15 Best Pieces of Reddit Relationship Advice

For many people, the Reddit community is a source of guidelines when it comes to many topics, including life and romantic dilemmas. We searched Reddit to select the best Reddit relationship advice.
Relationships are complicated, and any advice shared needs to be applied with respect to the situation’s uniqueness. There is no right answer to what one should do, rather many iterations through which you learn what suits you best. Our selection of top 15 Reddit relationship advice can be useful, but employ it with care.
Read on if you are looking to learn how to improve current relationships or simply prepare better for some future ones.
1. Having time apart is refreshing and needed.
It’s fine not always to want to spend 100% of your time with your spouse. Not every moment of every day is going to be bliss, and sometimes it takes some effort.
I love my wife to bits, but there are some days when I would just like to do things by myself.
It doesn’t mean our relationship isn’t great, but it can be refreshing just to take a stroll around a shopping center, or go and get some food alone or something.- By Hommus4HomeBoyz
Here is one of the best relationship advice on Reddit. For a happy and long relationship, there needs to be a balance between time together and time apart.
The relationship we have with yourself is the basis for all other relationships, and it deserves to have time dedicated to it.
2. Stand united as a team.
When you disagree, remember that you’re on the same team. You’re supposed to fight a problem, not the other person.- By OhHelloIAmOnReddit
How you solve problems as a couple can improve or deteriorate your bond.
This Reddit advice on relationships reminds of an important truth – stand as a united front against the issues, and never turn on each other.
3. Have your social circle
I think it’s so important to have your own social lives and circles.
But I see SO many couples who bring their partner to EVERYTHING. To the point that they are a part of every social group, that person is in.
Where does that person then have an escape? When can they go out with their friends without the other one feeling bad for not being invited?
Keep your circle.- By crunkasaurus
If you are looking through Reddit relationship tips, stop and re-read this one. It might be counterintuitive at first, but having your social circle is important.
This Reddit relationship advice reminds of the significance of having someone to speak to without restraints when things aren’t going well in the relationship.
4. Compete in kindness
My mom asked an elderly couple who had been married for decades what their secret was.
They said that they act as if being nice to each other is a competition. That has always stuck with me.- By Glitterkittie
Take it from someone who has made it work. Remember or print this Reddit relationship advice for a daily dose of a reminder to keep the interactions kind and loving.
5. Communicate, communicate, communicate
Communication is the foundation upon which everything else is built.
They say “don’t go to bed angry” not because anger does something while you’re sleeping, but because it means you didn’t communicate properly and you’re giving up on trying.
Be calm, actively listen, do not dismiss your partner’s statements, assume good faith. It’s “you and me vs. the problem” not “me vs. you.”
If something’s bugging you, talk to your SO about it. If you feel enraged about something, wait until you’re well-fed, well-rested, with warm extremities before talking about it, but talk about it at the first opportunity.
Calmly, rationally, and honestly. Keep the discussion limited to that one narrow thing.
If something’s bugging your SO, hear them out. Never think “well I’m not bothered by that, so it’s not a problem.” Think “my SO is bothered by this, and that’s a problem.”
If you think the concern is unreasonable, frame the discussion as solving the problem of your SO is being unhappy. – By Old_gold_mountain
This lengthy advice is one of the best relationship advice on Reddit. It covers so many significant items needed for a happy and successful relationship.
This relationship advice reminds us that it is in your benefit how your partner feels and in theirs how you feel.
6. Don’t assume everything is connected to you
Not every mood is about you. Like, barely a fraction is. Your partner can have feelings that have nothing remotely to do with you, sometimes people just have bad days.
If you need to make everything about you, you’re gonna break it yourself. – By Modern_rabbit
This Reddit relationship advice advises you not to take everything personally.
Save yourself a lot of heartache by checking with your partner why they are feeling the way they are and trust what they say.
Most of the time, it has nothing to do with you. If it does and they are not ready to share, you will only make things worse by pushing them.
7. Both partners should strive to give 60% of a whole
In an ideal relationship, the contributions are 60-40 where both partners are the one trying to give 60%.- By RRuruurrr
Always strive to provide the best of what you have to offer. According to this Reddit relationship advice, if your partner does the same you will have an amazing relationship.
8. Be honest and open to criticism
You have to be honest with them, especially when it’s hard to do.
I and my boyfriend get uncomfortably real with each other sometimes, and something we have both learned is to listen to criticism without getting defensive.
And when giving criticism, we don’t attack each other, no matter how angry or sad we are at each other. I’ve had him call me out for certain behaviors that nobody has ever called me out on, and I’ve done the same for him.
We’re both better people for it because when we get it all out on the table, we have no choice but to work on ourselves.- By StarFruitIceCream
Here we have the best relationship advice on Reddit. It emphasizes the importance of honesty and openness to constructive criticism.
When your partner shares feedback consider it because it is there to help you become a better version of yourself. They share because they care.
9. Accept imperfections
Your spouse isn’t going to be perfect. You’re not going to be perfect. There will be mistakes and misunderstandings.
What matters in a relationship is not being perfect, but how you handle the imperfections of yourself and your spouse in a respectful, reasonable way.-By apathyontheeast
You might say that this particular Reddit love advice invites you to accept each others’ flaws and mistakes.
Approach each other with kindness when there is something you want the other to improve on. Change together from a place of acceptance and understanding.
10. Embrace boredom
Learning how to be bored together is important. You don’t have to be on the go, doing stuff and planning stuff and being fun and exciting all the time.
It’s okay to just sit around and not do anything and not talk to each other. It’s not unhealthy. I promise. – By SoldMySoulForHairDye
Among many relationship tips on Reddit, this one stood out as a reminder that life is not always exciting and we need to learn to be still at times.
When you can sit in silence with someone as comfortably as if you were alone, you have achieved a new stage of intimacy.
11. To make it work you have to keep working on your relationship
There’s a reason it’s called the honeymoon phase and eventually, you won’t have as much to talk about other than how the day went or might not always feel those butterflies in your stomach when you think about them.
That’s when it becomes a test in the relationship and you both have to work on it to make it work.
You will get into fights but learn to get over them or I doubt it’ll last. Resentment can kill feelings for someone.- By Safren
This good relationship advice urges you to keep working on your relationship and try to keep the butterflies alive.
This is especially hard and all the more important when you pass the honeymoon phase and step into the everyday partnership filled with challenges.
12. Be honest about your readiness to be in a relationship
Know yourself, where you’re at in life. If you’re in a shitstorm, legal shit, money shit, drugs and alcohol shit, legal shit, you’re probably not ready for anything serious. Clean up your act first.
Be honest. No matter how fucked up shit is, if you want to move forward seriously, all the cards have to be on the table.
Take it slow, get to know each other, but in the end no secrets. There is some shit that is nobody’s business but I ain’t talking about that. – By wmorris33026
Whether you are already in a relationship or looking for one consider this Reddit relationship advice.
Being ready to be in a relationship is one of the keys to a happy one. Some things we have to accomplish alone to be ready for a union with someone.
13. Be mindful of the non-verbal aspect of communication
Without bypassing the obvious one which is the importance of communication, my mother always told us that how you say something is as important as what you’re saying.
From the tone, to how a subject is approached or delivered can make the difference between opening a dialogue or having an argument. – By Kittyracy
Your partner will always remember how you made them feel rather than just what you said. Much of that is engraved in the tone of voice and how you approach the subject.
By mindful of this Reddit relationship advice when you want to communicate something negative.
14. Know how your partner wants you to love them
Always be mindful and thoughtful to that persons ‘love map’
Like they might need a quick text every morning when you get to work letting them know you’re safe. Makes ZERO sense to you but knowing it’s something small and means the world to them, well why the hell not?
They might get stressed out and you helping to clean the house for when they’ve finished work might mean more to them than someone else you’ve been with who wanted flowers to show love.
Know what it is that your partner loves and makes them feel loved too. – By SwimnGinger
Here is one of the best Reddit dating advice. We all need to be loved in different ways.
Knowing what it is for your partner and being able to love them as closely as possible to their expectations can make them feel special and appreciated in ways beyond reason.
15. Be prepared for challenges
If you go into a marriage/long term commitment with the impression that you’ll be happy all the time and your life will only change for the better, you are wrong.
Be realistic that there will be days you won’t be able to stand each other, your lives may hit rough patches and you will not agree on how or why that situation occurred or even how to get out of it, and the like.- By Llcucf80
Here is a timeless Reddit relationship advice. Relationships are not always lollipops and sunshine, yet they are still worth it.
Think of it this way, the better the relationship the more sunny days there will be. Also, “rain” is needed for growth, so don’t underestimate its importance in life or relationships.
Reddit has a lot to offer whether you need a tip on how to improve your communication, relationship satisfaction, or problem-solving.
We scoured Reddit for the best of the best Reddit relationship advice to share with you. They stress the importance of communication, honesty, kindness, and constant work on relationships.
Try to be open to the tips shared in the Reddit relationship advice we selected for you. They could bring you happiness and better life satisfaction.
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