Reasons Why Intelligent Women are Better Partners

In this day and age of equal educational opportunities, it has become apparent that women can learn and develop critical and problem-solving faculties just as well as men. It’s hard to find a reliable study of gender demographics in the higher categories of the IQ range such as superior or genius level, while there are lots of excuses such as “testing questions are geared toward categories where men perform better such as mathematics and abstract reasoning.”
Studies and general averages aside, there are women out there with superior or genius level intelligence. Their ratio against male counterparts are disputed, but it doesn’t change the fact there are smart women in the world.
The intimidating perception of intelligent women
A lot of men are intimidated by intelligent women. In case you haven’t noticed in the studies above, there are more men in the higher end of the spectrum, but the averages are the same. That’s because there are also more men at the lower end of the graph. The intelligence distribution of the male gender shows that are smarter and dumber men compared to the median centric female distribution.
You may wonder what’s the relationship between gender averages and the intimidating perception of an intelligent woman. It just shows that the large distribution of below average and average men are not comfortable with an above average woman.
Because intelligent women are more likely to make smart, rather than emotional choices. They are considered intimidating because they see through cheap pick-up lines and can easily discern lies.
They can rebuke cheap approaches of men who just want to get into their pants in more creative ways resulting in the negative perception. On the other hand, if you truly love an intelligent woman, they will also detect your sincerity and respond in a kind manner. An intelligent woman is still a woman. However, she would consult both her brain and her heart when in a relationship. If you are married to one, she will almost always make the best choice for you and your partnership.
Reasons to marry an intelligent woman
Sincerity in a relationship has nothing to do with IQ. However, a smart woman will be more creative in showing her love. Assuming that both parties in the relationship truly love each other, the man doesn’t have to carry the burden of keeping the relationship alive by himself.
An intelligent woman will notice if something is wrong and will take the initiative and fix the problem.
The average woman is also intuitive when it comes to detecting problems in a relationship. However, they are normally at a loss on how best to resolve the issue. That is not the case when dealing with a smart woman. She can deduce the root of the problem and work on it by herself or together with her spouse to keep the relationship alive. That is why marriages with intelligent wives are longer, happier and healthier.
Most intelligent women are not afraid to lead the train and make rational choices for the good of the relationship. A lot of men are not happy with women taking charge, but if the man is smart enough in his own right, an intelligent woman will recognize it and is willing to discuss options as an equal partner. That is the way healthy marriages are supposed to function in the first place.
Intelligent women are also less prone to stupid mistakes born out of emotional overreaction.
Most men complain that their spouses make incorrect assumptions about a lot of things, sometimes they are right, sometimes a woman’s intuition is also right.
When dealing with an intelligent woman, both her brain and intuition are working in tandem. She will almost always come to arrive at the most reasonable conclusion. She is also confident that is the case and trusts her partner is not stupid enough to challenge her.
So unless you want to deceive a smart woman, she is a better life partner.
Do men like intelligent women
The truth is, the majority of the population do not like people who are superior to them. Gender aside, women especially, are very vicious when manifesting crab mentality. A lot of men, especially successful intelligent men, know that the best teams are built around exceptional talent.
So do men like intelligent women? It depends, a lot of men built their success on illusions, instead of achievements. They ride or take credit on the achievements of others and direct blame of their failures on to someone else. It creates the image of success by crediting themselves and constantly announcing it to the world.
Men like those detest intelligent women. Smart men recognize other such delusional men and avoid them like a plague. Smart women, on the other hand, attract such losers thinking they are easy marks. It normally results in public humiliation for the delusional man.
Smart men like intelligent women. In Napoleon Hills book, “Think and Grow Rich,” it shows how the mentality of smart and successful people are fundamentally different from the average person. In fact, they do not find it stimulating discussing things with average people who normally react violently to criticisms.
It is why smart men like intelligent women. It is refreshing to find someone at the same wavelength and the opposite gender.
Looking at this entire section, it’s not about men and woman per se. It is about birds of the same feather. Intelligent people like each other and everyone else is the same.
Are intelligent women better partners? Absolutely, that is if she would form a relationship with you in the first place. Intelligent women, like all smart people in general, detest wasting time on people who are just user-friendly. Forming an intimate relationship with an intelligent woman is physically, emotionally, and mentally fulfilling. Her stable demeanor makes her less prone to the usual horrid overreaction of a woman in love that’s the subject of timeless jokes worldwide.
Intelligent women make great wives and life partners, the question here is, are you smart enough to be a good husband to her?
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