How to Get Your Husband to Notice You – 15 Ways to Get His Attention

The honeymoon phase is something that most newlyweds experience. This intense attraction, sparks, and intimacy phase can last for several months to a few years.
You may be wondering how to get your husband to notice you even after the honeymoon phase. It’s quite easy to be deeply in love with your spouse during the honeymoon period.
But when that phase is over, it’s time to put in the effort to rekindle and maintain the intimacy in the marriage.
Are you out of the honeymoon phase of your marriage and wondering how to get your husband to notice you? Don’t worry! You’re not alone.
A lot of married people have this question in mind. It’s wonderful that you wish to know how to get your husband to notice you after the honeymoon phase has ended.
There are several ways to build on the intimacy of your marriage and impress your husband.
Let’s first quickly go through the different types of intimacy in marriage:
- Physical intimacy: Physical chemistry is a key element of any marriage. This isn’t about sexual intimacy. It’s about expressing your appreciation for your husband through physical proximity and touch (non-sexual) like cuddling, kissing, hugging, holding his hand, and so on.
- Emotional intimacy: This aspect of intimacy in marriage deals with working on trusting each other, loyalty, caring for each other, and so on.
- Spiritual intimacy: This aspect is concerned with respect, happiness, and appreciation towards your significant other.
- Sexual intimacy: This component of intimacy is quite direct. Working on ways to maintain and improve your sex life and sexual attraction towards each other. Feeling sexually satiated is a key component in any marriage.
Now that you’re aware of the general areas you need to work on in your marriage, implementing tips on how to get your husband to notice you will be easier. Read on to navigate your way through this endeavor.
15 amazing ways to impress your husband
Here are 15 key ways to impress your significant other and keep the love and intimacy in the marriage alive:
1. Focus on your health
If you’re not physically and mentally healthy as an individual, you may face obstacles when it comes to putting in the effort to impress your beloved. Good health is key. So, focus on yourself. Heal yourself.
Workout regularly. Meditate and practice self-care. Eat well. When you’re doing great physically and mentally, you’ll be lovely to your husband.
Related Reading: Essential Tips on How to Maintain a Healthy Mind and Marriage
2. Caring for your physical appearance is appreciated
You know you’re gorgeous! So, show that. To learn how to get your husband to notice you, physical appearance matters. Lookout together. Work on your hygiene. Be consistent when it comes to your physical appearance.
This will remind your husband how attracted he is to you. You’ll be appreciated. Looking put together helps. This is a good way to make your partner notice you.
3. Work on being an independent individual
Work on your independence. Become financially independent. If you’re an independent individual, you automatically become attractive to your significant other. It also shows that you don’t necessarily need your husband.
Being independent shows your husband that you’re with him because you want to do it. Not because you need him.
Related Reading: Why Is It Important to Be Independent in a Relationship?
4. Express your interest to learn about his interests
To know how to get your husband to notice you, you should consider actively expressing your interest in his passions and hobbies. If he’s passionate about financial literacy and independence, show your interest in learning about investments.
If he loves cooking, try learning how to cook with him. Taking these types of initiatives can be very attractive. However, don’t fake it. This is a great way to become irresistible to your husband.
5. Flirting is always welcome
Wondering how to make your husband notice you more?
Having A-game flirting skills always helps. Whether it’s a naughty text while he’s at work or a flirty compliment, flirting is always welcome! It can make your husband feel wanted and appreciated. This is one of the ways to get your husband to pay attention to you.
It’s great to express that you still find him to be beautiful. It’s also a great throwback to the honeymoon phase of the marriage. It brings back a lot of playfulness and affection that was there before you two were married.
Related Reading: Why Do People Flirt? 6 Surprising Reasons
6. Plan date nights
Taking complete control of planning and executing date night is a big part of learning how to get your husband to notice you. Men love it when their spouses initiate special things to do for your husband.
Think about what he appreciates. If he’s an adventurous soul, plan a hiking trip or whatever adventurous activity he loves for date night. Romantic dinners or romantic movie nights are great. But unconventional date nights are fantastic.
7. Create a love nest
A great way to surprise your beloved is by revamping or jazzing up your bedroom or living room to create a love nest. Get some nice mood lighting, cozy blankets, yummy treats, candles, and play his favorite music.
The perfect love nest is complete! A fun blanket fort with lots of pillows or cushions to enjoy your weekly movie nights with delicious treats or snacks is also an amazing idea.
Related Reading: Love Tips – How to Create Love in Your Life
8. Surprise him with a romantic getaway
When it comes to planning holidays, it’s usually a collaborative effort between a couple. But just think about how much you’d appreciate a surprise romantic getaway planned by your husband.
When it comes to knowing how to get your husband to notice you, a well-planned romantic getaway is most welcome! Plan such a trip, especially when your husband has completed a difficult project at work.
It’s a great way to help him relax and feel loved by you.
To understand more about the types of intimacy in relationships, watch this video.
9. Attract his mind
Intelligence is sexy. There’s a high possibility that you two were attracted to each other because you both perceived each other as intelligent human beings. Having intellectually stimulating conversations was probably a big catalyst in your romance.
So, stay curious and feed your curiosity with knowledge. When you learn something new, have conversations with your husband about it. Ask him exciting questions. Attract his mind. This is also an important way to get your husband to notice you sexually, since a lot of people are attracted to intelligence.
Related Reading: How to Find True Love: 10 Steps to Attract Love
10. Be a confident individual
Just being physically attractive isn’t enough. If you’re attractive but suffer from low self-esteem or self-confidence, it won’t help. Supplement or boost your beauty with boldness and confidence. This is one of the best ways to get noticed by your husband.
Men love this. When you’re sure of your worth and abilities, along with your physical appearance, your husband will notice this. Appreciating yourself helps others, including your spouse, appreciate you.
11. Cook for him sometimes
In the list of things to do for your husband, cooking is key. This is not to imply that your husband will only be impressed if you cook for him all the time. No. That’s not it.
But it’s a great idea to show your appreciation for him from time to time by preparing his favorite meals. It shows your spouse that he’s on your mind. It shows that you deeply care about his likes and dislikes.
It doesn’t have to be a very complicated meal. It can just be a delicious sandwich or a salad. Just make sure that it’s one of his favorite treats! That’s it. Cooking is a key component of learning how to get your husband to notice you.
Related Reading: 8 Qualities of Women That Attract and Keep a Man
12. Keep things interesting concerning sex
Feeling satiated and happy with your sex life automatically increases the love and passion in a marriage. The responsibilities of everyday life can quickly put a couple’s sex life on the back burner. So, you must stay mindful about it and work on this.
Taking the initiative when it comes to sexual intimacy is solely on the husband. Men find it extremely attractive and wonderful when their partner takes the initiative in the bedroom. A crucial element in learning how to get your husband to notice you is taking charge in the bedroom.
Try new moves or sex positions. Initiate sex. Engage in role-playing. Tease him. Show him your moves. Express how you’re still intensely attracted to him (sexually) even after several years! Remember these make love tips.
13. Smile at him
This sounds quite simple. But it’s often forgotten. Smiling at your husband is a small but valuable way to express your appreciation.
Whether it’s smiling at him when you both wake up and wish each other good morning or greeting him with your stunning smile when he’s home from work- these tips work!
It shows your spouse that he’s the most important person in your life. It shows that you deeply value his presence in your life.
Related Reading: 85 Love Paragraphs for Him to Cherish
14. Pillow talk matters
Pillow talk is great. It’s a great way to be emotionally intimate. You and your spouse probably engaged in a lot of pillow talk when you initially got married, right? The hectic nature of everyday life can make it very easy to just go to bed right after sex.
But try to take out a bit of time to have intimate conversations with your husband while you cuddle at night.
15. Use thoughtful gestures
Giving your husband expensive gifts isn’t the point here. To impress him, it’s a great idea to give him meaningful gifts.
You may consider leaving a cute little note in his lunchbox or his pocket that he can read when he’s at work. It can be a relaxing back rub after a hectic workday or a cup of hot chocolate at night!
Related Reading: 10 Simple Gestures for Saying “I Love You” Without Uttering a Word
To impress your husband, remember these tips and consider implementing a few of them. There is simply nothing like having an excellent relationship with your husband. Following these tips will keep the spark in your relationship alive and make your husband fall in love with you even more.
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All tips are reviewed before the publishing.
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