25 Relationship Principles Every Couple Should Know

Having successful relationships are never easy because you have two people coming from relatively different backgrounds to work and walk together for the rest of their lives, so there are bound to be conflicts of interest.
The truth is that each partner was raised and brought up in a certain way as compared to the other, so they will never see or view things the same way.
So, what makes a relationship successful?
A good way around this is to learn to compromise and understand each other. Successful relationships are not only built on love but a lot of other factors. In order to keep the relationship going and maintain its love, happiness, and harmony, the partners require a lot of patience and communication.
There are various successful relationship advice that every couple must keep in mind to understand what makes a successful relationship work.
25 principles of successful relationships
What makes a successful relationship?
If you are seeking to start a serious relationship or set long term relationship goals, here are some relationship principles that can help you with that:
1. You must let go of your past experiences
Both partners should make a conscious effort to forget about what they think they know to be right or wrong. For instance, a girl who grows up in an environment where her mom had to do everything because her dad was not capable of handling situations would have the impression that she should be the one to take charge of her home.
The truth is unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.
– Steve Maraboli
Forgetting the past and moving on in life also requires you to change your mindset and focus on the positives. Let go of certain people from the past. Learn to forgive those who wronged you. Set future goals for yourself. These are a few successful relationship tips.
According to Dr. Jennifer Jacobsen, PhD in Psychology
Holding on to past wounds can interfere with happiness in present relationships. If you’re struggling with issues from the past, it’s important to resolve them so they do not interfere with your present relationship.
2. Be patient and understanding
Both partners must know that they have to grow together to get along easily. You should both see yourself in the learning phase. The first year of all successful relationships is usually the learning phase because you get to discover so many things you never knew about them.
So the best way to handle this period is to be patient and more understanding with each other. Listen to each other’s point of view with an open mind and always come to an agreement or compromise. Never resort to anger or a battle of will or superiority.
The relationship principles are primarily patience and understanding. It can be achieved by dedicating time together. This assures your partner that you are accepting them, understanding them, and seeing them beyond their flaws.
3. Resolve your internal problems before getting into a relationship
One of the rules for a successful relationship is knowing certain things beforehand. Always get over any unresolved issues you have in your life before committing to another person.
The truth is that any unresolved issues you have about anything or anyone will hunt you in your relationship or marriage. You will soon discover that you will start taking out such unresolved issues on your partner by acting irrationally towards him or her.
Before the problem becomes a tug of war about who is right and who is wrong in a relationship, set small discussions. This will free you both from any nasty fights in the future and their emotional side effects.
4. Love yourself
For successful relationships, you must love yourself first before you love another. You cannot give what you do not have.
For instance, if someone asks you for money, you can only give him or her if you truly have. The same goes for love or commitment in a relationship. The bible even points out, love your neighbor as thyself, so tell me, how can you love your neighbor if you do not love yourself.
Loving yourself must reflect in your actions. As one of the basic relationship principles, you must practice self-love through the following ways:
- Be mindful of how you spend your time
- Spend time alone
- Care about your diet
- Avoid feeding your mind with garbage.
- Cut off toxic people
5. Give gifts
If you truly love your partner, there is nothing wrong in, occasionally buying some gifts that simply convey the message that I love you and care for you.
Pick up the right book from the bookstore, a special dessert, a piece of jewelry or clothing you noticed at the store. Though in nature each of these gifts seems very small in nature but go a long way to show your love and affection for her.
6. Trust each other
Trust is one of the most important relationship principles to sustain a relationship.
There is absolutely no point in being in a relationship if you do not have absolute trust in your significant other.
Life throws a number of different circumstances and experiences at you, and you and your partner act as a team to work hard and face the battles together.
The absence of trust can result in the form of cracks in a relationship. Cracks, obviously, mean that the relationship is not strong enough to weather the storm.
7. Be honest
If there are elements of a healthy relationship that you would need from your significant other, one would be honesty.
Secrets are no walk in the park, and they essentially eat out a relationship.
No matter what sort of a relationship you have dreamt about, there is nothing to it without honesty. Remember, one of the essential relationship principles to be honest about your secrets, fears, and doubts.
Do keep in mind that most arguments arise from our own fear and pain, which can be easily avoided if we are honest with each other.
8. Establish effective communication
Experts and people generally agree that communication is an extremely important tool for healthy and long-term relationships.
One cannot hide life from their partners and expect everything to be cheery. Relationship means dependence on your partners, someone on whom you can rely on and take comfort with.
If there will be communication gaps or bridges, then you cannot feel the same amount of comfort and the bond will start to feel strenuous rather than a source of ease.
Dr. Jacobsen says,
Clear, consistent communication is critical, because we cannot expect our partners to think and feel exactly like we do.
9. Value commitment
A bit of a no-brainer actually.
No matter how honest you are or how much open communication the two of you have, if any one of you is just a tiny bit hesitant on the longevity of your relationship then this certainly is not a good sign.
To have a sound and stable relationship, both parties included have to be on the same page and firm on your commitment.
As one of the vital relationship principles, you would have to commit, not only to the good parts but also the not so good parts.
You will have to commit to the ups and downs of life, to the happiness and sadness, to the achievements and the failures. You would have to learn, adapt, and grow together continuously.
10. Prioritize your partner
Work is an essential part of one’s life. We cannot keep our careers on hold for every little bump that comes along the way. However, your life and relationships require quality time as well. It is up to you how you prioritize your time and schedule the necessities.
Your home is your sacred place. Your significant other is your person. At the end of the day, they are your priority as much as your career. A good relationship does not make excuses. They make time. They work hard. They work things out and work through the difficulties.
Do not wait for the perfect time for the perfect moment. Take whatever moment and time you have, and make it perfect.
11. Celebrate life
Learn to celebrate life and your relationship on a daily basis. Do not leave your love life to flourish to a specific date. Plan dates, be spontaneous and surprise your significant other. Make each and every moment precious and worthwhile.
12. Keep rеаlіѕtіс exресtаtіоnѕ about rеlаtіоnѕhірѕ and romance
We can all be guilty of having unrealistic expectations about love and relationships.
But when we get real and realize that there is no happily ever after, things don’t just automatically run smoothly. Relationships take work, not just on the relationship itself but also on yourself as you evolve in life and the relationship, only magical things can happen.
This aspect of relationships is so often overlooked and usually assumed – take it from the 1500 people who are in a successful relationship.
Having unrealistic expectations in a marriage doesn’t work!
13. Respect each other
Respect for yourself and respect for your partner is crucial in a relationship.
If you have this nailed, the communication and relationship that ensues can only be good because it will automatically promote trust and intimacy. Let’s face it; if someone respects you, they are going to treat you right.
14. A hеаlthу rеlаtіоnѕhір mеаnѕ twо hеаlthу indіvіduаlѕ
Being healthy individuals means not just being healthy in body but also in mind and spirit, and emotions.
Like attracts like, and if you are not healthy in any way, you will attract the wrong person or sabotage your relationship.
This is why it’s always important to face and fix the hard stuff (which is entirely possible for anyone) and work on your personal development and self-care as a matter of one of the essential relationship principles.
15. Gіvе eасh othеr space
Time out or away from anything, and anyone is always beneficial. Setting boundaries in the relationship counts as one of the important relationship principles to keep in mind.
Try giving each other the space to grow and enjoy the changes, do this, and you won’t become stagnant.
It creates a new perspective, allows new energy to flow, and is vital for a successful relationship.
16. Gеt good at fighting
We don’t mean that you should be the best at winning a fight. One of the essential relationship principles is learning how to communicate respectfully in your fight and learn how to repair afterward.
The Gottman Institute calls the necessary repair process in a relationship – repair attempts, and there’s a certain strategy to it which is well worth checking out – it’s great advice.
17. Gеt good at fоrgіvіng
Enough said, of course, respect has to be present. Otherwise, you won’t stand by your boundaries and will forgive the things you shouldn’t be forgiving. But, if respect is present, you have to let things go a lot of the time – and it’s good practice to do so.
18. Thе lіttlе things add uр tо bіg thіngѕ
Keep on criticizing your partner (in your head or out loud), and it will build up into a big problem in your relationship.
As one of the important relationship principles, keep on admiring your partner (in your head or out loud, and it will build up), and it will build up to a big advantage in your relationship. Watch the small stuff and make sure that you are correcting any negative patterns before they build up to a big problem.
19. Sеx matters… a LOT!
Make sex a priority, so many people don’t, and it destroys the intimacy in a relationship.
Learn how to enjoy sex and intimacy, learn how to communicate about sex with your partner, and understand how to enjoy sex for the natural and loving act it is.
20. Bе practical, and create rеlаtіоnѕhір rulеѕ
It might be boring, but if you both know where you stand and you agree on the rules, it avoids potentially irreparable damage.
All that is required is the negotiation and respect of boundaries that should be there in the first place.
21. Learn to ride the wаvеѕ
No marriage is perfect 100% of the time. Most successful relationships hit the rocks occasionally or have to go through dark times.
But equally, most people do not always embrace or stay present in the good times of which there will also be many. Ride the waves of your relationship, and it will serve you well.
Remember that things pass! It is true, they may not always be the same after some events but good times come again always.
22. Show appreciation for your partner
What are the successful relationship principles? To maintain the relationship for a long term period in the most successful and romantic manner, you need to show appreciation for your partner more often.
It simply keeps your partner happy, satisfying, and content on a more permanent basis.
There are many qualities which you simply like about your partner, which make you proud. Appreciate these qualities whenever you get an opportunity to openly or secretly express them.
23. Never go to bed angry
Never go to bed angry with your partner. Make it a habit to always talk about the day’s event at night before bed. If there were issues that happened that hurt you, say it to your partner politely and calmly. They will always have an explanation and an apology. If it does come, just move on and let it go, and thank them for understanding.
How the couples handle conflict in a relationship greatly affects its success. A key to a long-lasting relationship is to never go to bed angry. In the short term, it will disrupt your sleep. The long term effect is that it will have a cumulative effect on the health of the relationship. It will also make your partner believe that you value winning the argument more than the relationship.
In the video below discusses how going to bed angry can ruin your relationship in the long run.
24. Take nothing for granted
A relationship is work of the highest order, and to keep it going up in a perfect manner, you need to do the hard work, and the moment you stop, chances are that your relationship may go into a stagnant mode.
So, to avoid that, always cultivate the habit of gratitude; there is nothing wrong with cultivating a sense of gratitude for your partner for what they have brought into your life.
25. Strive for quality
If you are looking for an answer to the question,” How do you succeed in a relationship?”, strive for quality as one of the important relationship principles.
To maintain the relationship, strive for quality in your communication, which can strengthen your relationship. It can be fruitful for both of you, and can enhance the longevity of the relationship.
Related Reading: Types of Relationships
There are many successful relationship goals. However, these 25 relationship principles will help you build a solid foundation. Be sure to take them to heart and work on them, and you would be thankful.
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