21 Telltale Signs of a False Twin Flame

When you are dating or trying to find an individual that you can enter into a long-term relationship with, there are many types of people that you may meet along the way.
When you get along well with someone, it’s possible that this person could turn out to be your soulmate or just a false twin flame. Here’s how to know if you have met yours and signs to consider.
What is a false twin flame?
A fake twin flame is an individual that you will think is your twin flame but is actually not. A twin flame is someone who has a personality that essentially mirrors your own. You may have some of the same traits, weaknesses, and expectations.
In the case of a false one, an individual will seem like they are compatible with you in the same ways, but once you get to know them better, you could find out that this is not the case.
Is dating your false twin flame unhealthy or toxic?
There’s no reason to think that dating your unauthentic twin flame will be toxic in every situation.
Sometimes you may simply be in a relationship with someone, and they won’t be the right one for you. This doesn’t make this a toxic relationship; it simply means that it will run its course after some time passes.
If you don’t feel that you are being disrespected or abused in a relationship, there’s no reason to think that your pairing is toxic. On the other hand, it may not be as impactful as when you are dating a twin flame.
However, you should still be able to learn from any type of duo you are in if this is important to you.
Do false twin flames look alike?
When it comes to false twin flame characteristics, there’s a chance that your false flame will look like your true twin flame once you meet that person.
Perhaps they have similar features or exhibit some of the same behaviors. This is possible.
The similarities in their appearance may come as a surprise to you, but don’t let these confuse you into overestimating the value of the false twin flame in your life.
21 sure signs you’ve met your false twin flame
Understanding the signs of a false twin flame can save you from wasting your time on someone who does not positively contribute to your life.
Here are some false twin flame signs to watch out for when you are in a relationship with someone that you feel may not be your true twin flame but you want to know for sure.
1. They won’t have a serious relationship with you
One of the false twin flame symptoms to look out for, which may be the most obvious to you, is that you won’t have a serious relationship with them.
No matter how hard you try, you may find that it is difficult to get them to be serious about you and make plans for the future.
2. They have stipulations on their love
Something else that may be considered a sign of a false twin flame is that they love you, but there are strings involved. It isn’t the type of love where you might be able to make a mistake and still be loved.
You may feel like there are things you can do that will push them away completely.
3. They leave your life abruptly
You may meet this person in your life suddenly, and they might leave your life just as abruptly as they entered it. This indicates that they didn’t intend to stick around very long, although this could cause you heartache when this occurs.
Of course, it will take some time when you’re moving on from false twin flame relationships, but you may end up feeling wiser after you get over this person.
4. Conversations are shallow
In some situations, you may notice that the conversations you are having with your partner are shallow. There’s no way to get them to open up about their hopes and dreams, which may give you a clear indication that they are not the right one for you.
Related Reading: https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/questions-to-ask-your-twin-flame/
5. You don’t feel right around them
Signs of a false twin flame include feeling like something isn’t right about the person you are dating.
Even though you may not be able to determine what is bothering you about them, it could make you feel uncomfortable when you are around them.
Furthermore, they might cause you to feel bad about yourself as well. This is not something that you should endure long-term since you need to take care of your wellness in any relationship.
6. You are unsure of their feelings about you
You might not be aware of the feelings this person has about you. This could cause you to become upset since you don’t know if they are serious about your relationship or not.
When they won’t tell you how they feel, and they also don’t show you how special you are to them, this is unlikely to be a person that you want to continue to date in the long run.
Related Reading: https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/twin-flame-separation-ending-signs/
7. You feel them slipping away
For some relationships, it could be easy to notice when your partner is slipping away from you. They may stop seeing you regularly or move their things out of your house.
If you fear that this is happening in your partnership, you may want to check out further articles on cutting cords with a false twin flame and what steps you need to take to do so.
8. They make you remember bad times
Anytime you find yourself in a relationship with a false twin flame, this could cause you to remember bad times or trauma that you have experienced. This may indicate that you have post-traumatic relationship syndrome and could result in you seeking therapy to get over this type of relationship.
Even if you don’t exhibit symptoms of this syndrome, you may have been affected by your mate.
If your partner makes you feel like your mental health is suffering, you should determine what you want to do, such as ending the relationship or taking some time for yourself.
Overall, it probably isn’t a good idea to date someone who brings up old trauma for you, even when they aren’t the person who caused it. It may lead to resentment or other harsh feelings about them.
9. You are giving more than they are
One-sided relationships are something that may be problematic in a number of different ways. For example, you may be providing your mate with all the support they need and require while you aren’t getting any support in return.
The unevenness in the relationship could cause you to feel like you aren’t loved or cared about and may also lead to you feeling depressed or unwanted. These are unlikely to be things that you desire out of a relationship.
Check out this video by Dating Advice Expert Matthew Hussey to understand what happens when you give too much in relationships:
10. They aren’t helping you grow
You might be trying to understand more about how to get rid of a false twin flame when your mate isn’t helping you grow at all.
Your false twin flame might be holding you back from meeting your goals, or they could be informing you that the dreams that you have that you are trying to reach are not achievable. Either way, this is probably not someone you can have a productive relationship with.
11. You don’t think they are the one
There may be certain indications in your mind that you can point to that tell you that this person is not the one for you. In fact, you may actually consider someone else you know to be a better fit for you once you are dating a false flame.
Think about what your options are and what you want to do about your current relationship if this is the case for you.
12. They don’t support you
One of the many false twin flame stages you may notice is when they don’t support you.
When you first met them, they may have made you feel like they were your soul mate, but after some time, you could start to note that they don’t believe in you or offer kind words when you have a bad day.
There’s no reason that you have to continue in a relationship like this if you are unhappy and want a change.
Related Reading: https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/twin-flame-reunion-signs/
13. You may find you hide things from them
Do you keep things from your partner, even though you aren’t quite sure why? This could be because you aren’t convinced about whether they are trustworthy or not.
It can be difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with someone if the relationship lacks trust. Keep this in mind when you are thinking about yours, and take some time to determine why you may not trust them.
Perhaps they haven’t been open with you, are not willing to share details about their life, or exhibit behaviors that are concerning to you.
14. They might cause you emotional distress
Yet another reason ‘how you can know that you are in a relationship with a false flame’ is that they may cause you to feel stress or anxiety. This is something that could impact your health, sleep schedule, or even your ability to eat and get through your routine.
If you feel like your mate is impacting your entire life and not in a productive way, this should be a cause for concern.
15. You don’t overcome things together
Have you found that you are not able to overcome problems or obstacles with your partner? This is an indication that they are not a type of soulmate for you.
When you find someone that you are meant to be with, it may be easier to work through problems, come up with solutions, and get things done together.
Your twin flame will probably notice when you need help and be able and willing to pick up the slack. Consider if your partner does this for you.
16. You forget what you like about them
No matter where you are in the timeline of your relationship, it may be difficult for you to remember what you liked about your partner in the first place.
Remembering things about your partner that you liked is also another way to know that they aren’t your twin flame. If they were, you should be able to list all the attributes they have that you admire and love.
17. They won’t confide in you
Picking out your false flame may also be easier to do when you figure out that they never confide with you on any of their plans, ideas, or thoughts.
It will be hard to have effective communication with another person when they aren’t putting the work into something simple like talking to each other. This is an aspect that you should be aware of when you are determining what you want to do about the relationship.
18. There are no kind words
You might notice that you have never heard your partner say something nice to you.
In many relationships, individuals may exchange compliments or say positive things to each other in order to show that they care and respect one another. In your relationship, this may not be the case and may trouble you, especially if you have other doubts that they are the one for you.
19. You don’t want the same things
Once you are in a relationship with someone who doesn’t want the same things as you, this is something that can certainly end a pairing quickly.
For example, if you want to have kids one day and they don’t, there may not be a compromise that you will be able to meet.
It is a good idea to talk about important things ahead of time, but in the case of a false flame, this may not be possible due to their lack of communication.
20. The relationship isn’t going anywhere
If you have been dating for some time and there has been no improvement in either of your lives, as well as no change in how you interact with each other, this can be a negative thing.
Consider if you are no closer to one another than you were on day one. This is a clear sign that there may be another relationship out there for you that is different from the one that you are in.
21. Intense but short-lived connection
Imagine meeting someone and feeling an instant, powerful connection. It’s like a spark that lights up your life. You talk endlessly, and it feels like you’ve known each other forever.
However, this intensity often fades quickly, leaving you wondering why something that felt so strong couldn’t last. It’s like a shooting star—bright and exciting, but it disappears just as fast. This can be a sign of a false twin flame, as true connections tend to deepen over time.
What happens to the false twin flame?
When it comes to twin flame vs. false twin flame, the false flame may leave your life, and you may never hear from them again.
Your twin flame most likely won’t leave you since it is possible that you will have a lasting or meaningful relationship with this person, even if you don’t end up marrying them.
Can a false twin flame become a real twin flame?
It is unlikely that your false flame will turn into a real flame. There should be a clear distinction between the two, even if they look similar and make you feel the same things, at least at the beginning of your relationship.
Take your time searching for the person that you are meant to be with, and you may be able to feel that they are the right one.
A false flame will only feel like a true flame for a short time, and this is a big distinction between the two that you will likely notice without fail.
What is the purpose of a false twin flame?
There may be a number of reasons why you have met or will meet fake twin flames.
For instance, it might be a relationship that allows you to work on yourself so you will be ready to accept your true twin flame. In other words, you may meet yours so you can grow as a person before you enter into a more serious pairing.
Commonly asked questions
False twin flames can be confusing and challenging to navigate. Let’s address some common questions about them.
How long do false twin flames last?
The intensity of false twin flame connections can vary, but they often fade within a few months to a couple of years as the initial spark diminishes.
How do you get rid of a false twin flame?
To move on from a false twin flame, focus on self-healing and growth. Create distance if necessary, seek support from friends and therapists, and work on building a fulfilling life without them.
Do false twin flames mirror each other?
False twin flames may have some mirroring, but it’s usually less profound and transformative than what’s experienced with a true twin flame. True twin flames mirror each other deeply and trigger profound personal growth.
Seeking the right connection
There are many ways to ascertain that you have met your false twin flame, such as in the ways listed above. While this term seems negative, it doesn’t indicate that this person will hurt you or be a bad mate. At the same time, they might be.
If you suspect that you have met yours, this can be a good thing since it could indicate that you will meet your real twin flame soon.
It is up to you how you want to handle a relationship with a false twin flame and whether you would like to let it play out naturally or cut ties and explore other options you may have.
When you don’t know where else to turn or you need assistance getting over this type of bond, you can always reach out to a therapist for more support.
A therapist should be able to provide additional advice and guidance on this subject. You should also keep an open mind and remember that it may take time to find your twin flame and the person who could be your soulmate.
Take it one day at a time, and be patient.
What happens if I accept my false twin flame back after a break up?

Jennifer Jacobsen Schulz
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Expert Answer
Sometimes, relationships work after a breakup If the person has made changes to allow the relationship to work, things may go fine. However, if you accept them back after a breakup and the relationship is the same as before, you'll likely run into the same problems. What's most important is that you both have grown and are able to commit to a healthy relationship.
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