How to Break up With Someone You Love: 15 Breakup Tips to Follow

Breaking up with your significant other is viewed as damaging. Maybe that’s why nobody seeks the answer to how to break up with someone you love.
Breaking up with someone you love can be very hurtful, and the shock of losing someone you love can be very upsetting and sad. No matter who breaks up from whom, they both tend to feel the pain of separation.Because intense emotions follow a break up, it can be difficult even to do it, let alone amicably.
If you are breaking up when you’re still in love, you might find yourself unhinged about how to cope with breaking up with someone you love? And when is it time to break up?
Even when we want to ensure that a breakup is as gentle as possible, we are not always sure what to do during a breakup and not get caught up in the aftermath of that relationship. But what needs to be done should be done.
Related Reading: Healing From the Emotional Pain of a Breakup
5 reasons to break up with someone you love
Whenever you think of leaving someone, the first thing that comes to your mind is all the chaos that will follow the break up.
People put up with so many things in the name of love and peace that they ignore what it does to their mental health.
Leaving someone you love is never easy, but there could be many right reasons to do that.
Here are some healthy reasons why you would break up with someone you love:
1. You don’t feel like yourself with your partner
Losing yourself in a relationship is one of the first signs you should break up.
If you don’t feel like yourself with your partner or have a hard time understanding whether or not you are acting like yourself, maybe it’s time to call it quits.
We all change as a person in a relationship, but if it is so drastic that you are not the same person as before, it’s not worth it.
2. You can’t get past the hurt
Nothing hurts more than when you can’t be with the one you love, even if you want it. Sometimes, people get hurt by their partner so bad that they can’t move past the pain.
If your partner has hurt you in a way that you cannot forget, it might help to consider breaking up with them. It is not always easy to let go of emotional pain and move forward.
When someone hurts you, it doesn’t end with sorry but, when it is said by the person responsible, there is this expectation of being forgiven.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, you might want to rethink taking your chances with this relationship.
Related Reading: Are Your Past Relationships Haunting Your Current Marriage
3. The relationship is more harmful than good
Many experts suggest that if you doubt breaking up with someone you love, you should make a list of positives and negatives about your partner.
You know your relationship better than anyone, and you know when the balance is off. If you feel that this relationship harms both you and your partner, you should take some action right away.
No one knows when it is time to break up. Most people think they should not split because they have invested so much emotion and time in the relationship. Even if you are in love, you can be toxic to each other.
Related Reading: 40 Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship
4. You feel small in your relationship
The best relationships in the world are made out of equality and support. If you think that your partner makes you feel not confident or insecure, it’s not a good sign.
People who make you feel small or less in the relationship are always bad for every aspect of your life.
Just as Licensed Professional Counselor Christiana Njoku describes it
When your opinions, ideas, and contributions in a relationship are not considered, it simply shows you are not valued and respected.
Your partner should never take you for granted, think of you as a silly person, or question your goals.
Nobody should make you doubt yourself, your worth, and your value. It is one of the most important reasons to break up with someone you love.
5. You are sexually incompatible
If your partner’s sex drive is different compared to yours, there is nothing wrong with that. Still, if they are not even trying to become sexually compatible and find a middle ground, it’s time to reconsider your relationship.
Sexual compatibility is all about effort. If you are not happy with your partner, you will be frustrated sooner or later, and things can worsen between you two.
It might help if you consider your needs important and let go of your relationship.
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When to break up with someone you love
It is not easy to recognize the apt time to break up with your partner. Everyone goes through rough patches, but how would you know if these patches are harming you more than you can handle?
It is essential to understand the difference between regular challenges of a relationship and unsalvageable conflicts.
Here are some signs to look for when to break up with someone you love:
If you keep breaking up and getting back together and again end up thinking, what are you doing together, it’s time you drift apart.
If you are the only one who is sacrificing all the time in the relationship, and your partner never reciprocates, it’s time to break up the destructive cycle.
Trust is the most important thing in a relationship, and if you think you can’t trust your partner, you might want to bid goodbye to your partner.
With time people grow apart for no reason. The choices change, people change, and they fall out of love. If you feel a rift between you and your partner and can’t put the finger on it. Consider it one of the signs you should break up.
Leaving someone you love is hard, but it’s not ok if you are experiencing any form of abuse in your relationship. You need to understand that your relationship has become toxic, and it’s suffocating in ways that can ruin your mental health.
In a healthy relationship, the partner brings out the best in you, but if you think that you don’t like the person you have become with your partner or you have started disliking you, it’s time to let go and move on.
Fights do happen in a relationship, but you should part your ways if you find yourself in a never-ending fight spiral in your relationship.
The most important thing that indicates that it’s time for you to break up is the thought of it. If you are constantly thinking about how to break up with someone you love, you should do it.
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15 ways on how to break up with someone you love
Breakups are not always bad if you know how to deal with them. So, here are some of the ways on how to break up with someone you love without any unnecessary bad blood.
1. Be decisive and certain
Coming up with random explanations or rendering irrational justifications about breaking up with someone you love will only make matters worse.
Therefore, be clear-headed that both of you or either of you has to be the first person to talk about parting ways.
Breaking up with someone you still love means pulling the plug. Hence, give yourself some time to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself to stop sharing strong sentiments for each other.
Undeniably, dopamine levels will fall since you have to let go of everything attached to your significant other entirely.
Waking up to good morning texts or going to sleep after having an hour-long conversation with your partner will no longer be done.
The hardest part of breaking up is being certain and decisive about letting go of sudden surprises, soft kisses, warm cuddles, and passionate hugs.
Think, think, and think a million times about the reasons to break up with someone you love before jumping to the conclusion of drifting away from your significant other.
Couples find their way together after a million breakups in romantic comedies regardless of the never-ending obstacles that come their way, but this isn’t the case offscreen.
Love is not the sole reason to make a relationship last in real life. Before biting the bullet, be prepared to invest emotional labor in yourself.
2. Wiping the slate clean
Choosing to part ways does not suggest that you should have bitter feelings stacked up against each other.
Instead, communicate as much as you can. Communication is the key. Provide pragmatic reasons. Express raw emotions. Clear any sorts of misunderstandings. Break upon rational grounds.
3. Don’t break up for the wrong reasons
Break up because either one of you no longer feels a spark or the chemistry required to maintain the relationship.
Break-up because you feel like you need to invest time, energy, and effort in yourself, and you need a ‘break.’
Break up because coming up with your significant other interests requires too much mental and emotional labor since both of you share conflicting interests.
4. Don’t play the blame game
When it’s time to break up, don’t go brutal and heap the entire blame on your significant other. Be considerate enough to respect their feelings and thoughts.
Christiana Njoku advises,
Avoid blaming your partner for whatever reason you are breaking up because it takes two to tango in a relationship.
A bad breakup can be detrimental to one’s mental health and life satisfaction.
5. Phrase your criticisms in a nicer way
For instance, instead of saying, ‘I am tired of you or I need a change, or you appear to be very boring to me,’ go by, ‘I don’t think either one of us is content with the isolation from the rest of the world.
It’s better if we take a break and gather ourselves and collect our thoughts.’
Instead of hurting your partner’s feelings without fulfilling the main aim, it’s better to be friendly and polite, bringing out a constructive result.
Wipe the slate clean so that after the breakup, either of the two doesn’t go around throwing mud at each other.
Breaking up with the love of your life should be done for all the right reasons, and it should make your life blissful!
6. Being friends is not a bad idea
If you genuinely want to be friends after you break up, then suggest staying friends. However, either of the two may not be comfortable with the idea.
Hence, it’s better to respect your significant other’s sentiments.
7. Give your significant other the desired space and time
Constantly nagging and badgering them will make matters only worse. Therefore, it’s better to provide them with the space they need.
Initially, it would be too hard for both of them to process the entire scenario. Hence, please don’t call them frequently. After a while after the breakup, casually invite them. For instance, if you are going with a close group of friends, just invite them over.
Sharing a friendly relationship with your ex can prove healthy if either of the two is comfortable with it.
8. Self-care is mandatory
Love is complicated, and, understandably, it would be complicated for the two parties to let go of the memories and the person entirely, initially.
Therefore, invest time in yourself. Go shopping, catch up with your old friends, meditate, start a new show, go for a movie, and avail new parlor deals and clothes sales because your mental health should be at peace at the end of the day.
When you are going through a break up instead of exploring other options and jumping into a rebound relationship, it’s better to readjust and lead a single life for a while.
Related Reading: How to Get Over a Breakup
9. Choose the right time
There is no perfect time to end a relationship, but you might consider avoiding certain situations if you are leaving someone you love for the right reasons.
For example:
If there is a death in your partner’s family or somebody is diagnosed with a severe illness, you might want to wait for some time to pass so you don’t add extra pain to their situation.
If your partner has lost their job recently, wait for some time. Otherwise, they would lose their confidence.
Please do not break up in the middle of the fight, and it always turns out ugly and messy. You may come to regret it later when there will be nothing left to be saved.
Breaking over text is the worst that can happen to a person. Please try to have a discussion in person rather than delivering the news on call or by text.
It would be best if you make sure that you are not in a public place.
However, if you find yourself in such a situation, please find a quiet place or a corner where you can have the conversation privately.
10. Be prepared for the reaction
You should know how to cope with breaking up with someone you love. There will be anger, questions, crying, and drama.
It would help if you prepared yourself to deal with all the things that will follow once you break the news to your partner.
They might refuse to end things and try to gain sympathy to make you stay in the relationship, which is why you need to be ready for every reaction that you might receive.
11. Don’t give false hopes
When people break up with someone they love, they tend to say nicer things to make their partner feel good. Please try to avoid saying anything that is not true.
You might not want to hurt the person but giving false hopes is worse than that. Say what you mean, clarify what you want out of this break up. If you can be friends or not, you need to make that clear.
Also, do not go overboard and give someone false suggestions, such as a list of improvements that can open the doors to rebuilding your relationship.
Please do not keep your partner on the hook. Be sure what you want and say precisely what you mean to say.
12. Let them go
When you think of how to deal with a breakup, it often breaks your heart, and you don’t want to let go of your partner.
When you lose someone you love, you feel the emptiness, and you instantly want them back. Once you have had the breakup talk, avoid being a part of their life.
It can be hard to stay out of their life but set some boundaries when you are going through it. Don’t let your loneliness overpower your decisions. Otherwise, you will end up sending mixed signals about the break up.
To know more about the power of letting go, watch this video:
13. Be sober
Many people tend to consume alcohol to find the strength to deliver the news because they don’t know how to break up with someone they love. However, it would be best if you can make this conversation sober.
This way, you will say what you want to say; you can be honest, empathetic, kind, and straightforward.
It is important to have a serious conversation and be present in it, and there is no gain in forgetting what you said when you were breaking up.
14. Listen
When people decide to break up, they often overlook the fact that their partner also has a say. You might have all the right reasons for breaking up with the person you love, but they, too, deserve a chance to be heard.
Christiana Njoku states,
Because you are not alone in the relationship, do not hesitate to listen to your significant other before you finally break up with them.
Please make sure that you listen to your partner and understand how this breakup can be easy on both sides. You may not like what your partner says, but you need to be prepared to listen first and act accordingly.
15. Seek help
If you are leaving someone you love, and you are not sure how to do it peacefully, you might want to take help from a professional.
You can seek professional advice on how to break up, or you can ask them to be there when you decide to break the news.
Getting a professional therapist who can guide you through a clean breakup is the best way to break up with someone without hurting them.
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Be patient before deciding to break up with someone you love. Follow the advice mentioned above to ensure that you can part ways cordially and not be overwhelmed by the sudden end of an essential part of your life.
Don’t rush things thinking about what to do after the breakup or how life will be after breaking up. Get a clear picture of your relationship, decide whether you want to break up or not, and stand by your decision. The rest will follow.
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