Difference Between Feminine and Masculine Energies in a Relationship

Yes, we are spirit. We are spirit manifest. We have manifested bodies to learn to do the Earth walk. “Act” like an Earthling, “act” like a lady or gentleman. At the very least, act like a woman or man. There’s an old quote; “I used to think I was a human being having a spiritual experience and then I came to remember, I am spirit having a human being experience.”
You came here to learn…to evolve…maybe what we have to learn is the obvious, with a planet full of people… to get along.
Great Spirit made men and women fit together for a reason: maybe we’re supposed to learn to work it out. We are different in almost every way but one – soul.
What is a spirit on Earth? How is a spirit on Earth?
For spirit to manifest in the world of form we must have the positive and negative force; they are the first and second forces respectively. Frictions and opposites create form. Atoms for example, have a positive proton and a negative electron. Then there is a third force, that is the reconciling force, which makes us transcend the human experience and wise up our soul.
First, let’s talk about why the feminine energy is the negative and the masculine is the positive. Think of the Eastern symbol the Yin Yang. A black and a white paisley joined together, one paisley’s tail turns into the other’s head, with a dot of the opposite shade within.
The dot of the opposing shade symbolizes that masculine within the feminine and vice versa. Reminding us of the masculine within the feminine and the feminine within the masculine this gives us the ability to see each other’s side of things.
I am you…you are me.
The tail of one leading into the other symbolizes how each must give way to the other in a continuous, harmonious circle.
Feminine is black, the negative, because we hold the space,the void, the place from whence all magic is born.
The feminine is the “so below” because we create the Earth bodies. We want to nest because we create the bodies for Earth within our own bodies and because we have a finite amount of time to do it in. The life of our eggs is limited. A man’s ability to produce sperm ceases only at death. Therefore the feminine must set boundaries and guard her sacred space from those who would play there indefinitely.
Setting boundaries
Setting boundaries means saying “no”, gently and with love…or not.
The power of the feminine is in saying “no”. The power of the masculine is in saying “yes”.
This creates a process of maturation and forward movement of the relationship. If both are grounded in the feminine, the relationship will not move forward…it will flounder in the “being” energy. If both are grounded in the masculine there will be destructive power struggles. If both partners dance in the energy of both the masculine and the feminine, there will be terrible power struggles followed by anguish and rage as both try to get the other to nurture their hurt feelings. Negative is not bad
We live in a patriarchal (masculine) society, and women have contributed to it being a patriarchal society by coming into the work-world and wearing suits and ties, working through our menstrual cycles, take Midol and going to work instead of doing sacred ceremony for the birthing of our wisdom stones (our eggs). We have not honored the power of the feminine.
Women are not willing to say no
Most of why women are angry these days is because they are not willing to say, “no”. They feel guilty. They are into giving. Giving is a control issue. If I am the one always giving, I am in control. The giver is in control. A control issue is a fancy way of saying “trust issue”. If I have to control, that means I am not trusting creator to assist in all things. Most women don’t trust their man.
Most men can feel this. It feels bad to the men. For a beloved relationship to keep the spark of the sexual and attraction energy, the partners must choose to predominate in either the masculine or the feminine energy.
You might be wholly masculine at work but, when it comes to your beloved relationship you relax into the feminine.
Or, if you are a woman who wants to hold the masculine, i.e. you consider your thoughts to be more important than your feelings in your romantic relationship…then choose a feminine grounded man, who will always let you initiate sex and the forward movement of the relationship.
By saying “no”, the feminine requires the masculine to mature and step into a desire to take responsibility for others. Men (first force) grow up when women (second force) make them by introducing the negative…”No”.
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