14 Commandments – Funny Advice for the Groom

Everybody agrees that laughter is the best medicine and there should be some humor in marriage to ensure a long and happy marital life. Humor in marriage ensures not only physical health but also promotes marital health. It might sound weird to some grooms, but a happy marriage results in a lifetime of fulfilment, love, and companionship.
Marriage is funny business
Marriage is a beautiful, fun, messy, solemn, and trying place to be. When you find your soulmate, that special someone without whom you can’t imagine living, you need to work very hard to keep your bond healthy and strong.
Most marriage advice tends to be resolute and serious as building and spending your life with one person is serious business, but like everything else in life, there is a humorous and lighthearted side to marriage. The advice given in a funny way is more likely to work better and stick to the mind than one given in an austere way.
Essential tips for a happy married life
Commitment is a big step for a man and to make a marriage work the groom has to make an extra effort. Everyone appreciates a little humor and especially in marriage the more lighthearted, the better.
Below is some funny advice for the groom to keep the marriage in perspective:
1. Two important phrases that a groom must include in his vocabulary – ‘I understand’ and ‘You’re right.’
2. An important, funny advice for the groom is to say ‘yes’ more often. Agree with your wife to make it seem that she is right most of the time.
3. If you want to go out to a party or for dinner lie to her about the time. Always give yourself a 30 to 45-minute safety window. This will ensure that your wife will look amazing and you will reach the party on time.
4. Women lie. Whenever she says something about your friends and family don’t listen to her words, listen for the nuances. If she says that you can go out with your friends every week or that you can have your parents over for Sunday brunch every week, she is probably lying.
5. This funny advice for the groom will nip many disagreements in the bud. Never tell your wife about a gift that you almost got her. Get her a gift and surprise her.
6. Don’t expect dinner when you get home. This is the 21st century where women are not solely responsible for preparing dinner.
7. Another funny advice for the groom is that if you want your wife to listen to what you are saying then talk to another woman. She is definitely going to pay attention to you.
8. If she cries then sometimes let her. She needs it!
9. Be prepared to change diapers and sing lullabies in the middle of the night when the kids come along. Just because your wife gave birth to them don’t expect her to take sole responsibility.
10. Find ways to show her that you love her that doesn’t involve sex.
11.This funny advice for the groom should not be forgotten as it will help him lead a peaceful married life for many years. Admit when you are wrong but say nothing when you are right. Don’t gloat in front of your wife when you prove her wrong.
12. Never joke about sensitive issues such as her weight, work, friends, or family. She may not find them funny and get hurt by your insensitivity.
13. Compliment your wife often. Tell her how great she looks in a dress or praise her when she has made something special for dinner.
14. If you do have a fight, go to bed angry. Don’t stay up all night fighting. You can start in the morning when you are fresh and recharged.
Marriage is not something to be afraid of
Don’t be afraid of getting married. If you find a good wife, you can have a happy life, and if you don’t, then you will become a philosopher. But jokes aside, marriage is a beautiful institution. You can’t learn how to make your marriage a happy one from formulas or textbooks. You can learn as you go along by keeping in mind the likes and dislikes and the nature of your spouse. Talk to your wife. Treat her as a dear and respected friend.
Remember, before marriage, you were prepared to lay down your life for her. Now, the least you can do is put your phone aside and have a conversation with her. Take her out for dinner. Don’t think that after marriage date night is a thing of the past. Follow this funny advice for the groom, and you will surely have a happy marriage.
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