5 Best Ways to Attract Women and Be Irresistible
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Even after centuries of existence, we still fail short of unraveling what it takes to attract a woman. The funny thing, however, is how to attract women is not as complicated as it seems.
Guys often get stressed out when looking for the perfect line to say to a girl. But what if you found out that you can attract women without talking to them; this will help in decreasing the pressure and impressing the girl as well.
Knowing that a woman is already impressed by you even before uttering a word brings an immense amount of confidence that you can use to build a relationship with the woman you like.
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How to attract women: 5 ways
So if you want to take some pressure off of talking to women and want to attract them as well, then keep on reading these tips on what attracts women to men mentioned below:
1. Eye contact
So, what attracts women? The easiest way of attracting women is by making eye contact with them. When you get locked in an eye contact match with a woman, try to give them a smile; this makes the girl be comfortable with you.
Various research has shown how making eye contact impacts the actions of others around you, especially in building an unspoken attraction.
A warm smile has similar connotations; smiling brings positivity and happiness. This helps you to instantly bond with the people around you. Smiling is a very powerful medium that people tend to ignore.
Holding eye contact shows that you are confident, and a warm smile shows that you are a friendly guy.
Both of these attributes are important when attracting a woman. Now maintaining confident eye contact can be difficult if you are nervous, so to ease yourself up, you can do two things.
First, make eye contact and take a deep breath- this will help you relax. Second, make your contact warm and inviting by smiling with your eyes.
Don’t be shy, and most importantly, know when to break away so as not to seem desperate or creepy.
Also watch: How To Attract Girls Without Saying ANYTHING
2. Social proof
Humans are socially compliant, and thus our actions and preferences are influenced by what we witness in our social surroundings.
Social influence on what is good, what is bad, what is attractive, what is repulsive, etc., are only some examples of how we are affected by our social presence.
But how is this relevant to what a woman wants or how to make a woman want you?
Just like many other people around her, she would be swayed by what is considered attractive. What you need to do here is utilize this to your advantage.
If you surround yourself with women that are attractive, even if they are only your colleagues, then other girls will start to wonder what makes these women stand with you.
This will make them curious and interested in you, so without talking, you may have automatically attracted other women present in the venue.
3. Non-verbal banter
Now, this part may seem childish to you, but it is another best way to attract a woman.
If you are constantly making eye contact with a single woman in the room and want to take things up a notch, then simply make a silly face.
The idea here is to turn playful banter into flirting indirectly. Making a silly but humorous expression is what attracts a woman to a man physically and is bound to break any ice between the two of you.
Non-verbal banter will make her laugh and be more likely to come over to you and start a conversation. Remember, once she smiles, then starting a conversation will become very easy.
According to Grady Shumway, a licensed mental health counselor:
Using non-verbal banter, like making a silly face, can be a playful way to initiate flirting with a woman. It can break the ice and make her laugh, making it easier to start a conversation and establish a connection.
4. Attract them with your appearance
Your physical appearance has a lot to do with how people perceive you and is an essential factor in female attraction.
Not that you should not express yourself as who you truly are, but you can always improve on the presentation.
First impressions do matter, and if you want women to notice you, then you will have to dress well.
Women judge a man by the way they dress; if you are wearing skinny jeans that are ripped in places, then you may easily lose your chance of attracting a woman.
If you want to get a classy girl, then make sure you are dressed in a classy manner, maybe in a good ole’ Levi jeans and in a good shirt.
What women want from men is not to change them but to reveal themselves in their best possible version, and if you are what she is looking for, then dressing well would only make it easier for you to impress her.
Avoid wearing shirts that have slogans such as “Let’s save water by showering together. Look clean and hygienic; keep your shoes clean, nails trimmed, and clothes pressed; this will surely help in attracting the girl you like.
5. Body language
Looking for non-verbal ways to attract women? Then chasing women is not an option. Well, it is about time you took a hard look at your body language.
Body language is another aspect of a person’s appearance. However, due to the extent of its significance and complexities, it requires a lot of attention.
Women can easily tell a lot by simply looking at your body language. If you want to be confident when attracting a woman, then make sure your body language is on point.
To appear confident try to stand tall; stand as if there is a string attached to your spine onto your head.
Keep your shoulders pushed back and remain relaxed. Take deep breaths and put a smile on your face. Avoid moving excessively, and do not fidget. Having a grip over your body language can make you look attractive.
The best way to attract women is to try to make them chase you; this is the number one tip on how to be attractive to women.
All you have to do is focus on having a good time, enjoy your night out, and keep a smile on your face; this will make a woman chase you and want to join in on the fun.
Just as Grady Shumway explains:
Your body language plays a crucial role in attracting women. Standing tall with relaxed shoulders, maintaining eye contact, and a genuine smile can convey confidence and make you more attractive.
Avoid excessive movements or fidgeting, as these can signal nervousness. Enjoying yourself and radiating positivity can naturally draw women toward you, making them eager to join in the fun.
Physical signs a woman is interested in you
There are many things that can indicate to a man whether or not a woman is interested in him. However, there are certain physical signs that can be a strong indication of attraction.
- Eyebrow arching when looking at you
- Standing close to you or touching you when talking to you
- Blushing around you or when you talk to her
- Leaning towards you while talking or looking at you
- Maintaining eye contact with you (don’t stare though!)
- Touching your hair (or touching any body part really)
So, these are the signs to look out for if you want to know if a woman is interested in you or not. Also, couples counseling may be the best way to deal with someone who is struggling with their feelings for you. If all else fails, maybe you’re better off talking to her about it directly. Good luck!
Related Read: 20 Signs of Attraction From a Man
What attracts ladies most?
So, what do ladies like the most? Is it a tall guy with an athletic body? Or maybe a guy with a great sense of humor? Maybe it’s a man who is considerate and takes care of her.
Whatever it may be, keep in mind that there are several things that women look for in a man.
Related Read: 20 Qualities a Woman Wants in a Man
In summary, how to attract women doesn’t have to be a mystery.
There are many different ways that a woman can show her interest in a man. If she appears to be flirting with you, you may just want to approach her and see what happens. Let her know you are interested and willing to get to know each other better.
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