50 Surprise Birthday Ideas for Husband

Buying gifts for men can be difficult. Men, very often aren’t as vocal with what they want, and the range of traditional gifts can get boring quickly. However, while planning a birthday for your husband, you can make it special with a few surprise birthday ideas.
The best gifts are often the most personal, but figuring them out can be a little difficult and confusing. Birthdays, no doubt, deserve a celebration. It is the one day of the year when you should feel special. Birthdays for your husband call for slightly different objectives and considerations.
As much as your husband loves you, even the thought behind the presents is enough to make him happy. It would add an extra charm and layer of love if you go out of your way to give a birthday surprise to your husband.
What can I do for my man on his birthday?
There are a bunch of things you can do to make your man feel special and loved on his birthday. If his birthday falls on a Friday or the weekend, that would be great because it is likely to give you the right time to plan a great time.
Even if it does not fall on the weekend, you can always apply for leaves from work for the both of you, even if you are not planning to go anywhere. Taking time off work and just spending it with him will also mean so much to him.
As you plan to make your husband feel his best on his birthday with surprise gifts, here are some birthday surprise ideas for husband that will help you put a smile on his face.
50 surprise birthday ideas for husband
Here are some good birthday ideas for your husband. If you execute them by adding your personal touch, your husband would be floored beyond a doubt.
If you have been searching the internet for “Surprise birthday ideas for my husband” but haven’t found anything nice yet, this list will surely help you.
1. Dinner at his favorite restaurant
Reservations at his favorite restaurant are of the best birthday celebration ideas for husband. It would be even better if the two of you are already known at that restaurant.
You may want to invite some of his close friends or not. If you keep it to the two of you, it could be a cozy romantic dinner which is a great birthday idea for husbands at any point in time.
2. An excellent location for celebration
To celebrate this special day deals with many factors: the season, personal interests, imagination, and budget, of course. If it is in the summer, you can go out to his favorite place and walk in the pleasant night air.
In the winter, if your budget permits, a trip out of town to a romantic ski chalet with a fireplace could prove to be one of the best birthday ideas for your husband.
3. Dedicate a song to him on his favorite radio station
It costs nothing, but it lets the listening audience know that it is his birthday and lets him know that you know his favorite song or group. Extra tip: make sure he is listening!
This is one of the cheapest yet unique ways to make your husband feel special and is one of your husband’s top surprise birthday ideas.
4. Make use of jumbotron
Buy time on the Jumbotron to announce to the stadium at the sports event that it’s your husband’s birthday. As cliche as it sounds, it will always be one of the best birthday ideas for your husband.
5. A lovey-dovey note never fails
Write a super mushy love note and slip it into his jacket or pants pocket for him to find later. A personalized message can never fail to tug at your partner’s heartstrings. This is a cute birthday idea for husband.
Related Reading: Gift Ideas to Strengthen Your Relationship
6. Wrap yourself up as a gift!
If you are looking for great birthday ideas for husband, then this is it. To implement this, use a wide, satin ribbon. You probably want to wait until fairly close to when he arrives at home since it is rather hard to do too much wrapped up as a present!
Now, wait until he unwraps you. This is one of the most romantic birthday gifts for husband. Can you agree more?
7. Old photos
Collect old photos from his friends, relatives, the internet (if available), old yearbooks, newspaper articles–wherever you can find old pics of him. Now comes the fun part–create a collage with the pictures.
You can make a digital collage here.
8. A story through a timeline
A timeline of important dates and events in his life could make your husband feel special on his birthday. And if you want to go over the top, either laminate it or frame it so that he will always have it to keep.
You could even create a yearly or five-yearly updated collage or timeline to keep up the tradition. Eventually, you could have an entire wall documenting your husband’s life!
You may have heard of some of these birthday ideas for your husband, but they are still some of the best birthday ideas ever. If you are looking for special birthday ideas for your husband, these ideas are evergreen and likely to tug at his heart.
9. Buy an archived copy of the newspaper
Buy an archived copy of either the local newspaper or a national newspaper such as the New York Times, published on his birth.
People always like reading what the world was like on the day that they were born. If your husband seemed enthused by this gift or is historically inclined, you could buy subsequent years published on his birthday. This is one of the most unique birthday ideas for the husband.
You may be able to find it here.
10. A surprise party
You could plan a surprise birthday party for husband, But proceed with caution! Some people love them, some people hate them, but be aware that there is a lot of planning and coordination involved with hosting a surprise party.
Related Reading: Special Gifts to Make Your Better Half Happy
11. Create a playlist of his favorite music
You could create a playlist of his favorite movies, television shows, Youtube selections, etc. A playlist always tops the list of spouse birthday ideas since it is so personal and so unique.
Here is where you can make a playlist for their birthday.
12. Buy him tickets to a sporting event or concert
You can never go wrong with this one, plus you get to enjoy the game or evening of music. It is a great night or day out and a great birthday idea for the husband, no matter what time of the year his birthday comes.
Here is where you can buy them.
13. Personalized wallet
Personal gifts are the best ones. Wallets make an excellent birthday idea for your husband because they are so practical that you can guarantee he’ll use them. Personalize the wallet by getting his initials engraved on the front and keeping a high-quality photo of the entire family on the inside.
This turns an otherwise dull gift into something he’ll always cherish.
Buy here.
14. Race a fast car
Most men love fast cars. Unfortunately, they also cost a lot of money! However, a track day might cost less than you think. If you are confused about what to get your husband for a birthday present, this could be a great idea.
You can pay for your husband to spend 30-minutes to an hour racing around a track in a Ferrari or a Porsche. It’s an experience that he’ll never forget and makes for a fantastic photo! For most men, this idea may be one of the best birthday ideas for husbands.
15. Custom shirts
This is a simple birthday gift idea for your husband, but you can make it special by adding a little personal touch. Clothes makers like Indochino have reasonable prices and will make a custom shirt that fits like a glove.
You can in fact make a custom shirt at home, with this easy hack shown in the video.
Related Reading: Practical Gift Ideas for Men
16. Leather gloves
Upgrade his mitts to a pair of Italian leather gloves that will go well with his new custom shirt. Just like women, men like to be pampered too, and presenting them a bit of little luxury is one of the best birthday ideas for your husband.
If you live on the East coast, then gloves are a must. There is a massive jump in quality from $20 pairs up to $50 gloves. You can find pairs in all different colors and styles, but classic black leather with a thin wool lining is a safe bet.
Buy here.
17. New cologne
Trade out the smell of dirty gym socks for a new cologne. If you know his signature fragrance, then you could buy a top-up; otherwise, there have been some excellent scents released in the past few years.
Tom Ford Noir is an expensive but incredible fragrance that is smoky and dark but with wonderful vanilla and floral notes. If you’re looking for a cheaper option in birthday ideas for your husband, then check out Invictus by Paco Rabanne.
Buy here.
18. Headphones
It can be hard to justify spending money on ourselves. Many men pick the cheapest pair of headphones they can find and never really enjoy the audio files. You can purchase good quality headphones for less than ever before.
It used to be the case that you had to spend hundreds of dollars to get a pair, but even $60 can give you a fantastic experience. Brands like Audio Technica and Bose offer some of the best headphones and are among the most helpful birthday ideas for your husband.
Buy here.
19. Books
This might seem like a weak gift, but for a man who enjoys reading, there’s nothing better. It’s also cheap compared to most gifts, perfect if you’re on a budget. A book is an excellent way to show your husband that you’ve been listening.
Buy here.
20. Pamper your man
Men would also love a spa day. If you’ve got some money to spare, you might consider booking both of you for an exotic spa session or an entire spa weekend. If you’ve got children, then a weekend getaway as a couple might be the best idea of all.
Spending quality time together is the greatest gift you can give your husband. It’s not all about the money or the presents. Quality time together can be a rarity in modern-day life; taking the time to get away will do you real good.
Related Reading: Interesting Birthday Ideas for Husbands
21. Reasons I love you jar
If you are looking for a creative idea to express your love for your husband on his birthday, you could create a ‘Reasons I love you’ jar for him. Note down reasons you love him (which should not be too tricky)!
Put them in a pot, and it will make for a perfect gift for your husband.
Buy here.
22. Wake up surprise
What’s better than your husband waking up and feeling surprised with all the effort you have put into decorating the house or the room for his birthday. Everyone loves it when something is done, especially for them, and men are no different.
You could choose a theme of his favorite color or favorite tv show or movie for the decorations.
You can get one here.
23. Personalized video call
In a time and age where we happen to live very far apart from our loved ones, missing them and wanting to be with them on special occasions like birthdays is very natural. You could arrange for a personalized video call with your husband, his family, and friends.
He could also cut his birthday cake in their presence.
24. An old school get together
In the hustle and bustle of life, we tend to forget to pause and appreciate the good moments. An old-school get-together at a beautiful farm with his friends and family, board games, and excellent acoustic music may be just the suitable pause your husband needs and wants for his birthday.
25. A long road trip
If you and your husband love to drive around lovely countryside, you could take a long road trip. Pick out his favorite car to drive, and head out to the nearest weekend getaway for his birthday. A road trip tops the list of surprise gifts for husband on his birthday.
Related Reading: Understanding Your Spouse’s Love Language: Gift-Giving
26. King for the day
If you are wondering how to surprise your husband on his birthday, you could totally get on board with this idea. Your husband is your king, and you are his queen. But how about you treat him like the king he is, on his special day.
Fulfill all his wishes and wants and make him feel super special.
27. A surprise video
You can always tell your husband how much you love him and what he means to you in person. But if you are in a long-distance relationship or one of you travels a lot, recording a birthday wish for him on tape is a great idea.
This will be a great surprise birthday present for husband.
You can create a video here.
28. Wish him through the newspaper
Very few people are aware that you can buy a slot in certain newspapers to publish a wish for your husband on his birthday. Imagine how surprised he will be when he picks the paper in the morning and finds a birthday wish for him on it!
You can book an ad here.
29. A scrapbook
A scrapbook is a great way to keep your memories intact. You can add bills from restaurants you have been on dates, pictures from amusement parks and holidays, and all the little things you have shared in a scrapbook.
This will be a great reminder of the beautiful times you have spent with your husband.
You can make a scrapbook digitally here.
30. A gift basket
A gift basket that comprises his favorite drinks, snacks, and other goodies is a great way to surprise your husband on his birthday. Get it delivered to his office or even at home when he is least expecting it and watch his heart melt with love.
Buy here.
Related Reading: Gifts for Boyfriend 101
31. Bake a cake!
If your husband loves it when you cook or bake for him, give him just that as his birthday present. Bake him a lovely cake that you both can enjoy later, and even invite friends and family over to make it a fun night.
You can pick a recipe here.
32. Join him in his hobby
It can mean a lot for people when you try to join them in something they enjoy doing. If he likes to play a sport, play it with him on his birthday. If he wants to watch one, watch a game with him.
If he likes to paint or sculpt, you could go to a beginner’s course where you could also learn his hobby.
33. A gift for every hour
This is one of people’s favorite surprise gift ideas. Plan a gift for every hour of the day and give it to him as a surprise. This idea will not only make your husband feel super special but will also give you a chance to pamper him.
34. Treasure hunt
You could help your husband rediscover the child in him with a fun treasure hunt planned for his birthday gifts. He will have to solve clues to get his presents. This is one of the most fun birthday ideas for husband.
35. Fly in a long-distance family member or friend
If your husband misses a friend or a family member on his special day, you could arrange for their visit as a surprise present for him. He is likely to appreciate it more than any other material presents.
This will also help you build a closer bond with his family, by including them in surprise birthday ideas for husband with family.
Related Reading: Romantic Gifts for Her
36. Be his in-home personal chef
If you enjoy cooking for your husband, become his in-house personal chef for the day. You can make him his favorite meals, and he can enjoy them on his special day. This will make for a great birthday surprise for husband at home.
37. A picnic
Plan a picnic for him on a lovely summer evening. Pack his favorite snacks and wine, and enjoy it as you both spend some time in nature together.
38. A boat ride
If you happen to live in one of those beautiful places with a river and boat rides but never actually got to do one, this may be the perfect opportunity for you two. A romantic boat ride amidst beautiful waters can be a great surprise birthday gift for your husband.
39. A midnight surprise
As we grow up, we tend not to celebrate our birthday at midnight but instead begin it the following day. What would be a better surprise then than to plan a midnight celebration for your husband?
It could be a surprise party with friends or just the two of you. Do something special for him at midnight to make him feel loved.
40. The limo life
If your husband enjoys being treated with luxury once in a while, this may be the perfect surprise present for him. Take him out in a limo, and treat him like the king he is!
Related Reading: Amazing Diy Gifts for Young Couples
41. Buy him as many gifts as his age
This can be a little tricky to execute, as finding as many gifts as his age can be difficult. However, think about how special it will make him feel, and it will seem all worth it.
42. Perform for him
If you have a talent that he adores, you could perform for him as a surprise gift. You could also learn his favorite hobby and make something out of it – play a song if he loves music or creates a painting for his birthday gift.
43. A gift for each of his senses
A gift for each of his senses is a great idea to surprise him on his birthday. You can think of one gift each that engages one of his five senses, and he is sure to love them!
44. A notebook
A notebook with love notes is another great surprise gift for your husband on his birthday. Fill it up with messages of love, pictures, and doodles, and he will treasure it.
Buy here.
45. A hobby kit
A kit that includes supplies for his favorite hobby is an excellent surprise for your husband. He will be pleased to know that you care about his interests and would want him to enjoy them to the fullest.
Related Reading: Gift Ideas to Bring the Spark in Your Relationship
46. A hand-written letter
In the world of dating apps and instant messaging, hand-written letters have their charm. Write your husband a lovely, thoughtful letter for his birthday, and he is likely to keep it safer than most of your text messages.
Buy pretty letter paper here.
47. Help him meet his celebrity crush
If your husband has a crush on a celebrity, see if you can find a way for him to meet him/her. Even if you cannot, you could plan to watch a movie or a game with your husband’s crush or idol in it, which will make him feel great.
48. Get a tattoo for him
Nothing says forever like a permanent tattoo. You could get a tattoo for your husband if you think it will make him feel very special and surprised.
49. Get a sculpture built
Out of the many things your boyfriend won’t expect you to do, getting a sculpture of him built is one of them. Make him feel like a celebrity on his birthday with this surprise gift.
50. Give his car a makeover
Give his car a makeover, and surprise him on his birthday. He will be so happy to see his favourite thing in the world shining bright and clean.
Related Reading: Unique Gift Ideas for Her
It is the thought that counts!
You know your husband and his interests best. So, nobody but only you can think about the best birthday ideas for husbands.
Hopefully, some of the suggestions here will spark an idea that will help you create a wonderful memory for both you and your husband.
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