10 Signs You’re Rushing Into Marriage and Reasons to Slow Down

Getting married is such a magical experience. For most couples, it’s the ultimate goal that will seal your love for each other. Hand in hand, you will start your own family and live happily ever after.
Now, back to reality. Marriage is not that simple, and choosing your life partner is a big deal!
Rushing into marriage is never a good thing and might even cause consequences later on.
What does rushing into marriage mean?
You meet someone, and you just know that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person, but how soon is too soon to get married?
Rushing into marriage is when you do everything you can to move forward in your relationship quickly.
How do you know if you are rushing into marriage?
Falling in love and being in love is a beautiful thing. We all want to experience the happy moments of spending our life with our significant other, but what if it suddenly hits you – you want to settle down and get married?
Talking about marriage early in a relationship may mean that you are already contemplating the thought in your head, and this will lead to you rushing your relationship too quickly.
In fact, you will know that you are already rushing to get married if you can relate to some of the signs below.
10 signs you’re rushing into marriage
If you aren’t sure if the decision to marry is in haste or if it’s the right time, here are 10 signs that will help you gauge that you are rushing into marriage.
1. You’re head-over-heels in love
Let’s start with the most obvious sign that you are rushing to get married.
You’ve met “the one,” and you are already sure that you want to spend a lifetime with this person, even if you have just started dating. You become too excited about moving to the next step, even if you are just starting to know each other.
2. You try to justify that those who were married quickly made it work
You try to look for examples of couples who tied the knot early and made it work out.
You find ways to validate the argument that the success of marriage does not depend on how long the couple has dated – and you even cite examples.
3. You start feeling that you’re missing out
You received a wedding invitation – again!
You start feeling that everyone around you is settling down and that they are all leaving you behind. This situation can pressure you into getting married quickly, even if you’re unsure of your decision.
4. You’re ready despite your partnership hasn’t been tested
How does your partner handle stress and trials in life?
If you can’t answer this, then this means that your relationship has not been tested yet. All relationships will encounter situations that will test them. For some, it’s long-distance relationships; some will experience loss, or worse, even illness.
Trials in your relationship will not only test your love for each other; they will also test how you handle problems in your relationship.
5. You’re marrying without bonding with each other’s family & friends
How well do you know your partner’s family and friends?
Okay, so you had the chance to meet and hang out with them a couple of times, but how well do you know them? Remember that your partner’s family and friends will also become a part of your married life.
6. You’re sure of marriage without engaging in meaningful conversations
Do you engage in deep, meaningful conversations?
We all know that communication is one of the fundamentals of a lasting marriage, right?
How do you know you’re marrying the right person if you haven’t had the chance to know your partner’s beliefs, values, and even goals in life? If you can’t answer these questions, then you are moving too fast in the relationship.
7. You’re ready but haven’t seen your partner fulfill their goals in life
Have you seen your partner walk the talk? Do their actions align with their words?
Talking about dreams and goals in life is one thing, but making them a reality is another. You can share big plans and dreams, but do these dreams ever become actions?
If you haven’t had the chance to see this, then you’re definitely rushing your relationship.
8. You’re ready only because you’re worried about your biological clock
Women desperate to get married often have concerns about their biological clock.
Everyone around you is settling down and having kids, and you still don’t. This situation can cause any woman to want to rush into marriage and build their own family.
9. You wish to settle down as you worry about your security
You know that your partner is a good catch, and you want to seal the deal.
You feel insecure that you’re not married, and you feel threatened that your significant other might meet someone else.
Dionne Eleanor, transformational mentor & therapist, states:
Getting married prematurely because of insecurity is a form of self-abandonment and setting oneself up for potential premature divorce, too.
It is definitely one of the wrong reasons to get married.
10. You try to open the topic about marriage and settling down
Do you always try to open the topic about settling down?
If you find yourself asking your partner about your dream home, where you will live after you have settled down, or even how many kids you want, these are things that often lead to marriage.
How long do rushed marriages last?
We have to understand that every marriage is different.
While it’s true that there are rushed marriages that do work, it’s still best if you don’t rush your relationship because there are many dangers of rushing into marriage, and this often leads to a toxic relationship or may lead to divorce.
Ultimately, marriage will work if both of you are mature and ready in many ways, but what happens when you rush into marriage?
10 reasons why you shouldn’t rush into marriage
If you feel that rushing into marriage is not right and yet can’t find the reason why you shouldn’t, let’s delve deeper into why you shouldn’t rush into marriage.
1. It’s a desperate move
Are you rushing into marriage because you are scared that you’ll be all alone? What about being left behind by all of your friends?
These types of reasons just show that you are already desperate to get married, even if you don’t know your partner that well. You might think that it’s better than nothing, but is it a wise decision?
Remind yourself:
It’s not worth letting social pressure or your desperation blind you to making a huge mistake, as you may only suffer later.
2. You might not be financially stable
Marriage and starting your own family don’t come cheap.
You need to know if you and your partner are both capable of raising a family. Marriage is not playing house. As a couple, you will need to take responsibility for every decision you make, and being financially independent is one of them.
Remind yourself:
You and your partner should already be financially stable before you decide to tie the knot.
3. You might scare your partner away
You may want to get married soon, but what about your significant other? What if your partner is unsure about getting married?
Being too aggressive and rushing into marriage isn’t going to make your partner fall in love with you even more. Worse, your partner might change their mind about your relationship.
Remind yourself:
Deciding to get married is one of the most beautiful memories that you will have in your life. Rushing into marriage will not give you this happiness.
4. You will have shocking discoveries
What would you do if you found out that your partner has a really bad habit?
The fact is, it will take more than a year to get to know the person you are dating. So, imagine tying the knot even before you learn how your partner lives.
What would you do if you discover that your partner doesn’t know how to close the toilet seat?
Other than those shocking discoveries, learning that you are incompatible is one of the dangers of rushing into marriage.
Remind yourself:
Don’t rush marriage. Take time to know the person you love. Enjoy the process of being in love and allow your feelings for each other to lead you to marriage.
5. You don’t know your partner’s family that well yet
How much do you know about your future in-laws?
Sure, you may have spent holidays with them, but how much do you know them and their relationship with your significant other?
This is very important because whether you like it or not, your partner’s family will become your family, too, and they will influence how you live your life as a married couple.
It would be hard to know that your in-laws always have a say in every decision that you make as a married couple. This could lead to misunderstandings between you and your new family.
Remind yourself:
Allow yourself to take time to get to know your partner’s family and friends. At least, you will have the time you need to get to know the family that you will eventually ‘marry.’
6. Marriage will not save your love
You love your significant other, but you always disagree and fight. You’re afraid that you will soon break up.
Do you believe that by getting married, you will save your relationship?
If so, then that’s one of the wrong reasons to get married.
Instead of fixing the relationship, you might find yourself trapped in a loveless marriage, which may lead to more misunderstandings and even divorce.
Remind yourself:
Get married because you are in love and ready, not because you want to save your relationship.
7. Your insecurity won’t go away
Do you think marriage can give you the security that you are looking for?
If you want to tie the knot with the person you love so you would feel secure, then you might end up being disappointed.
Insecurity won’t go away by marrying someone. If you are jealous before you get married, it will still be the same, even worse, once you’re married.
Remind yourself:
To feel complete, you need to realize that self-worth and self-love are important. You cannot love someone fully or deeply if you don’t know how to love yourself first.
8. Divorce is not a joke
Getting married is more than just a fancy wedding.
Life is not a fairy tale that will give you a happily-ever-after. Even after you get married, you will have trials that will test how strong you are as a couple.
If you realize that your marriage is not working out, the only solution is to get divorced. We all know that getting a divorce is costly and is a long, tiring process. Most divorce cases are messy and stressful, and sadly, your kids will suffer the most.
Remind yourself:
Learn how to not rush into marriage because this is not something that you can take back easily. Save your heart and your children from this heartbreak.
Watch this video to learn more about the true cost of marriage from author and energy healer Stu Weintraub:
9. You’ll miss out on dating
If you skip the dating process and start rushing into marriage, you’ll just wake up one day and realize how much you have missed.
Dating is very important; you get to enjoy life and love. Getting married also means you need to be more mature and be able to take on more responsibilities in life.
Remind yourself:
Don’t skip the dating process. It’s one of the most fun parts of falling in love!
It’s when you get to know each other, enjoy each other’s company, and fall in love even more. You get to choose someone really special and a good match rather than making do.
10. Marriage is a lifetime commitment
Marriage is a very serious matter. Anyone can decide to tie the knot, but not everyone can make it last. It’s a promise that you will love, respect, and work together as one. `
Remind yourself:
Marriage is a lifetime commitment. You need to be ready and sure about your decision. There can be consequences of entering it as it is a legal union.
Rushing into marriage can have lasting consequences. Recognizing signs, exercising caution, and understanding the potential pitfalls are crucial. Communication and thoughtful consideration are key to a successful union.
Here are some questions that can help you understand the situation better:
What are the signs of rushing into marriage?
Signs include limited relationship history, societal pressure, ignoring red flags, and impulsive decisions. Rushed commitments often overlook essential compatibility factors, leading to future challenges.
How to avoid rushing into marriage?
Avoid haste by fostering open communication, setting realistic timelines, discussing long-term goals, and seeking premarital counseling. Understanding each other’s values and priorities helps build a solid foundation for a lasting partnership.
Is it bad to get married quickly?
While some succeed, quick marriages may lack the depth of connection and understanding crucial for long-term success. Taking time to develop a strong foundation enhances the likelihood of a fulfilling union.
What are the consequences of rushing into marriage?
Consequences include heightened divorce risks, unmet expectations, and emotional distress. Rushed marriages often struggle due to unresolved issues, contributing to increased stress and potential relationship breakdowns.
How long should you date before getting married?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but experts suggest a minimum of a year to understand each other’s values, navigate challenges, and ensure compatibility. A thoughtful, patient approach can lead to a more resilient and enduring marriage.
Once you realize that you are indeed rushing into marriage, what should you do next?
Remind yourself of the things that truly matter. Allow yourself to enjoy the moment and let go of the pressure that you need to get married as soon as possible.
There is no formula for a successful marriage, but there are things that you can consider first before you decide to take a step further in your relationship.
Remember, rushing into marriage may only lead to disappointments and divorce. Marriage is a decision that will last a lifetime, so enjoy the process, take your time to get to know each other, and enjoy being in love.
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