If You Love Something, You Set It Free: Meaning & Ways to Practice

They say if you love something, let it go. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. If you loved someone or something, and you have to part ways, it might be a challenging phase for you.
Sometimes, letting go proves that you love them and you are willing to allow them to make their decisions. In this article, you will learn more about the saying, “If you love something, you set it free.”
What is the meaning of “If you love something, set it free”?
If you have heard of the phrase “if you love something, you set it free,” it is used to express the idea that true love involves giving an individual the freedom to make their decisions.
This means that they can choose to stay or go their way. The statement emphasizes that true love should not be restraining or possessive. When you set someone free, you are wishing them the best as they make plans to flourish and progress on their terms.
In this study by Alain Morin and other authors, you will see a more holistic view of letting go and how it affects your well-being.
Why is it important to be able to let go of things we love?
One of the reasons why it is important to let go of things we love is that it allows for personal growth. You will be able to leverage this opportunity to learn more about yourself.
Also, when you hold on to something too much, it can cause emotional stress, which could affect your well-being. Letting go improves your emotional wellness and overall health.
Concerning the statement, if you love something, you set it free. It could also help you build new and healthy relationships because you will be focused on meeting new people.
Why is it difficult for people to let go?
The process of letting go is often not an easy one due to various factors. Here are some of the reasons why it is difficult for people to let go.
Emotional attachment
Regarding the common saying if you love something, you set it free, it might be difficult for those with strong emotional attachments. Some people may find it hard to let go of an idea, a person, a relationship, or a possession.
Fear of the unknown
When it comes to letting someone go that you love, many people are reluctant because they don’t know what to expect. Some people are afraid of the uncertainty of letting go when they love something because they don’t know what their lives will look like afterward.
Identity attachment
Another reason why the statement ‘If you love something, you set it free’ might not work for some people is because their identity is attached to that entity. For some people in relationships, they might find it hard to let go because their identity is attached to that person.
Cultural or Social Pressure
Some people may be influenced by society or their culture to let go of something they want. They might be disappointed in themselves that they are unable to meet up with societal demands, so they prefer to hold on to what they love.
How can we set things free with love
The statement ‘If you love something, you set it free’ can be actualized with the right strategies in place. Here are some tips on letting go of something you love.
Open and Honest Communication
When you want to let go, ensure you express how you sincerely feel. Establish clear communication with the other party so that they can understand your viewpoint. Also, ensure you listen to the other person and understand their perspective. Empathize with them so that you can make the process less painful.
Volunteer to offer support
Regarding the saying, if you love something, you set it free; you can achieve this when you volunteer to render support. If the other party finds it difficult to cope with the transition process, try to be there for them.
Prioritize self-care
While you work on letting go of someone you love, ensure you don’t neglect your well-being. Pay good attention to your emotional health, focus on your hobbies, spend more time with family and friends, and do other things that make you happy.
It’s easy to put ourselves aside when consumed by love but continuing to practice self-care is a crucial habit that we need to keep up with when falling in love. Watch this video on how to practice self-love in a relationship:
Establish boundaries
After applying this saying, “If you love something, you set it free,” ensure you set and maintain healthy boundaries. This is important for both parties to grow and evolve without the influence of each other. It also gives room for mutual respect between both parties.
In this research study by Charlene Belu and other authors, you will learn what happens in romantic relationships when people let go.
Does letting go allow them to come back?
When you let someone go, there is no guarantee that they will come back. The decision to come back or not depends on them. And since you are letting them go without holding back, they won’t make any choice that you influence.
When you let go, you respect the person’s autonomy to do what is best for them, including deciding whether to come back.
What are the benefits of letting go of a person you love?
Before you apply the saying, “If you love someone, set them free,” it is important to mention that it is not an easy process except if you are not emotionally connected to them. However, here are some benefits to expect when you let someone you love go.
Emotional freedom
When you let go, the emotional burden on the relationship is released. You will feel a sense of relief from the anxiety and emotional rollercoaster that rocked the relationship. Also, you will experience a sense of freedom that brings clarity and relief.
Personal growth
One of the benefits you will enjoy is the personal growth you will experience. You can leverage this opportunity to know more about yourself, chase your goals, and establish crucial boundaries.
New opportunities
Concerning the saying, if you love something, you set it free, you will likely get new opportunities. You will be more open to new opportunities and experiences that will positively impact your life.
Clarity and perspective
When you let go of something you love, you will have a clearer view of the state of the relationship. You may be able to identify your faults and good deeds, which will help you make better-informed choices in the future.
Here are some additional helpful questions stressing over the concept of letting go of things we love. Have a read!
How to know if I’m setting someone free with love
One of the ways to tell if you are setting someone free with love is when you allow them to make their choices, even if they don’t choose you. Another way to tell is if you are empathetic towards their needs and feelings.
What if I set someone free and they don’t return?
When you let someone go, there is no guarantee that they will return. You need to be prepared for the possibility that they may not return. Therefore, pay more attention to your well-being and growth and open yourself up to new opportunities.
How to deal with the guilt of setting someone free
When you let someone go, you might feel guilt, which is a normal part of the process. You can manage the guilt by seeking support from family, friends, or a therapist. Also, ensure you focus on self-love and self-compassion to reduce the feelings of guilt.
How to set myself free with love
If you want to set yourself free with love, don’t ignore your desires and needs. Ensure you set healthy boundaries that protect your health and well-being. You can practice self-forgiveness and learn to let go of self-talk or blame.
How to know if I’m ready to set something free
One of the ways to know if you are ready to set something free is when you have evaluated the situation and its effect on your well-being. Another way to tell is if you have had open and honest communication with the other party and you are ready to move on.
Letting go to learn and grow
When people say if you love something, you set it free, it might seem difficult to do, but sometimes, it might be the ideal solution for you in the long run. Therefore, when you set someone free, don’t force them to come back.
Rather, wish them well and try to focus on your life. Consider seeking help from your support system and engaging in productive activities. If you need more help on how to let go, see a professional therapist or counselor.
In this thoughtful book by Nancy O’Connor titled Letting Go With Love, you will learn more about the grieving process when you let go of someone you love.
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