6 Evergreen Relationship Advice for Men

When we say, ‘Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus,’ we try to bring out the common gender-based differences in approach to life and relationships that people commonly believe. Keeping this view in mind, relationship advice for men has to differ from the advice given to women falling in the same age group.
But, reality paints an entirely different picture.
Men are not much different from their female counterparts. And, a relationship is nothing but a union of two souls – male-female, male-male, or female-female.
So, what applies to men is likely to benefit women as well. Also, the numerous articles on successful relationships tips are written, keeping in mind the needs and expectations of both the partners alike.
Yet, the different roles allocated to men and women by the society have changed our perspectives and expectations. So we have separate relationship advice for men and women.
But, everyone is more than happy to narrate their personal experiences and set of relationship advice; when it’s needed and even when it’s not. But, relationships advice varies in accordance with men relationship problems.
Then again, some relationship tips have worked for many generations. It’s worth repeating them now and then, to make sure they don’t get drowned out by all the new stuff.
In this age of speed and fragmentation, it’s so easy to forget that some things never change.
Before we delve deeper into the relationship advice for men, it is important to understand the role of a man in a relationship.
Also, read – Relationship advice for men to understand what women want
Men and relationship
What is the one primary thing that is expected out of a man in a romantic relationship?
Providing a feeling of protection and building a secured space for his lady-love. And, it is the responsibility of his partner to teach him how to be a confident man in a relationship. But, a man also must understand his woman and express his love through simple gestures such as –
- Compliment her now and then,
- Whisper sweet nothings in her ears while she is busy taking care of household chores,
- Surprise her with small gifts occasionally.
The thing is, you have to invest both your time and attention into making your marriage or relationship work. This is how you can maintain healthy relationship dynamics. The same amount of effort is expected out of your partner as well.
Keeping this view in mind, here are a few healthy relationship advice for men who wish to enjoy a blissful life with their partner.
Best relationship advice for men
Men and women handle different situations differently – we all know that. So, the relationship issues and methods to resolve them are same, but the road to recovery for relationship issues is different.
The best relationship tips for men will guide them to the right pathway, which will eventually lead them to the core of the problem and resolve the issue from the very roots.
Here are some of the best relationship advice for men.
1. Take care of your physical appearance
Lack of sexual interest is one of the biggest reasons why relationships fail.
Obviously, this is something that happens over time – you won’t be together without any interest to begin with, so try to bring back that magic into your life.
2. Stay honest and avoid brutality
Be honest – but not brutal.
You’re not getting any younger, and neither is she. You can expect some physical changes, and they’re not pleasant, but they can be compensated with the intimacy gained over the years, and they can be kept under control if both of you pay proper attention to your bodies.
It has to go both ways.
3. Pay attention to your hands
Women pay really close attention to hands. The reasons behind this is unknown to mankind and science has yet to clarify.
Trim your nails and keep them clean. And, here’s a secret – a bit of moisturizer is not emasculating, you can go ahead and use it without side effects.
Hands, by the way, are a good detail for a bigger general truth – focus on what you can control, it’s not like you’ve stumbled upon the fountain of eternal youth.
This is definitely one of the best relationship advice for men on the list.
4. Be nice around friends & family
While the relationship should be all about the two of you, the reality is that you have to survive surrounded by a lot of people who have a direct impact on your life.
Her friends and relatives are not your enemies. But they can become your enemies if you keep shunning them. So, be nice around them and try to get to know them better. You’re not supposed to love your mother-in-law, but you don’t have to think of her as an ogre, either.
5. Don’t bad-mouth your ex
Bad-mouthing your ex creates a bad impression and speaks volumes about your personality.
However, if you happen to run into your ex, be prepared to make the introductions, and smile happily next to your lady – anything else than being 110% happy will be frowned upon.
6. Spend time together
Let’s be honest about this – the most effective relationship advice for men is the one you already know, i.e, spend more time together.
Find more activities you both enjoy doing – and yes, this means you’ll have to give up on some of the things which only you like. And work together on the chores you don’t normally enjoy, and on the little, boring stuff that happens every day.
Just being together is what builds a relationship.
There is no secret formula for being happy in a relationship, no perfect relationship advice for men or any magic wand to do away your worries instantaneously. You and your partner have to work things out.
Lastly, a small piece of relationship advice for men is – you need to make every genuine attempt to love and stay happy together.
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