17 Basic Tips on How to Get His Attention When He Ignores You

It can be frustrating!
Hanging out with a guy who won’t acknowledge you for some reason cuts deep like a knife. It gets worse when he is cool with you but suddenly becomes different and cold.
Under these conditions, you must know how to get his attention when he ignores you.
However, you must be able to do this without looking desperate or pissing him off. In this article, you will discover how to attract a man who ignores you without making it look obvious that you want his eyes on you.
What does it mean when a guy ignores you?
When a guy ignores you, it often signifies something’s bothering him or he needs space. It might not necessarily mean he doesn’t like you. People have various reasons for pulling back, such as stress, personal issues, or even a simple need to recharge.
It’s essential to communicate calmly and ask if everything is okay, giving him the opportunity to share what’s on his mind.
Read this article to understand this behavior better.
How to get his attention when he ignores you: 17 simple tips
It is one thing to know that he is somewhere in the background, living his life normally. However, it is another thing to know how to get his attention and keep it on you for a long time.
In any case, this is how to get a guy’s attention.
1. Give him space and time
What to do when he ignores you? Start with the much-needed distance.
Many times, when a guy suddenly starts ignoring you, it is because of the things going on in his head. He may be having doubts about himself and the relationship or even wondering if you are taking things too fast.
This sudden move to go cold on you could result from many internal battles he has told you nothing about. The first trick to getting him back is to give him less attention as well.
One thing you may not know is that men also love attention. Sometimes, they’ll go to many lengths to get it, even give you the cold shoulder (if they think that’ll work). So, one sure way to get his attention when he ignores you is to turn the tables on him.
2. Focus on becoming your best self
Another sure way of getting a guy’s attention when he is ignoring you is to channel those energies you would have spent on him inward. When it becomes evident that he would want some ‘alone’ time, why not declare the same for yourself and focus on growing yourself instead?
Focus on becoming better as a person; in your career, life, and other relationships. You may also want to take this time to raise your self-awareness and practice self-love.
3. Learn how to make him jealous
Studies over the years have revealed that territorial behavior is common to males of many animal species. It is their way of marking what is theirs, preventing competition, and keeping their clans safe for a long time.
Here’s a fun fact. Territorial behavior doesn’t only stop with animals. Humans exhibit it as well. A man does this to keep other men off your back and let the world know you’re his. One way to get his attention when he ignores you is to make him jealous.
When you make him jealous, you activate his territorial behavior. As time passes, he would come to his senses and return to tell everyone that you are his.
A simple way to accomplish this is to try flirting with other men when both of you go out, and he won’t seem to give you the time of day.
Works like magic!
4. Reach out for his help
How to deal with a man who ignores you? Seek his support.
If you don’t want to go down the ‘ignore him’ route, you can always try asking for his help. Men love to feel useful and valuable to you, even if they ignored you just a few minutes ago.
When you reach out for his help, you let him know that the doors are open for communication and that you still value his input n in your life.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to ask him about work-related stuff (if you are in the same line of work) or request his help to fix something in your house. Just ensure that you don’t come off as desperate while requesting his help.
5. Be upfront; “ask”
One thing you can try if he stops giving you attention is to be upfront about it. Here, you’re not beating about the bush. However, you check up on him and find out exactly what went wrong.
You may put a call across or send a text. In any case, being upfront is another way to let him know that he cannot trifle with your feelings and get away without hearing from you. Who knows? He may even take you more seriously when you do this.
6. Ignore his social media presence
To poke the bear, he may even decide that this is an excellent time to be active on social media. So, you may notice that he’s suddenly posting more of himself on Instagram and going live on Facebook to announce something every other day.
One way to get his attention when he ignores you is to overlook his whole social media presence. You can also consider how to stop texting someone who ignores you in such a situation.
This may be difficult initially, but it gets better as time passes. Since this wasn’t the reaction he expected from you, he would get thrown off. With time, he may return to his senses and reach out again.
7. Glow! Be radiant
This works like magic, especially when you have to see yourselves often. For example, you don’t want him to see you looking like trash if you work in the same building.
If he is a narcissist, he may get some kick out of thinking that you’re miserable because he’s been ghosting you.
However, you want to make sure that you look radiant. Take some extra time to dress up in the morning.
Ensure you look dashing. Wear a little extra makeup. Put a little extra sashay in your steps as you walk into your office complex (or wherever you know he’ll be seeing you). Greet people with a big smile on your face.
It is just a matter of time till he comes back!
8. Can you get good with the people that matter to him?
This is a double-edged sword, so you must be cautious while trying to execute this idea. One way to get his attention when he ignores you is to get good with the people he loves.
When you can worm your way into the hearts of his closest friends and leave a good impression on them, rest assured that you have recruited an army of people. They will put in good words for you and help wear down his defenses.
9. Act bored
One way to send the message that you are available to him is to act bored. When your partner ignores you for no reason at all, just let them know for once that you aren’t affected at all.
When a guy senses you are busy (especially when you are hanging out as a group), he may be a bit tense and refuse to reach out. However, when he believes you are bored, he would be more likely to reach out and initiate a conversation.
10. Flaunt your curves
Research has proven that men are visual creatures. They are turned on by what they see.
One way to get and keep a man’s attention is to flaunt your curves. Now, this doesn’t mean you should flash a lot of skin in his face (as this can easily backfire). However, showing off a little bit of your body is one way to pique his interest.
You may have to review your clothing and fashion style to accomplish this!
11. Make eye contact
Making eye contact is another way to attract a guy without talking to him. Making eye contact shows you are open to communication and encourages him to close the gap and talk to you.
Steal glances at him from across the room. This may feel awkward initially, but this technique will work if you use it correctly.
12. Avoid the temptation to be rude
Trying to get his attention when he ignores you can be a daunting task. Your knee-jerk response when he finally reaches out might be to give him a piece of your mind. While that is justifiable, please resist the urge to be rude or flippant.
You may not completely understand what he was battling with and the reasons for his actions. So, you want to give him the space to explain himself without the fear of judgment.
If you push back against him when he tries to reach out, he may run away and never come back.
13. Try a different form of communication
What if the challenge is just that you have been trying to communicate in a way that he considers stressful? For example, you have been trying to text him when he prefers phone calls or social media chats.
When you try a different form of communication, you may get him to open up and tell you what he likes. Then again, this comes back to what we already said about “talking things through.”
If you aren’t open to having this talk, how will you know what he is really into?
14. Stop trying to cater to his needs
This especially applies to you if you are just beginning to hang out. If both of you just started seeing each other and you have already started hovering over him like a mother, this could be driving him insane.
Sometimes, being too available and understanding may backfire. A man needs to know that he won’t always get a yes from you. When you do this, you let him know that you also have a life to live.
15. Know when to step away
If you are still unable to get his attention when he ignores you (even after trying these 14 tips we have already discussed), that could be the final sign that it wasn’t meant to be.
At this point, the only logical thing you can do is accept that it wasn’t meant to be and move on with your life. You can’t spend an indefinite time trying to court a man’s attention.
When you have tried everything we have already said (to no avail), accept that it wasn’t meant to be and move on with your life.
It may be hard, but it is worth it.
Here’s a helpful video on how to break up with someone:
16. Maintain eye contact
Maintaining eye contact is a powerful non-verbal way to connect with someone who is ignoring you. When you engage in a conversation, looking into their eyes conveys confidence, interest, and sincerity.
It shows that you are fully present at the moment and genuinely interested in what they have to say. However, it’s essential to strike a balance; don’t overdo it and make them uncomfortable.
Natural and intermittent eye contact during a conversation can go a long way in getting their attention and making a positive impression.
17. Respect boundaries
Respecting boundaries is crucial when trying to regain someone’s attention. If they are ignoring you, it might be because they need space or time to themselves. Pushing too hard or invading their personal boundaries can have the opposite effect and push them further away.
According to Christiana Njoku, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Relationship Coach
A relationship without boundaries is bound to take and accept anything, even when it is not convenient for both parties in the relationship- create boundaries and respect each other’s privacy.
To respect their boundaries, give them the freedom to decide when they are ready to engage again. Avoid bombarding them with messages or invading their personal space unless they indicate they are open to reconnecting. Demonstrating respect for their comfort level will increase the chances of rebuilding a positive connection.
How to deal with a guy who ignores you: 7 ways
Dealing with a guy who ignores you can be confusing and frustrating. Here are 7 simple ways to navigate this situation
- Give him space: Sometimes, people need time to sort out their feelings or issues. Respect his need for space and avoid constantly reaching out.
- Initiate a conversation: If it’s appropriate, calmly express your feelings and ask if everything is okay. Open communication can help clear up any misunderstandings.
- Stay positive: Maintain a positive attitude when dealing with him. Positivity can be contagious and may eventually draw him back.
- Focus on yourself: Invest in self-care and your own interests. This not only boosts your confidence but also keeps you occupied.
- Engage in group activities: Participate in group outings or events where you both might be present. This can provide a casual opportunity to reconnect.
- Be patient: Sometimes, people need time to process their thoughts and emotions. Give him the time he needs without rushing things.
- Respect your worth: Remember your own value and self-worth. Don’t let someone’s actions make you doubt your importance.
Commonly asked questions
Dealing with someone who’s ignoring you can be challenging. Here are answers to some common questions about handling this situation
What to say to your man when he ignores you?
When your man ignores you, approach the situation with understanding. Send a message or talk to him calmly, expressing your concern and a desire to understand what might be bothering him.
Is he trying to get my attention by ignoring me?
Ignoring someone as a means to get their attention is a passive-aggressive and ineffective communication strategy. While it’s possible that he’s seeking attention, it’s not a healthy or productive way to address concerns or needs in a relationship.
Should I ignore a guy who ignores me?
Ignoring someone who ignores you can create a cycle of miscommunication and frustration. Instead, consider addressing the issue directly by expressing your feelings and desire for communication.
What to text him when he ignores you?
When texting someone who is ignoring you, send a compassionate message expressing your concern. Let him know that you’re willing to talk and resolve any issues when he’s ready.
What should I do when my boyfriend ignores me?
If your boyfriend is ignoring you, give him some space, as he might need time to process his feelings or thoughts. However, it’s crucial to express your feelings and the desire to talk when the time is right.
The future of your relationship is in your hands
Knowing how to get his attention when he ignores you can be an integral part of building a solid and healthy relationship. When you know what to do to get his eyes on you again, your relationship will be exciting.
Christiana Njoku also noted that
Being intentional about making your relationship work, even at a time when he is ignoring you, shows you are committed to having a healthy relationship.
This article has covered a few things you can do to get back his attention. Try them out and watch what happens. Then again, if it is evident that he doesn’t want to give you his time or attention, you should know when to cut your losses and walk away.
What is the best tip to impress your crush?

Anne Duvaux
Expert Answer
The sad truth is that the more we try to impress someone, the chances are we'll end up pushing them away because we can come across as needy or pushy. Instead of trying to impress them, the aim should be to try to connect on a deeper level.
Communication comes in many forms and it can often be ego-led in the sense that deep down, we want to be with the other person to suit our needs. That's when we come across as pushy. The art is to let go of the ego momentarily in order to empty the mind so you can truly listen to the other person. This isn't about thinking of what to say next, it's about being curious to learn what it is like to be the other person. You demonstrate that by asking questions and showing you have shared common interests.
It's also about being grounded in yourself as well as being content with who you are. The more at ease you are with yourself, the more you naturally attract people because they feel good around you. Essentially, focus on thoughtfulness, compassion and on simply being there for them.
Although, don't forget that you need to be able to have those qualities for yourself first. We treat people the way we treat ourselves and people can sense that subconsciously which is why we attract people based on our habits of mind. So, make sure you know who you are and be yourself with self-compassion. The rest will naturally follow.
Should I ignore him if he is ignoring me, too?

Anne Duvaux
Expert Answer
Whilst our minds crave simplicity, life is not a simple black-and-white show or a yes and no experience. Moreover, events don't happen in isolation but are created by past events. In other words, you are now in this situation because of something that was said, done, seen, or heard. Part of the dilemma is to reflect on what has caused him to ignore you and what role you played in the dynamic. The other part is to accept that we cannot control someone else's response and so we can only act in ways that we believe are right. To answer that question, ask yourself if there is anything you need to make amends for. If there isn't, then perhaps giving him space is the best approach because we also can't force someone to talk to us. It's worth checking in with ourselves where our actions come from, though, and if they come from a place of anger or compassion. If you discover anger within yourself, perhaps explore what this means for you and what internal healing you also need so that you, too, can move forward.
How should I approach my boyfriend after he's been ignoring me and my messages?

Christiana Njoku
Licensed Professional Counselor
Expert Answer
Stay calm and non-accusatory when approaching your boyfriend after being ignored. Choose a good time to talk in person or over the phone, not text. Start with a gentle, open-ended question like, "Hey, I've noticed you've been distant lately. Is everything okay?" or "I feel like we haven't connected in a while. What's going on?" Listen attentively to his response. If he apologizes and explains, work together to resolve the issue. If he dismisses or ignores you again, reassess the relationship's health. Prioritize your emotional well-being and consider seeking support from friends, family, or counseling if needed.
How can I get my crush's attention in a subtle way?

Christiana Njoku
Licensed Professional Counselor
Expert Answer
You want to get the attention of your crush in a subtle way? Then, you have to be yourself! Look out for and be a part of the things they are interested in, be open to having conversations with them and when you do, put up a smile and make eye contact when you are around them. You can also look out for ways to be supportive, where necessary, as these small acts show you care without being pushy. You need not fake it! Be yourself around them and be friendly. You should understand that building a connection takes time, so let things unfold naturally.
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