Good First Date Ideas to Impress Her

A lot of lifelong relationships or hot flings started with an excellent first date. But getting that first date is a challenge for a lot of guys. Once that hurdle is over, The next problem is to impress the girl during your first date. If you have good ideas for a first date, you’ve already won half the battle.
The moment she agrees to go out for that first date, she told you that she likes you, or at the very least you’re interesting enough to check out. If you exceed her expectations, then you can expect more than just a kiss at the end of the first date.
But what are good first date ideas? A movie and dinner date is too dull for most modern women. It’s traditional and one of the good date ideas that won’t go wrong if you’re in high school. If you’re already past that phase, then your going to have to step up your game.
1. Know thy enemy and know thyself
Love, war, and business are the most cut-throat activities known to man. One of the keys to victory in any of them is knowing yourself and the other party. If the girl likes to be free as a bird and you thought that sky diving on your first date is a good idea. It’s fantastic until you remember you’re afraid of heights and wouldn’t stop puking on the plane.
If you want to keep it simple, there’s something both a man and a woman can easily find common ground, food. However, not just any food. Find out what kind of food she likes and match it with what you want, then you will have an enjoyable first date activity.
There are thousands of different cultures there with their cuisine, find a small highly recommended restaurant that specializes in authentic [insert common interest here]. If you can’t find common ground, then you’re going to have a rocky relationship.
Match up your interests. If you both like the outdoors, then your first date doesn’t have to be a night out in the city. A long walk and picnic on a mountain trail will be a good first date idea.
If you both love cars, then places like this would be a blast. If both of you are introverted types whose idea of a good time is a book and a couch, then this mystery escape room will guarantee to hit your inner creative muse.
2. Reserve an activity for a quiet intimate talk
Good first date ideas for couples or somewhat hopeful partners should involve an activity to talk and get to know each other more. A night at a noisy bar and dance floor are fun, but it won’t be intimate enough to develop deeper feelings (unless…). This is why the dinner part is essential on a date. Discussing life in general over a nice meal tells a lot about a person.
Make sure your date involves a quiet time to talk. If it ends abruptly without getting to that point, then you missed your best chance to know more about the girl your dating. The more you know, the more likely you will be in a healthy relationship.
If you are lucky enough to end your first date in a breakfast cafe, then that’s what you are, lucky. Then again, you could be a skilled womanizer and know how to steer first dates to end that way. However, if you are serious about the person you’re dating, think about starting slow, like meet early in the afternoon in a coffee shop before going on a night out, or eat dinner somewhere quiet.
If you decided to eat dinner somewhere noisy such as a Karaoke bar, then make sure to end the night with a quiet and intimate activity such as a walk in the beach/park. Remember all good date night ideas always end up with both of you liking each other more after your first date.
3. The best foot forward -but wait, there’s more
Another important thing about first dates is to make a good impression. Putting your best foot forward is a good idea for a first date, but make sure she looks forward to seeing more of you. Getting a second date is one of the goals of any serious first date courtship.
Another good first date idea is not just the venue, but the experience. So other than thinking about the good first ideas on where to go, also think about what to do. So as a man, take the lead, there may be things she has never done, but curious to do (Don’t think dirty.. not yet).
Here is a list of things that she may have never tried and wanted to see.
1. Watch a Sports game
It doesn’t matter if it’s basketball, football, baseball, or hockey. If she is interested in the sport in some way, try to see if she will enjoy watching a game.
2. Visit a Casino
It may sound lavish and expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. There are low stakes tables for the everyday Joe in a Casino. You don’t have to take the game seriously, enjoy the experience.
3. Join a Beer Crawl or Wine Tasting tour.
The concept is the same, you and your date join a tour group that visits places that make wine or beer. Learn more about small craft beer brewers and the wine industry and then taste test the products.
4. Join a Ghost Hunting Tour
The Haunted house is always the best attraction for couples in fairs and festivals. But everyone knows it’s a high school setting. A real ghost hunting tour is just the adult version of it.
5. Visit a Pet Adoption Agency
You don’t need to adopt a pet, but agencies would usually allow patrons to come in and play with the animals and feed them. This is great for canine and/or feline-loving first date partners. Word of warning, this first date idea may hurt your feelings.
If you and your partner enjoyed your mini-adventure together, make sure to ask her to try something else again and book your second date before the first one ends. Good first date ideas get you a second date and more.
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