How to Get Over Your Twin Flame: 15 Helpful Ways

Have you ever felt trapped in the intense emotions of a twin flame relationship, only to realize you need to move on? It’s a special and powerful connection that can leave you feeling confused and unsure about what comes next.
How do you let go of someone who once felt like your other half? What can you do to heal and find peace? These are common questions when the bond with a twin flame becomes too painful.
Knowing how to get over your twin flame and finding ways to handle this tough journey is vital for finding happiness and moving forward with your life.
What is a twin flame?
A twin flame is a type of soulmate you may encounter in your life. In some cases, a person may have a relationship with their twin flame, but it doesn’t always last.
It may be because a twin flame is thought to be the other portion of your soul. In other words, they may be a lot like you but with mirrored traits.
In many relationships, twin flames have a great bond that sours over time. This is known as twin flame separation. So, now that you know the meaning of twin flame let’s understand why it’s essential to forget about them.
Why would you want to forget about your twin flame?
You might want to forget about your twin flame once you have decided that ending a twin flame relationship is the right call.
Since these types of relationships are thought to involve two people with the same soul, this can be challenging if you aren’t on the same page concerning what you want out of the pairing.
If it becomes clear that they are not ready to have a long-lasting relationship with you, it may be necessary to find out how to break a twin-flame connection.
Can you forget about your twin flame?
Chances are, you can never entirely forget about your twin flame. However, you may be able to work through any twin flame resentment that you have experienced. In some relationships, the similarities between the parties may be the exact reason why the couple must separate.
Essentially, if one party is insecure, this may mean the other one is as well. Your issues could become magnified since you are experiencing similar issues. Furthermore, this might lead to twin soul separation pain since you have likely considered that your relationship isn’t built to last.
15 ways to forget your twin flame
When you are doing your best to let go of your twin flame, these ways to forget them may come in handy. Consider them the best advice when you need to make a change, work on yourself, and learn how to forget your twin flame.
1. Experience the pain
After breaking up with a twin flame, you might need to feel some of the pain. As with any relationship, it will take time and energy to feel like yourself again.
Remember, this is not a process that can be rushed. You will need to cry when necessary and feel down when required.
However, you won’t always feel upset about the end of this relationship. Once enough time passes, you may feel better about what you learned while dating your twin flame and might have learned some things about yourself.
Continue to do your best when it comes to learning how to move on from a twin flame, and you may be able to think about what you want out of your next relationship.
2. Learn to love yourself
As you work through your twin flame separation healing, you may wish to learn how to love yourself better. The interactions you had with your twin flame might have caused you to be in your head and overthink many of your decisions.
Instead, you should focus on loving yourself and understanding that you aren’t perfect. Of course, no one expects you to be either, so this is important to note as well.
3. Pay attention to your actions
When getting over a twin flame, you may start to think about all the events in your relationship. You might also begin to consider all your decisions and how you acted. While this is okay, your time may be better spent working on your actions in the present and future.
You cannot change the past, but you can handle situations differently moving forward. Keep this in mind as you figure out how to get over a twin flame.
Research shows that in emerging adulthood, control over initiating a breakup at age 22 predicted increased internalizing symptoms and autonomy-undermining interactions with new partners at ages 23-25. A greater understanding of breakup reasons predicted lower internalizing symptoms, decreased romantic conflict, increased relationship satisfaction, and improved intimate relationship competence.
4. Change your behaviors
In addition to changing how you handle situations, you may want to change your behaviors as well. This could be how you interact with others or your routine.
After you have experienced twin flame cord-cutting, you might wish to change everything you have been doing. You can begin by eating things you like, going to places you want to go, and engaging in activities that you enjoy.
If you don’t know what you like, this is a great time to discover it.
5. Stay busy
If you want to know some of the best advice on how to stop thinking about a twin flame, the answer is to stay busy.
While you may need some time to yourself right after a breakup, once you start to feel a bit better, this allows you to get busy.
Consider taking a class, learning a skill, or even taking up a hobby. If there is something you have always wanted to try, it will likely take your mind off of your ex.
On the other hand, you may also want to stay busy with more work or projects. It is up to you to decide what will be beneficial for your healing.
6. Lean on your support system
It can be challenging to understand how to get over your twin flame, and you might not need to figure this out alone. Go ahead and lean on your support system to help you get through the end of your relationship.
Avoid staying lonely, as isolating yourself can lead to physical and mental health problems. Staying social when you can is a good reason to do so. If you want your good friend’s opinion on the breakup or you need a loved one’s advice, reach out to them.
Research found that personal growth post-breakup in emerging adults is negatively correlated with depression and anxiety and positively correlated with social support. Knowing the reasons for the breakup and having a prospective new partner were linked to lower stress. Significant differences in depression, anxiety, stress, and personal growth were observed based on the relationship status of participants.
You can choose how you want to interact with them. Perhaps you want to speak by phone first. Once you feel better and have healed, hanging out with your friends may feel more natural. Take your time since they will likely understand.
7. Limit social media use
It can be helpful to limit your social media use after you have experienced a twin flame disconnect.
It can come in handy if you can see their content on your social media sites, but it can also be helpful because looking at social media pages can cause you additional anxiety.
It could be because people generally post content that indicates they are happy, with pictures of their loving families and partners.
In other words, social media content may be precisely the type of thing you want to avoid when you are trying to heal after the end of a relationship.
Dr. Jenni Jacobsen, PhD in Psychology, explains:
Comparing yourself to others on social media can be damaging to mental health, especially if it seems like everyone else is doing better than you are.
8. Learn from your relationship
When you think about how your relationship concluded, this may provide insight into twin flame separation ending signs. Concentrating on this aspect of your breakup might help you in the future.
Although you are unlikely to have another twin flame relationship, it can tell you when a relationship is right for you and when it may not work out. Moreover, you may be better equipped to understand the warning signs if some pop up.
9. Take it one day at a time
Again, there are no shortcuts to understanding how to get over your twin flame. This means it may take a while to feel better or be ready to date again, but you don’t have to rush yourself.
Just take it a day at a time, and you may end up feeling better tomorrow. Be sure to do something for yourself each day, even if it is something as simple as eating your favorite cereal or sleeping in a few hours on the weekends.
10. Seek therapy
If you are unsure of how to release your twin flame, it may be necessary to seek therapy. A therapist will be able to offer you advice on getting over a breakup, but they can also help you understand the feelings that you are experiencing.
Additionally, a counselor should be able to help you change your behaviors or way of thinking in certain situations. This is a type of therapy known as cognitive behavioral therapy.
If you are experiencing this issue, it could allow you to stop thinking negative things about yourself. You may also learn how to make better decisions for yourself in the future.
Overall, a therapist might help you with any problem you are facing that you would like to overcome.
11. Keep growing
As you begin to heal and find out more about how to get over your twin flame, you should keep growing as a person. If you decide you want to work with a therapist, this is one place you may start.
You might also consider your whole life when trying to better yourself or your situation. If you have goals you would like to meet, think about working toward them. A beneficial way to do this is to break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps that are easier to reach.
12. Work on your health
Another way you may choose to work on yourself is by addressing your health. You can start exercising, watching what you eat, and getting the proper amount of sleep each night. You may need to work on at least one of these aspects of your life, and this is okay.
If you don’t see a doctor regularly, this may be something else to consider.
When you do, you will be able to ensure that you are staying healthy and address any concerns right away if you are sick or need medical care. This can also allow you to work through how to get over your twin flame.
13. Establish boundaries
Setting boundaries is crucial when trying to move on from a twin-flame relationship. This includes limiting or cutting off contact with your ex-partner to prevent rehashing old wounds. Boundaries also apply to your thoughts and actions.
For instance, avoid visiting places that remind you of your twin flame or engaging in activities that make you think of them. Establishing these limits can help you create a safe space for healing and growth.
14. Rediscover your passions
Engaging in hobbies and activities you love can be a great distraction and a way to rediscover yourself.
Whether it’s painting, hiking, cooking, or reading, immersing yourself in activities that bring you joy can help shift your focus from the past to the present. This can also be an opportunity to explore new interests and find new passions, further helping you to move on and enjoy life.
Watch this TED Talk where career coach Ashley Stahl talks about how to figure out what you really want:
15. Practice mindfulness and meditation
Mindfulness and meditation can be effective tools for managing emotions and reducing stress. These practices encourage you to focus on the present moment, which can help prevent you from dwelling on past hurts or future anxieties.
Incorporating mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine can promote a sense of calm and clarity, aiding your emotional healing process.
Moving on from twin flame separation
Once you have separated from your twin flame, it is time to leave the relationship. The separation process is a period that lets you know that your partnership may not last.
Instead of getting hurt, you need to determine what you want. If you want to stop dating your twin flame, you must let them know. Don’t delay the inevitable. There’s a chance that you may become romantically involved again when you are both ready.
What happens when you leave your twin flame?
When you leave your twin flame, you must begin the process of getting over a breakup. This may feel similar to other relationships you have had, but it may be more decisive.
After all, if you were dating your twin flame, your feelings for them may be more potent than with other partners. This is why you need to take the time to understand better how to get over your twin flame, considering it may be a lengthy and painful journey.
When dealing with the end of a twin flame relationship, it’s common to have many questions about the best ways to move forward. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions that can help guide you through this challenging time.
How do you completely forget about your twin flame?
Due to the intense bond, completely forgetting about a twin flame can be difficult. Focus on self-care, engage in activities you enjoy, and limit reminders of them. Seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can also aid in the healing process, helping you create new, positive memories.
How do you detach from your twin flame?
Detaching from your twin flame involves setting firm boundaries and reducing or eliminating contact. Engage in activities that promote self-growth and mindfulness. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and loved ones who can offer encouragement and understanding as you manage this transition.
How to fully let go of twin flames?
Fully letting go of twin flames requires accepting the end of the relationship and focusing on self-discovery. Practice mindfulness and engage in hobbies or new interests. Seek professional help if needed to process your emotions and develop healthier patterns of thinking and behavior.
How do twin flames usually end?
Twin flame relationships often end when both individuals have learned the lessons the relationship was meant to teach. This can happen due to personal growth, emotional healing, or differences becoming too challenging to overcome. The ending can be painful but can also lead to significant personal development and new beginnings.
Final thoughts
Forgetting your twin flame and moving on may be easier said than done, and it could take longer than you expect. Remember that there are plenty of ways to get over this type of breakup, though.
Perhaps one of the best ways is to seek therapy. A therapist will be able to talk to you about how you are feeling.
They might be able to help you change how you are thinking about your twin flame, especially if you are beating yourself up about the separation or blaming yourself for issues.
Take your time and work on yourself in the meantime. While you may never be able to forget your twin flame entirely, this doesn’t mean that you can’t get over your relationship with them.
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