What is Spooning in Relationships? Benefits and How to Practice

If you have had a romantic partner, chances are you have an idea what is spooning in a relationship without knowing it.
When we are with our partners or friends, we subconsciously practice many harmless and sometimes unintentional acts with them to show intimacy and love.
Some of these acts in relationships are concepts that could be better practiced when we understand what they mean.
If you have ever asked the question, “what is spooning in a relationship?” This article provides you with sufficient information on what the concept means and involves.
What is the meaning of spooning?
Spooning meaning in couple intimacy can be a way of cuddling where two individuals lie down facing the same direction. The concept “spooning” was formed from the position of two or more spoons stacked in the cutlery holding.
The spoon in front is usually called the “little spoon,” while the one at the back is the “big spoon.” Hence, when two people are positioned like these spoons, it can be called “big spoon-little spoon cuddling.”
Spooning meaning in love among couples, partners, or even friends, the taller person stays and the back and is called the big spoon. At the same time, the shorter person who stays in the front is called the little spoon.
However, this does not negate that anyone can play the big spoon role depending on the agreement between partners. When the actual concept of spooning and cuddling is reversed, it is called “jetpack cuddling” or “jetpacking.”
What are the different types of spooning?
There are various ways of spooning that you can practice with your partner, which answers the question of what is spooning position.
For romantic partners, these spooning types or positions can be ideal for cooling off after a pleasant sex encounter. It could also be great for just bonding with your partner after a stressful period.
So, what does it mean to spoon someone? Here are some positions you should try out while figuring out what is spooning:
1. Classic spoon
Many people are used to the classic spoon method of sleep spooning because of the natural flair that comes with it. In this method, both partners need to lie on their side.
The big spoon cuddles the little spoon from behind to create an intimate and romantic position. The downside is, remaining in this position for a long time can wear both parties out, especially if the weather is hot.
2. Ball and spoon
Many couples associate the ball and spoon method when thinking 321 partner and face the same direction as spoons.of what does spooning mean. This method has a close semblance with the conventional spooning position. In this position, the little spoon creates a kneeling position which projects towards their belly.
In contrast, the big spoon remains in the traditional spooning posture.
3. Spoon to spoon
The spoon-to-spoon method is the reverse of the traditional method. For this spooning position, both partners lay with their backs touching each other.
If partners do not want to get sexual in that period, trying out this spooning position would be best to avoid it. Hence, even friends with platonic relationships can try this out. With the spoon-to-spoon position, less heat is produced.
4. Big spoon, little spoon
The little spoon lies down on their side and faces the big spoon. Then, the little spoon gets curled up in a way that allows the big spoon to accommodate them using their chest and legs. This is also called big spoon little spoon cuddling,
5. Spork
The spork is also very similar to the traditional spooning method. However, the big spoon has a major role to play here. The big spoon wraps their legs around the little spoon. However, their arms remain wrapped around the upper body of the little spoon.
What are the 4 benefits of spooning?
What is spooning is best figured out through practice. If you have been spooning with your partner without knowing its merits, here are some benefits to be aware of.
1. Enhances emotional bond
When you spoon with your partner, you become more intimate with them. It is easy to spoon; all you have to do is lay on the side with your partner and face the same direction as spoons.
According to Christiana Njoku, a Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage Mentor, and Relationship Coach,
When couples engage in spooning, it invariably builds some level of emotional intimacy between them.
During spooning, the oxytocin hormone is released, which creates this special bond between partners. When this is practiced more often, there is a reduced chance of conflicts in the relationship.
2. Improves sleep quality
If you find it difficult to fall asleep, you should try spooning with your partner often.
People spooning to sleep is a common thing. Before you roll to the other side of the bed to continue sleeping, you can have a short spooning session with your partner.
Spooning in relationship helps your body relax, and it helps you stop overthinking, which in turn helps you sleep better at night.
Related Reading: How Quality Sleep Can Improve your Relationship
3. Improves sex life
Usually, when partners struggle to keep their sex life on track, experts would generally advise that they spend time spooning, hugging and cuddling together.
Just as Christiana Njoku advises that,
Couples looking to enhance their sexual intimacy should engage in spooning.
When you spoon with your partner, it implies that you are shutting out all of life’s distractions to concentrate on you and your partner. Spooning helps to increase intimacy which helps couples to have better sex.
4. Reduces stress
Sometimes, the stress of work can take its toll on you, and you will be looking forward to getting home and de-stressing.
One way to achieve this is to practice spooning. Since spooning provides similar benefits as cuddling, you will be able to fight off stress and stay mentally fit when you spoon with your partner.
Lisa J. Van Raalte and other brilliant minds conducted a research study on the effects of cuddling on relational quality for married couples. This study also applies to spooning because of the close similarities that they share.
Related Reading: 10 Ways to Have Stress-reducing Conversations With Your Partner
Why do most couples like spooning?
One of the reasons couples spooning is practiced and loved is the surreal feeling it provides both parties. When you are in the spooning position with your partner, both of you will feel loved and cared for.
Since spooning involves physical proximity, it can help to bring couples together both physically and emotionally.
This act is a private one where partners are not shy to show their feelings to each other naturally, and it answers the question, “what is spooning in a relationship?”
For couples who are struggling with their sexual life, spooning can be a great way to improve sexual intimacy and attraction in the relationship.
Challenges involved in holding the spooning position
The spooning position is one of the best ways to communicate that you have signed up to stay with your partner forever.
However, the spooning position can be uncomfortable sometimes, so it is important to watch out for the following
1. Dead arm development
For the big spoons, there is a chance that they will develop a dead arm. During the act of wrapping up the little spoon, their weight rests on their arms for several hours.
This prevents the proper flow of blood and makes the arm numb. The big spoon might have to be injected before their arm can get back to normal.
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2. Inability to breathe
Sometimes, the spooning position you maintain can make it difficult for either or both partners to breathe. Hence, there is no harm in cuddling before going your separate ways to the side of the bed.
Sleep is a vital activity that every individual needs. When you discover that the spooning position doesn’t give ample room, it is best to prioritize your comfort.
If your partner is not happy with your decision not to spoon anymore, you can explain to them and perhaps spoon for a short time.
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3. The heat becomes intense
When it is winter, spooning is great for couples who want to keep each other warm. The case is different for summer when the months are hot, and anyone can start sweating within a short time.
If you know that spooning would be uncomfortable for you and your partner during such hot periods, it is best to communicate with them.
Difference between spooning and cuddling
A crucial element in a mutually loving relationship is showing affection and care to the people you love.
Spooning and cuddling are commonly used to show that you love and care for someone. Even though they are closely related, some features set them apart from each other.
Cuddling is one of the regular ways to show that you are attached to someone. It can happen between parents and their kids, siblings, and romantic lovers.
There are different things to do during cuddling, depending on the type of relationship involved.
On the other hand, spooning is usually between partners and people with a romantic connection between them.
However, some parents can spoon their little children to fall asleep or help them ease the pain. In spooning, both partners lie on their sides, with the taller person behind the shorter person.
Gradually, their bodies fold into the shape of spoons put together. Then, the taller person places their arms around the shorter one, thereby creating a romantic position.
In Rob Grader’s book titled: The Cuddle Sutra, there are 50 positions that help couples derive intimacy and show more affection to each other. Interestingly, these cuddle positions are also spooning positions that couples would enjoy.
The big spoon vs. the little spoon
In spooning, two parties are involved: big spoon and little spoon. The big spoon is the person who acts as the covering for their partner. They wrap their arms, body, and legs around their partners to create the spooning position.
On the other hand, the little spoon is the individual who receives the covering from the big spoon. All they need do is conform to the position that the big spoon is trying to create.
In a relationship, anyone can act as the big spoon or little spoon. It all depends on the agreement between partners. The smaller person in the relationship can decide to be the big spoon, while the bigger person can take up the position of the small spoon.
When is the right time to spoon and how to do it?
One of the common questions that couples might ask is “how to spoon?” It is important to mention that there is no stipulated right way to spoon because it depends on what you and your partner agree on.
Taking on a particular spooning position helps some people sleep better while being uncomfortable for their partners.
Therefore, it is acceptable for couples to switch roles as they practice the spooning position that works best for them.
Also, concerning the ideal time to spoon, it can be done at any time, as it depends on you and your partner. This is why it is important to communicate effectively to decide on what feels comfortable for everyone.
Generally, many people would prefer to spoon when the weather is a bit cold and humid because of the spooning positions’ heat.
Hence, there is a chance that couples would be more comfortable spooning when the weather is cold than when it is hot.
Watch this video to learn more about how to spoon someone properly:
How to practice safe spooning
Spooning can occur based on two major precedents. First, it might be regular cuddling between couples who want to experience intimacy and love. Also, spooning might be an avenue to engage in sexual activities.
If you want to spoon, and your partner is not in the mood, it is better not to go further because the situation could become awkward. Some couples spoon after sex and fall asleep after, and this happens if there is a mutual agreement.
Spooning in bed is a profound way to connect emotionally and physically, but it can get uncomfortable after a long time. Hence, one of the important spooning tips is to communicate with your partner.
You can have a short conversation with them before spooning to ensure that everyone enjoys that moment.
Got more questions on spooning?
Now that we have answered what is spooning and it can be its benefits in a relationship, let’s look at more such questions that involves spooning as a romantic practice.
What does it mean when a girl spoons you?
When a girl spoons you, it can have similar calming effect to when a guy does it. A girl can spoon you to express her affection and desire for intimacy in the same way as a guy.
Some people might take it as being dominating over their partner but this is not always the case. This type of spooning can be an example of reverse spooning.
Is spooning good for a relationship?
Since we have listed the multiple benefits one can derive from spooning position with their partner, it is obvious that spooning can be really beneficial for your relationship. Especially of you’re going through issues in your relationship. People going for couples counseling are also advised to practive spooning.
Why do guys like being the big spoon?
Being the big spoon can give you a certain level of control over the situation and intensity of the contact. Some guys enjoy this authoritative quality of being the big spoon and hence can like being the big spoon.
Spooning can be a relationship ritual
The question “what is spooning in a relationship” has been adequately answered in this piece. At this point, it is correct to infer that couples can strengthen their bond by making comfortable body contact in bed.
With the spooning positions mentioned in this article, you can try out some of them with your partner and see what works.
Also, not everyone appreciates spooning, even though it is a popular way to create intimacy. Hence, be sure to discuss with your partner if it is something they will be comfortable with.
To learn more about what does spooning mean, check out Kathy Garver’s book titled ‘’The Art of Spooning’’. This book provides the complete guide that couples need to snuggle the right way and derive pleasure from each other.
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