20 Signs You’ve Met Your Divine Counterpart

“Love risks everything and asks for nothing.” The 13th-century Persian poet Rumi reminds us that love is about how we are willing to choose and sacrifice.
Love is suffering and desires intertwined. Connecting with a divine counterpart is about knowing that truth. It isn’t about answering your wishes.
What is a divine counterpart?
What is a divine counterpart connection? Hollywood, the media, and popular culture would have us believe that there’s a magical someone out there meant for us, as if by divine intervention. Of course, this is a wonderful concept, but it only damages us through false hope.
As Jungian psychoanalyst and therapist James Hollis describes in one of his books about the Dynamics of Intimate Relationships no one can spare us the burden of healing our wounds. No one out there can magically nurture us and truly understand us.
If you want to understand if the difference between a twin flame and a divine counterpart can solve your loneliness, you’ll only increase your suffering. The problem with these terms is that we apply everyday human thinking to something spiritual that goes beyond words.
Most Eastern mysticism, philosophies, and beliefs discuss connected universal energy. This energy is what the terms divine counterpart vs. twin flame refer to but are often misunderstood. Such energy is a spiritual essence through which we all have and are connected.
Some of today’s neuroscientists, such as Dr. Dan Siegel, are also talking about energy. In his article on brain insights and well-being, he refers to relationships as a connection of energy flow. When we interpret this energy flow as something that belongs to us, we get caught up in unhelpful concepts such as “I can’t live without this other person.”
If, on the other hand, you see this energy as a connection to something greater than yourself, then perhaps you are seeing something divine. Although, what is the divine? No words come close, but perhaps goodness, essence, love, energy, light, and sound are all starting points.
So, are you meeting a divine counterpart who can somehow complement who you are? Alternatively, are you connecting to something deep within yourself that embodies love, compassion, and calm such that you can also sense this in the other person? Then, perhaps two divine souls vibrate together.
How does a divine counterpart appear
What does counterpart mean? Depending on which dictionary you look at, it could mean a copy of something else or when two people perform a similar function or purpose. Essentially, it’s almost as if they’re the same.
Sadly, Jung is often misquoted when explaining a twin flame or divine counterpart. Yes, the psychologist talks about different parts, or archetypes, within us that might awaken corresponding parts in other people. That doesn’t mean that other people make us whole.
Indeed, Plato is also quoted referring to souls separated at birth which can lead you to debate the difference between a twin flame and a divine counterpart.
Nevertheless, as Professor of Philosophy, Ryan Christensen, explains in his article on Plato and Soul Mates, Plato also said that the concept of soul mates is an immature idea. Instead, mature and successful relationships balance the need for individuality with the couple’s needs.
Our quest in life shouldn’t be about finding a divine counterpart. It should be about discovering self-knowledge to open up our souls to the divine within and all around us.
This divine is also what Dr. Richard Schwarz leverages in his Internal Family Systems therapy to allow people to heal from within. His approach is based on Jung’s concepts of archetypes or internal parts and honors the divine within.
Knowing yourself from within can heal and attract other divine souls to achieve fulfilling relationships.
How to tell if a person is your counterpart
Carl Jung emphasized the need for individuation to achieve wholeness and successful relationships. As a counselor explains in her article on individuation, it’s a process where we bring the unconscious to the conscious. In other words, we heal our wounds by tapping into our inner divinity.
Along with his Christian background, Jung was heavily influenced by Eastern beliefs, including Buddhism, Taoism, and Zen. So, for him, individuation, or mature development, was a combination of the mystical, philosophical and spiritual. Through this process, we also become one with the collective consciousness.
Individuation is a tough journey that involves letting go of the ego while honoring its needs. It’s about balancing our inner energies to unblock our past traumas.
You can think of it as integrating the mind with body, the heart with soul, and the light with shadow to transform ourselves.
In Jung’s words, we do this through archetypes, dream symbols, shadow work, and creative play. This allows us to embrace individuality while connecting to a deeper energy or essence.
We learn to identify with our inner-self and how they relate to the universal consciousness. That’s how we connect to the divine. A flame can be an individual or a part of a fire; similarly, we can also be part of larger energy.
Such transformation takes self-knowledge and self-reflection, but you can never look back once it begins. You can see a potential divine counterpart in other people as you heal and become whole.
Those counterparts don’t exist to fill a personal inner hole. Instead, they exist to support all souls to transform. The divine counterpart vs. twin flame is both within and without as we finally see the truth of the majesty of this existence.
Now you open yourself up to deep and fulfilling relationships beyond words.
20 signs you’ve met your divine counterpart
How to know if someone is your divine counterpart? Together, you no longer focus on me, myself, and I.
Instead, you appreciate something more mysterious and universal in every living being around you. We all can support our universal consciousness, but we have to make a choice.
Either we stay stuck in our everyday smallness or strive for self-discovery and growth. As you grow, you get closer to the signs of a divine counterpart. You recognize each other because you vibrate at the same level.
In a divine counterpart relationship, you take responsibility for your wholeness while supporting your partner’s wholeness through these signs:
1. Self-love
While this might sound counterintuitive, the point is, how can we discover true intimacy with someone else if we can’t connect to our inner self? When we doubt ourselves or criticize ourselves, how can we reach out and connect in deep compassion with others?
The way we treat ourselves and show love to ourselves is how we inevitably show love to others. The more you connect to your inner divine self, the more you connect to the divinity within others.
Related Reading: 5 Reasons Why Importance of Self-Love Is Crucial in a Relationship
2. Inner parts
What is a divine counterpart if not our spiritual nature? Only we can complete ourselves. Jung talks about our wealth of psyches developed from this human existence and passed down through the generations.
These psyches, or Jung’s archetypes, are different yet similar to all of us. Buddhists talk about karma or rebirth. Nevertheless, As we integrate our inner parts and soul experiences around our inner compassion, we transcend our insecurities and fears more.
We then have a healthy inner relational system to relate to others more deeply.
3. Supporting each other’s energy
Signs you have met your divine counterpart is that your energies are in sync. You’re no longer blocking your inner energy because of past trauma you haven’t dealt with.
Instead, both your energies are strong and confident. You can engage with openness, awareness, and acceptance of things. This puts you and your couple in a position of resilience where the possibilities are endless.
Related Reading: 20 Steps to Becoming a Supportive Partner
4. Share emotions and feelings
What does counterpart mean if not sharing each other’s inner worlds? After all, if you’re on the same self-discovery journey, you’ll want to explore how your emotions and feelings impact how you view the world and make meaning from it.
As a result, you both feel authentic because you’ve been heard and understood.
5. Co-reflect
Signs of divine connection are when you can move beyond stories and concepts. You encourage each other to challenge your assumptions and reflect on how your beliefs shape your experience and actions. Consequently, you keep opening up your experience as you continue to grow.
6. Community focus
As we grow and mature our inner divine counterpart, we become more at ease with expressing ourselves. We are inspired to step outside our daily lives and contribute to our local communities.
You might even start a welfare or well-being movement with your partner that symbolizes what you stand for as a couple.
7. Embracing an archetypal cause
One of Jung’s key tenets was archetypes. Essentially, these are psyches or personas unconsciously handed down through the generations. For example, an imbalance in the feminine, or anima archetype, could cause emotional numbness or even aggression.
Instead, you are both whole and integrated with a balanced divine counterpart. For example, you might support a higher cause or local charities that help break down stereotypes.
Your children will also be supported to connect with their feminine and masculine inner worlds to complete themselves.
8. Acknowledge dark emotions
Energies need to be balanced. As mentioned, this isn’t about looking for external validation. This is about finding our inner balance and dealing with our negative emotions. Only then can you truly mean it when you tell your partner that you understand their darkness.
9. Spiritual connection
What is a divine counterpart connection if not something spiritual? Of course, everyone has a different sense of what spirituality means to them. Although, it’s sometimes referred to as the feeling of being connected to something bigger than ourselves.
To Jung, the spirit is our inner archetype and universal consciousness. As this article on Jung and Spirituality describes, the divine, or spirituality, is within us once we free ourselves from the ego.
So, you will experience that divine connection when you feel as much compassion for yourself as you do for your partner and vice versa.
Related Reading: 20 Signs You Are Spiritually Connected With Someone
10. Clear communication
Being with a divine counterpart means experiencing an open heart. Communication is honest and true. It’s clear and blameless. Without assumptions and judgments, you explore each other’s realities. Conflict is only a game of curiosity.
Related Reading: 10 Effective Communication Skills in Relationships for Healthy Marriages
11. Synergy
Both romantic and otherwise, many relationships fail because of a power struggle. The ego always wants to win or to be right. In contrast, divine souls have moved beyond the world of right and wrong.
The signs of divine connection are when compassion has replaced the need for power. The energy is combined so that differences become opportunities, and problem-solving becomes a chance to learn and grow.
12. Mindful witnessing
Taking note of each other without judgment while allowing all our dreams, fears, mistakes, and weaknesses is divine.
Couples often fall into the trap of trying to fix each other’s problems. A far wiser and more divine approach is to listen and understand. This mindful witnessing of each other’s experiences creates a much deeper bond.
Practice with your mindful witnessing to get started by watching psychologist and meditation teacher Tara Brach talk about the Superpower of Mindful Witnessing:
13. Shadow acceptance
The true divine counterpart is the person who has shone light onto their own shadow. As Jung says, “everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.”
The more we know and accept our imperfections and reactivity, the more we can manage ourselves. The shadow is often what destroys our relationships. So, befriend it and accept yourself as human.
14. Mutual compassion
Most of us are our worst enemies. We judge and criticize ourselves constantly, day in and day out. This inner critic dampens our ability to be compassionate to others.
Again, it comes back to inner work. The more you connect with your pain and suffering and allow your inner compassionate core to come through, the more you’ll understand human suffering. You’ll connect to the divine in others around you through this understanding.
15. Balanced with nature
Signs you have met your divine counterpart are that you’re in tune with the energy within your environment. You see grace and dignity in nature, in cities and fields. Your mind and body have a balanced energy flow such that you’re aware and present to the experience of now.
This keeps you grounded and your inner shadow balanced and secure. You are essentially in harmony with yourself, your environment, and your divine partner.
16. Released limiting beliefs
Experiencing the divine and connecting with divine souls means transcending limiting beliefs. We create these beliefs based on past experiences, which heavily impact our behavior.
In contrast, divine souls have reinterpreted their beliefs as beliefs that don’t need to define them anymore. Of course, this can sometimes take a lot of work with a therapist. Nevertheless, it opens you up to accepting yourself and your partner for greater harmony.
17. Go beyond projection
Divine partnership signs are when you interact together while individually connecting to your unconscious. You both fully accept responsibility for your past with no hidden agenda.
18. Let go of the attachment
You move beyond the ego and need for attachment with a divine counterpart. We are free of shame and guilt and balance the need for individuality with the need for mutual growth.
Overall, we are secure in ourselves and in the flow of energy occurring with our partners without a power struggle.
Related Reading: 4 Types of Attachment Styles and What They Mean
19. Healthy co-challenging
Signs of a divine counterpart are when you support each other’s growth. You’re comfortable asking questions with curiosity about your interpretation of the world around you. You might even play around with what polarities mean for you as a couple, whether feminine or masculine, autonomous versus dependent, for example.
20. Harmonious viewpoints
Divine partnership signs are when no one seeks to be right. The world is a mishmash of realities, and no two people can see the same one. A divine partnership knows this and enjoys the process of discovery that comes with it.
In a nutshell
What is a divine counterpart if not someone who has transcended their inner fears? They aren’t individuals magically foretold to complete you. On the contrary, completeness comes from within and allows you to connect to your inner divine and find other divine souls.
How to know if someone is your divine counterpart? Know yourself and your inner divine first. Integrate the different parts and psyches within you, and let your true core of compassion and care heal you from within.
Through this stable foundation, you’ll attract other divine souls to accompany you as you continue to grow together.
We all can change and connect to that divine individually and together for stronger and deeper relationships. As therapist and author Anodea Judith of ‘Eastern Body, Western Mind‘ would say, “as we change ourselves, so do we change the world.”
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