15 Telltale Signs You Are Dating a Sigma Male

Alpha and beta males classifications are common, but sigma males might still be unfamiliar. The sigma male traits fall into a bracket that exists beyond the conventional masculine classification. Therefore, before you enter into a relationship, it is vital to know whether you are dating a sigma male or not.
Knowledge about someone’s personality helps us understand them and their motivations. For instance, you might be dating a sigma male and wrongly treating them like a beta male. Here we will help you understand what a sigma male means and the clear-cut signs that you might be dating one.
What does a sigma male personality mean?
The sigma male personality is a man with the resolve to live his whole life outside the mainstream dictates of society. These men are not after the usual recognition and fame that others seek. Instead, they are concerned about gaining more knowledge, self-improvement, and adventure.
Sigma males are lone wolves because they desire not to toe men’s regular path. They do not conform to society’s expectations, thereby breaking conventional stereotypes. Proving their dominance is not the prime motivator for their actions and words.
What is the difference between a sigma male and an alpha male?
A sigma male and an alpha male are much different from each other even though they have some similarities. Their similarities often lead to confusion that demolishes prospects.
First off, sigma males do not appreciate being in the limelight; they prefer to operate from the shadows without craving public recognition. In comparison, one of the critical signs of an alpha male is that they want everyone to hear and listen to them. Therefore, they see no reason to remain behind the limelight because they desire to be known.
Another distinguishing factor between a sigma male vs alpha male is dominance. Sigma males know that they don’t need dominance to achieve great results. They see other people as collaborators and not as competition. On the other hand, alpha males like to dominate and compete anywhere they are.
Personality Development Coach Sean Wayne, in his book ‘Alpha Male Bible,’ talks about the alpha male as being the master of every situation and group. Sigma males are instead masters of their person and feel no need to command everything and everyone around them.
Related Reading: How to Deal With an Alpha Male in a Relationship
15 clear signs that you are dating a sigma male
Are you trying to figure out what is a sigma male and whether you are dating a sigma male or not? Here are some signs to help you figure this out:
1. Usually loners
When dating a sigma male, you will discover that they prefer to keep to themselves. However, this does not rule out the fact that they can thrive if there is social company. Generally, one of the reasons why sigma males are loners is because staying alone allows them to think in peace.
They burn out quickly if they spend too much time socializing.
Traditionally socializing abilities are desirable traits, while loners are encouraged and coaxed into meeting more people. However, research has revealed that loners are an integral part of nature and group structures.
Sigma males are also very relaxed with people that are close and familiar to them. However, they treasure their private space above everything. So, if you are dating a sigma male and you notice he likes being a loner, be patient with him to find out more about his thoughts.
2. Pretty flexible
Another one of the sigma male traits that you will notice if you are dating a sigma male is usually flexibility. Unlike beta and alpha males, who are pretty rigid concerning where they want to be and the personalities they wish to display, sigma males behave differently.
It is pretty easy for sigma males to adapt to various circumstances without any difficulty. They can work well in teams, irrespective of whether they are leading or not. Even if they are not in their comfort zones, sigma males can still thrive.
3. Won’t change to please people
One of the sigma male traits is that they are always themselves irrespective of who is watching them. Usually, sigma males will not behave in a particular way to please people because they don’t seek public valuation.
If you stumble on a sigma male in private, they will behave the same way they would do in public. Hence, if you are dating a sigma male, you don’t have to worry about pretending because they will be honest with you.
4. Good leadership qualities
Many people know alpha males as excellent and natural leaders, but it would be surprising to learn that sigma males also make good leaders. Interestingly, a sigma male doesn’t employ command or exert authority to lead people.
Due to their free and flexible behavior, they find it easy to command the respect of people without verbally demanding it. Thus, sigma males lead by their exemplary behavior and good communication. Among the general male archetypes, sigma males seem to have the most balanced leadership approach.
5. Good listening skills
Sigma males are more calm and open-minded; this makes it easier for them to listen effectively. They know when to speak and know the right time to listen because they are naturally courteous.
Studies have shown that listening has always been a part of human interactions; however, its importance is increasingly being recognized in all areas of life, including romantic relationships. And sigma males are natural listeners, which makes them good partners.
Being attentive listeners is one of the critical sigma male personality traits as it helps them have meaningful conversations. They are different from alpha males who like being heard. When dating a sigma male, you can be sure that they will listen effectively to you and safeguard your secrets.
Related Reading: 4 Tips to Be a Better Listener in a Relationship- Why It Matters
6. Self-perceptive
The self-perceptiveness and self-awareness of a sigma male are apparent in their ability to be conscious of their appreciable qualities and imperfection. Some male archetypes like beta males also exhibit attributes that allow them to self-reflect and know their true selves.
If you are dating a sigma male, you will discover that they will always own up to their mistakes instead of blaming other people or the situation. When they do wrong, their self-perceptive nature helps them not to repeat the mistakes.
7. Choose their future
Since sigma males do not need anyone’s validation concerning their life, it is almost impossible for anyone to interfere in their plans for their future. Sigma males are solely responsible for molding their future because they are accountable to themselves and not society.
And in case they make mistakes, and their actions do not go as planned, they blame themselves and map out new strategies. They are constantly moving towards their goals, with focus and clarity that may not be present in other men.
8. Not scared of taking risks
Sigma males are not afraid of the unknown; this is why they take unconventional paths. People might try to dissuade them, but once they are convinced, they rarely change. Sigma males are not fans of traditional social structures, so they prefer to break free and forge theirs.
9. Don’t seek attention
Unlike alpha males who are attention seekers, sigma males don’t want all eyes to be on them. When they achieve success, they don’t capitalize on it in the public eye. Instead, they challenge themselves to do even better because they are competing with themselves.
In his study of social media posts, Francis Edwards highlights that the posts can get framed in ways that would address the attention-seeking tendencies of individuals. Sigma men prefer to be in the background. Therefore, looking at your partner’s social media posts can reveal whether they are a sigma male.
10. Treat everyone alike
When it comes to treating people, sigma and alpha males have entirely different notions. One of the primary reasons alpha males converse with people is to extract valuable information from them.
For alpha males, everyone is a means to an end. In comparison, sigma males are less concerned about power dynamics. They treat everyone with patience and respect without using power to extract anything from anyone.
11. Don’t have regard for authority
Rules are meant to be broken for sigma males; this is why they hardly respond to authority. They position themselves outside the traditional power structures, making it hard for people to exert force on them. Their non-conformity also makes it easier for them to be immune to both manipulation and pressure.
12. Confident
The confidence of sigma men is introverted, as opposed to that which alpha males possess. If you have a personal conversation with a sigma man, you will immediately sense their confidence. The confidence of a sigma male doesn’t come from people’s approval but their self-realization.
13. Not dependent on friends
Sigma men find it easy to make friends, but they are always careful not to be utterly dependent on them. For them, relying on friends means going against their rules, as it might make them dependent on others for validation. To curtail dependability, sigma males try to depend on themselves alone.
14. Have a small social circle
Generally, sigma males don’t see the importance of having a vast network of friends, nor do they need to impress people. They can be amiable with everybody, but they prefer a smaller circle of trusted friends. Some people might perceive this behavior as being antisocial, but it is not.
15. Can be alpha males too
Sigma and alpha males share some similarities, and thus sigma males have the potential to be alphas. Due to their flexibility and adaptability, they can take on alpha male attributes. The acquired traits by sigma men might confuse people into miscategorizing them, but sigmas usually don’t lose their true identities.
Related Reading: 7 Ways How Dominant Men Manage Their Household
Do sigma males fall in love?
Just like every other male, sigma males fall in love. If a sigma male likes you, they won’t beat around the bush; they will be direct and not indulge in mind games. Sigma males bring honesty and loyalty to the table and value the same in their partners.
In addition, most sigma males prefer to create a strong bond with their partner instead of having flings. They value serious relationships and like to make sure that they can envision a future together. But once they are convinced, they will directly approach you.
Sigma men will engage in meaningful conversation to assess the possibility of a future together. They might even indulge in some subtle flirting if they think it might work for them.
What is a sigma male attracted to?
Sigma males are usually on the lookout for partners who have similar traits. Therefore, it might be a turnoff for the sigma male if you cannot look out for yourself. They prefer someone independent and capable of taking care of themselves with confidence.
Sigma males appreciate maturity; therefore, they like someone who allows them space and maturely handles things. They don’t like to play games and appreciate someone who is the same way. They prefer their ideal partner to be someone who reveals their feelings and is not hiding them.
Are sigma males smart?
Sigma males are smart and intelligent individuals who have a knack for digesting and filtering the correct information. In addition, they have a robust memory where they store valuable information. More so, one of the lovely sigma male characteristics is their ability to observe and strategize cautiously.
Watch this video to learn why are Sigma males so smart:
Terms like alpha and beta males are commonly discussed and have thus gained common understanding. However, the traits of what is a sigma male are not common knowledge. If you are dating a sigma male, they might possess several unique characteristics that can help you understand them better.
Dating a sigma male can become easier once you have a better understanding of their motivation and limits. Keeping in mind the signs of sigma males mentioned above can also help you avoid fights and problems in the future.
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