the times when you can just be with your partner without tension, where you can laugh, cuddle, and enjoy each other’s company.
It’s a reminder of what you have together and the importance of preserving it.
It’s common to have questions about fighting in a relationship. Let’s break down some of these FAQs to make it easier to understand and navigate the ups and downs of relationships.
Is it okay to fight in a relationship?
Do healthy couples fight? Is fighting normal in relationships? Yes. It’s perfectly okay to have disagreements in a relationship. It’s a natural part of being with someone who’s different from you. What’s important is how you handle these fights – with respect, open communication, and the aim of finding solutions.
Do fights in relationships increase love?
Not exactly. Fights themselves don’t increase love, but how you resolve them can. When you work through conflicts together, it can strengthen your bond and show your commitment to the relationship, which can lead to a deeper love over time.
How much fighting is good in a relationship?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but the key is balance. Too much fighting can strain your relationship while avoiding conflicts completely can lead to hidden issues. It’s about finding a healthy middle ground and ensuring your fights are respectful and constructive.
How long should a couple fight last?
The duration of a fight can vary, but it’s important not to let it drag on for too long. Try to resolve the issue as efficiently as possible. Prolonged fights can be draining, and it’s often more productive to take a break and revisit the issue later with a cooler head.
Should I leave after a fight?
Leaving after a fight is a personal choice, but it’s generally a good idea to take a break if the argument is getting too intense. It can give both of you some space to cool off and collect your thoughts.
Just make sure to come back to resolve the issue when you’re both ready rather than avoiding it.
Making the best out of conflicts
So, is fighting good in a relationship? Yes, fighting is good in a relationship. As long as you have a healthy fight occasionally, there is a high possibility that your relationship will stand the test of time. Healthy fighting comprises arguments and intense discussions geared at improving each other.
Note that physical fights in a relationship or verbal abuse don’t belong to this category. A good relationship fight helps you strengthen the love, intimacy, and bond you have together. And that makes the relationship thrive even in challenges. Therefore, fighting is good in a relationship.
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