What is it like to be in an interracial relationship?

Interracial relationships can be fun. The ability to connect with and uphold a strong relationship with someone from a different race can provide an indescribable pleasure rush. Imagine being able to hold hands with your partner, walk into the cool of the day, and answer intriguing questions concerning interracial dating.
That would be fun, right?
Here’s one interesting fact. There are many interracial relationship problems. Just like every other relationship, trying to establish a deep emotional connection with someone from a different part of the world (who grew up under different circumstances) can be challenging. However, the right strategies can help you win.
In this article, we will be going over the basic things you should know to enjoy your interracial relationship. Love knows no bounds, right?
What are interracial relationships?
Interracial relationships (also referred to as mixed relationships or miscegenation) are relationships involving people who belong to different races or different racialized entities.
For example, the relationship between an American and an Asian can be considered an interracial relationship.
In the early times, interracial relationships were frowned upon in America. As a matter of fact, interracial marriage and sex between people from different races were considered criminal and could attract life-threatening consequences when discovered.
Thankfully, this lasted only till the end of the 2nd World War. From 1967, many American States and the Nazi Germany colony began to revisit and repeal those laws until they eventually became a thing of the past in the world. Right now, interracial relationships signify advanced levels of diversity and inclusion.
Interracial relationship statistics today reveal that this type of relationship has come a long way since the days they were frowned upon.
Between 2012-2016, the percentage of married couple households that are interracial or interethnic across America grew from 7.4 to 10.2%. If history is any indication, we can only expect a hike in these numbers in the coming years.
5 reasons interracial relationships can fail
Like we have already mentioned, interracial relationships are not a bed of roses. To enjoy your relationship with someone from a different part of the world, you must know the potential challenges you can face.
Here are the top 5 reasons why interracial relationships (and marriages) can fail.
1. Family disapproval
The influence of family can be considered one of the biggest interracial dating struggles you may experience when you decide to get into a relationship with a person from a different race.
Many parents and loved ones can create a mental picture of the type of person they envision their children/family members with.
When you eventually bring home someone that doesn’t fit their expectations, you may meet with a wall of coldness you didn’t see coming. Navigating family disapproval in interracial relationships can be stressful, and many of these relationships may end up caving when the pressure becomes too much.
2. Different values and lifestyle choices
Your race and environment play a huge role in the formation of your value system. Different races place priority on different things, and you may find yourself struggling to accept what your partner sees as normal when you get into interracial love.
For example, as one who grew up in a place where monogamy was the order of the day, you may end up with someone from a different race (and religion) who sees monogamy as a normal way of life.
If you fail to manage your emotions and have a deep chat about them immediately, it can take a toll on your relationship.
Conversely, you may have been trained to honor your parents and/or older ones. When you get into an interracial relationship with someone who sees their parents as their close friends, you may feel intimidated by the nature of their relationship.
Effective communication will play a major role in helping you navigate these times. If you can be honest about your feelings, and get your partner to listen to you, then you are on your way to strengthening your interracial relationship.
3. Differences in communication
Communication modes vary across races. The things that mean nothing to you can mean everything to your partner simply because they are from another part of the world.
For example, your partner could be from a place where it is considered an insult to talk back at their older partners, while you may be from a place where everyone is encouraged to talk it out.
These differences may result in communication hiccups in your relationship. For one, you may be expecting them to open up to you in the midst of an argument, only for them to become closed off or stop speaking.
To you, that may be rude. However, your partner may see it as an act of courtesy because they have been trained to communicate in a unique way. To avoid constant conflicts, ensure you have the necessary conversations about your communication ideals even when your relationships are still young.
Related Reading: 10 Effective Communication Skills in Relationships for Healthy Marriages
4. Varying expectations
We get into relationships with different expectations. For some, the goal is to connect with another on a deep and emotional level while others see a relationship as a place to sharpen themselves and get inspired by their partner.
In any case, our culture plays a major role in shaping our expectations. For example, in some cultures, it is only normal for a couple to begin having children as soon as they can.
These people prioritize having massive families over establishing strong bonds with their children.
When you get into an interracial relationship with someone from this part of the world, you may be shocked to discover that they expect something completely different out of the relationship. While you may be searching for love and companionship, they may be on a quest to have children immediately.
Before getting into an interracial relationship, please talk about expectations. Discuss finances, family planning, sex, monogamy/open relationships, and every other type of expectation you may think of.
5. Inability to compromise
One thing you may have picked up from this article so far is that one of the best interracial relationship advice you may give yourself is to sharpen your ability to make compromises for your relationship.
To enjoy your relationship, you must teach yourself to be flexible at some point.
You are dealing with someone who has had a completely different upbringing from yours and sees life through a different lens. If you always insist on having it your way, your relationship will struggle.
5 tips on navigating an interracial relationship
Do you want to discover how to make an interracial relationship work? Here are 5 powerful strategies you can adopt now.
1. Be willing to compromise
Research has proven that compromise is needed to make every relationship work. What is a relationship if all parties insist on having everything their way at all times?
Now don’t get it twisted. There are some basic human values that you shouldn’t compromise on. For example, empathy, kindness, and willingness to remain honest in all your dealings. However, consider shifting your stance sometimes when it comes to your relationship.
Consider your partner’s views on money, life, monogamy, having and raising children, and other salient matters before settling into your decisions. Acknowledging and accepting your differences can be the lifesaver in your relationship.
Related Reading: 6 Compromises in a Relationship Needed for a Healthy Marriage
2. Effective communication is key
Beyond interracial relationships, effective communication plays a major role in the success of every type of relationship. Relationships involve different people who may not be skilled at reading their minds. To keep each other in the loop, they must be willing to talk things over.
Communication is especially necessary when you are in an interracial relationship. Considering the differences in values, beliefs, and backgrounds, your partner may do or say things that irk you. Don’t just assume that they’re doing so on purpose or that they should know what annoys you.
Before sulking, remind yourself to talk to them about it.
To get amazing results from your communication episodes, ensure you master the art of keeping your emotions in check.
Resist the temptation to yell or talk to them in a condescending tone. Your partner must feel loved, appreciated, and respected even when you want to communicate something you’re not so satisfied with.
Suggested video: 7 keys to effective communication in a relationship
3. Remind yourself to be patient
It takes time to start seeing results, especially when it has to do with changes in a person’s behavior that have been formed over time. Don’t speak to your partner about something you don’t like today, and expect them to change overnight.
They will still make the same mistakes a few times in future.
Instead of fussing every single time they do what you don’t like, remind them of how their actions affect you and carefully encourage them to do better. Show them kindness even as they consciously work to change those parts of themselves that affect your relationship adversely.
Patience is a requirement of every successful relationship, and interracial relationships are not excluded from this list. As a helpful mantra, constantly remind yourself that you are on your way to building a long-lasting interracial relationship with your partner.
Also, instead of being too focused on mistakes, why not channel more of your energies into strengthening the bond that brought you together in the first place?
4. Learn each other’s ways
One way to slip past the initial resistance you may receive from your partner’s family anbnd loved ones is to show them that you are willing to learn and adapt to their ways.
There is almost nothing as heartwarming as seeing your relative’s partner trying to learn your language and the way your world works.
By actively trying to learn your culture, they send across a powerful message of love, appreciation, and value to you. This can cause you to like them passionately and even start rooting for their relationship with your relative to work out.
Have you considered reverse-engineering this process and using it in your favor? Instead of focusing on the challenging parts of your partner’s family, consider making serious attempts to understand the way their world works.
Can you learn to speak their language? Can you learn to cook their indigenous meals? How about you show genuine interest in understanding their values and belief system? Learning each other’s ways is one of the fastest methods of eliminating the negative effects of interracial relationships.
5. Get ready for problems that may arise
Depending on the races involved, interracial relationships can come with varying levels of problems. You may encounter these problems when you visit your partner’s people. Some of them range from name-calling to physical assault.
While communicating with your partner, you must also come up with a plan to stay safe when challenges arise. What happens if you get attacked by someone who thinks it’s fun to attack people from different ethnicities? How do you handle ethnic slurs thrown at you?
Would your strategy be to limit the way you visit your partner’s people and have them come over to you instead? Do you have to learn how to protect yourself just in case the unimaginable happens tomorrow?
As you navigate interracial relationships, please make sure that you have the plan to keep yourself safe when challenges arise.
Related Reading: 30 Common Relationship Problems and Solutions
More questions on being in an interracial relationship
Check out further questions on being in an interracial relationship:
Why are interracial relationships so hard?
Interracial relationships are difficult because the people involved come from different backgrounds. As a result, they have different values, ideals, and experiences of life. To enjoy yours for a long time, you must be willing to communicate and compromise.
Do interracial marriages last longer?
Interracial marriages do not last longer by default. Although there are many interracial marriages that have survived the test of time, it wouldn’t be logical to say whether they do or they don’t.
Instead of getting worked up over statistics, focus on understanding what makes your interracial marriage unique so that you can come up with effective strategies to work around every limitation that may arise.
What percentage of relationships are interracial?
Ans: Between 2012-2016, the percentage of married couple households that are interracial or interethnic across America grew from 7.4 to 10.2%.
In 2023, there are more interracial relationships in America than at any time in the past and this implies that interracial relationships are now widely accepted.
Being in an interracial relationship can be fulfilling. Imagine experiencing life from the lens of another person who grew up under different circumstances. It would be fun, right?
That said, there are things only interracial couples understand. Some of them include prejudice, family pushbacks on the basis of ethnicity, and the constant need to validate their love. While these can easily get tedious, keep your eyes on the passion and love you have for your partner at all times.
If, at some point, you feel the need for relationship counseling, don’t hesitate to reach out to qualified therapists who can help you sort out your emotions.
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