21 Valentine Love Ideas for the Ultimate V-Day

With this year’s Valentine’s Day approaching, it is possible for even married couples who are out to have a memorable experience to run out of ideas. However, the fact that you are a married couple does not mean that you have to approach this special differently than single people or couples in courtship.
This means that you should research well to uncover some of the amazing love making ideas that will enable you to enjoy and celebrate your love and time together like never before.
The most special thing about married couples spicing up their love life on Valentine’s Day is that the two partners know each other better than those who are just dating.
This makes it easier to understand what should be done in your love life to ensure that your partner is happy and fully satisfied. Besides, you are more comfortable with each other, and therefore you can just relax and have fun with your activities on this special day.
It is also important to understand that having a wonderful experience does not mean spending millions of dollars.
Therefore, you do not need to spend more than you can afford to celebrate your Valentine’s Day or prove your love to each other. This is because there are many amazing, simple and inexpensive Valentine’s day love making ideas that you apply to ensure that you create lasting memories with your partner.
What can married couples do on Valentine’s Day?
Once you are married and have annual anniversary celebrations along with other days to mark your love, you might find Valentine’s Day a little over the top. However, you can plan the day or work on Valentine’s Day love making ideas like any other couple.
There is something sexy about getting full-on into different ways to make love – adult style!
If you learn sexy things to do on Valentine’s day and how to make love consciously, intentionally moving, breathing, touching in all the right places, trying new love making techniques, or trying some of the best lovemaking positions.
Your spouse will be replaying the memory for weeks to come, and you’ll find that you might turn up the dial on your sex life a notch or two and all because of a lingering kiss.
It’s all too easy to forget to put any effort into the simple art of making love, especially if you’ve been married for a while.
But it only takes a little bit of intense tongue action along with some seemingly talented moves to get your spouse in the mood.
Sexy valentines ideas for him
Seeking sexy Valentine’s ideas for him? Here are ѕоmе оf hot passionate valentine’s day ideas for husband and Valentine’s day love making ideas to ѕрісе uр уоur ѕеx lіfе:
- A remote control massager for men
- ‘Thanks for all the orgasm’ mug
- Kinky Truth & Dare game
- Underwear printed with your name
- Ring vibrator
Sexy valentines ideas for her
Looking for sexy Valentine’s day ideas for her? Check out these Valentine love making ideas to delight her:
- Customized candles
- Collar stays
- Love cuffs
- Melting chocolate
- Sexy lingerie
Valentine’s Day love making ideas: 21 sexy ideas
There are many passionate love making ideas. Here are the 21 Valentine love making ideas and Valentine’s day ideas for love making couples that you should consider:
1. Plan it with your partner
One of the most important love making tips for married couples and the things to do to spice up your love life this Valentine’s Day is to ensure that you plan well with your partner. This ensures that you all know what to expect and get a chance to propose ideas that would make the day a memorable one.
Proper planning offers many benefits to your lovemaking as it helps get rid of all the monotonous activities and get a chance to add new and exciting ideas.
However, if you want to improve your sexual life, you need to examine your relationship outside the bedroom.
This enables you to evaluate and determine what has been missing in your relationship so that you can add it that day. For instance, if necessary, you can look for natural ways to increase stamina for a better sexual encounter with your partner.
2. Try out something new
Marriage life requires some investments in doing new and different things to avoid experiencing the boredom of having to do the same thing repeatedly. Therefore, the fact that you are together forever does not mean there is less reason to celebrate and make this day special.
So, for the best love making idea for the bedroom, you can try taking a bath together, renting a great hotel room, or some different love making idea for married couples, especially amazing things that you were too shy to request in the past.
Besides, doing something special and different helps to create a strong bond between couples as it makes the love making between couples last longer. However, the most important thing is to relax, enjoy and connect with your partner.
3. Spend the day together
Spending some time together with your partner this day can work magic in enhancing your lovemaking. This is because it allows you to connect with your partner, which creates a good environment to try new things.
With this year’s Valentine’s Day coming on a Sunday, it now becomes easier for married couples to spend time together as many of them are free from their jobs.
Therefore, you can go for a walk together, have coffee or dinner together, go window-shopping or buy each other small but spontaneous gifts. You can also take your silverware, prepare your home-cooked dinner, and include additions that make it extremely romantic, like playing music and engaging in valentine sex games.
4. Try a sexy challenge
It is important to try out new sexy challenges that bring romance and intimacy in your lovemaking to the next level. This requires you to be cheesy-romantic and engage with each other beforehand to ensure that your partner is comfortable with the challenges.
For instance, you can try different fun activities that offer a challenge to a couple to do some things differently in their sex life. Besides, you can add a spiritual or metaphysical feel to your love life on this special day.
5. Remember to keep it simple
Nothing compares to keeping everything simple and enjoyable when it comes to married couples enhancing their lovemaking.
This is because too much pressure ruins the fun out of it and therefore is a great need to keep it just simple. For instance, you can try sending nice cards, especially humorous and romantic ones or bring roses arranged in a vase rather than having a dozen roses.
Remember, you just need amazing gestures to spice your lovemaking and not go over the top, as gestures mean the most to your other half. Finally, ensure that you spend time together listening to your favorite song and that the rest takes place naturally.
6. Seek medical advice on issues below your waistline
If you have been experiencing any condition that has been negatively affecting your sex life, consult a medical professional to ensure that you and your partner enjoy the experience. This is because some health issues may greatly affect your sexual life though they might seem less serious.
These include erectile dysfunction and poor erection in men and low sexual desire in both male and female partners.
Fortunately, the top male fertility boosters available in the market can overcome most of the common male sexual health problems today. This same applies to women’s problems too, as there are many products in the market designed to help in enhancing your sexual desire.
7. Ensure that you eat a healthy diet
As you prepare for what to do with your marriage partner, you should consider eating healthy. Eating a healthy diet provides great health benefits to your body and, therefore, can go a long way in boosting your lovemaking this Valentine’s Day.
This can also act as a natural way to increase stamina for men and sexual desire in both men and women.
Related Reading: 12 Foods That Increase Libido
8. Play some games
This is another simple and new love making idea and a way to relax and connect with your partner on the upcoming Valentine’s Day. Moreover, you can also be more innovative and play a game that allows you and your partner to build an erotic connection for better lovemaking.
For instance, you can play that requires each one of you to mention things that you both like differently. This offers a great way to understand the positives in your sex life as well as suggesting amazing ways to approach your partner for lovemaking.
9. Start the day with the right tempo
Start by setting the right mood for the day once you wake up to ensure the day goes well. This can be beginning the day with a bit of making love on Valentine’s Day early in the morning as a special breakfast for you and your partner.
Besides, you can start by writing each other romantic love notes a night before Valentine’s Day and sticking them everywhere in the house and the compound.
However, some couples might not get a chance to spend time together on this year’s Valentine’s Day despite it being on a Sunday due to several reasons.
In such a case, you can spend the day sending sexy, passionate, fun, and loving texts to each other. Remember to mention to them the plans that you have for your day together when you get back in the evening or when he or she returns from their commitments.
10. Reminisce about the past Valentine-Days
Just a little reminiscence of the past Valentine’s Day can greatly enhance your lovemaking on this upcoming special day and relationship. Besides, it helps you recall the things that you did together that you wish could be repeated and also understand the areas that you need to improve this year.
If you have any saved cards from each other, you can share them while talking about how much they mean to you. Moreover, be sure to discuss what you have been through together in your marriage, which includes the challenges that you have been through as a couple.
Related Reading: 10 Ways to Thrill and Surprise Your Special Someone
11. Focus on the angles
It’s an interesting observation to make, but how you angle your body makes all of the difference when you are making love.
Angles can really create different vibes and take your lovemaking sessions to different heights and influence different moves, so it’s one of the first factors to learn if you are going to learn how to make love sexy style!
- Sit on his lap and wrap your legs around him.
- Straddle over them so you are kissing from above.
- Stand up
- Use props such as steps, or have one of you sit on the kitchen counter.
- Lie down in a spooning position.
Related Reading: What Is Your Sexual Style Quiz
12. Focus on your lover’s breath
Senses can heighten and be heightened, but a frequently overlooked technique for learning how to make love is to pay attention to your partner’s breath as they lean in to make love with you.
It’s intensely sensual to feel your partner’s breath on your mouth, especially if they practice good oral hygiene!
To do it, try brushing your lips lightly against your partner’s and take in the sensation of his breathing as it lingers on your skin.
13. Shake things up
Switch up your approach to making love in bed.
Change the way you move your mouth, your tongue, the angles, and how you let your partner feel your breath.
Use your partner’s tongue to demonstrate what you will do in other erroneous places, and don’t forget a nibble or two, especially on the lower lip!
Just don’t do all of these things in one lovemaking session, and you’ll have lots of inspiration and ways to keep things fresh.
Which will keep your partner guessing and build excitement as you start to introduce steamier lovemaking sessions into your sex life.
Related Reading: 8 Hot Tips for Couples to Have Incredibly Romantic Sex
14. Get into the moment
When you are kissing, don’t just focus on the lips. Invest in getting lost in the moment and the movement of you both together.
Here are some fun techniques to add some extra layers to your kiss:
- Make it deep and meaningful by placing your hand on your partner’s heart and kissing in time with his heartbeat. Gently move your hips in time too, and you’ll soon be swept away.
- Play with their fingers as you kiss sexually.
- Rub and grab or touch sensual parts of your spouse that are intimate yet often missed, such as their inner thighs, the curves under their arms, or the backs of their upper arms
- Drag your fingers through your partner’s hair and lightly tug it.
Related Reading: Kissing Techniques – How to Kiss Better
15. Introduce full body contact
Getting in sync with each other’s bodies is a fast track to increase arousal, especially when you align your groin against theirs.
There are plenty of different techniques you can use to bring some full-body contact into your lovemaking session.
- While your groins are locked together, pulsate or grind to enhance the sensation.
- Straddle your partner and be sure to kiss other parts of their body.
- Start to unbutton some of their clothes, but not all.
- Touch or stroke yourself where you’d like them to touch or stroke you in full view of your partner.
- Simulate sex, yes, we know dry humping is a teenage thing, but seriously there’s something about simulating sex that makes doing it way more enhanced.
- Put your lips everywhere.
Related Reading: 50 Best Sex Positions to Connect with Your Spouse
16. Explore each other’s body
Exploring each other’s bodies during lovemaking is the best way to understand what your partner likes and where they like it the most.
Especially in women, there are many erogenous zones that even they might not be aware of when making love for the first time.
So feel each other from head to toe and look for those unique pleasure points and exploit them to the fullest.
Now that you understand why understanding your partner’s body thoroughly is vital, it is time to learn how to engage in such an exploration.
- Don’t be frantic. Touch them gently, starting from their head or face.
- Stay above the belt at first, slowly exploring their body while moving closer to them.
- It is essential that you do not rush, no matter how excited you are. Remember, this is not a quickie.
- As both of you start to get comfortable, turn your attention to the groin region. Take your time and always, always be gentle.
Related Reading: 30 Foreplay Ideas That Will Surely Spice up Your Sex Life
17. Roleplaying
Everyone hаѕ their own ѕеxuаl fаntаѕу, be it hаvіng ѕеx wіth а nurѕе fоr а man оr wіth а ѕоlіdеr fоr а woman.
Tаlk tо уоur раrtnеr and fіnd оut whаt іѕ their fаntаѕу. Thеn gо оut and іnvеѕt іn thе rеѕресtіvе kіnd оf оutfіt thаt уоur раrtnеr fаnсіеѕ, and ѕurрrіѕе them when both оf уоu аrе јuѕt аbоut tо hаvе a passionate Valentine’s Day love making session.
Related Reading: Exciting Couple Role Play Ideas to Spice up Your Relationship
18. Dо іt ѕlоwlу
Dо nоt јuѕt ruѕh thrоugh thе amazing love making ѕеѕѕіоn; іt іѕ јuѕt nоt romantic and passionate. Stаrt by both hаvіng уоur tорѕ and bottom on and ѕlоwlу undrеѕѕ. Sреnd а соnѕіdеrаblе tіmе оn fоrерlау bеfоrе bоth оf уоu gо іntо passionate love making.
19. Sеt uр thе аtmоѕрhеrе
Another in the list of Valentine’s day love making ideas is to focus on the atmosphere.
Sреnd ѕоmе tіmе bеfоrе hаnd tо dо uр thе рlасе оf thе nіght. Dіm thе lіght, and uѕе ѕсеntеd саndlеѕ. Рlау ѕоmе romantic ѕlоw muѕіс where both оf уоu аrе аblе tо hаvе а ѕlоw dаnсе tоgеthеr before your passionate love making activities.
20. Court your partner
Being in a passionate rеlаtіоnѕhір саn ѕоmеtіmеѕ bе оut оf hаnd. It іѕ not јuѕt lіkе hаvіng а сruѕh іn grаdе ѕсhооl оr а puppy love in mіddlе ѕсhооl. It іѕ mоrе ѕеrіоuѕ and соmрlісаtеd.
To apply this naughty valentine’s day idea, thе guу wіll rеlіgіоuѕlу соurt thе gіrl. All thе nесеѕѕаrу еffоrtѕ іѕ mаdе; frоm рісkіng uр from work to gоing оut оn dаtеѕ and giving flоwеrѕ. Prасtісаllу еvеrуthіng а gіrl could ever wіѕh for.
Also, watch this video to learn ways to charm your partner with some style tips:
21. Eye contact
Finally, don’t forget the importance of eye contact. It sets the whole mood. Add a few not-so-sweet nothings to spice things up, and if you do this, you’ll soon see what an investment it is to learn how to make love adult style!
Related Reading: 10 Powers of Eye Contact in a Relationship
Further questions on Valentine love making ideas
How can I please my wife on Valentine’s day?
On Valentine’s day, many couples try to impress one another with romantic gestures or expressions of love. However, some couples may feel left out or unappreciated if their partner doesn’t show the same level of enthusiasm in return. This can be very disheartening and lead to feelings of anger and resentment.
Fortunately, there are ways that husbands and wives can show each other how much they love them without spending a lot of money.
Please your wife on Valentine’s Day with a thoughtful gift. Think back to when you were first dating your wife. What did you do for her to show her how much you care?
This is a simple way to remind her of the love you shared at the beginning of your relationship. A box of chocolates and a cute card can be all it takes to rekindle the spark between you.
How do I get in the mood on Valentine’s day?
People have different preferences and trigger when it comes to romance. Some people get excited about the thought of being intimate with their partner, while others feel uncomfortable and nervous when thinking about sex.
Being ready is important for every couple to experience a satisfying and pleasurable sexual experience. Here are a few making love tips to help you get ready.
- If you are uncomfortable talking about sex with your partner, try coming up with your own “rules” and boundaries regarding sexual behavior.
- Don’t let your insecurities stand in the way of giving your partner pleasure.
- Do not compare your sex life to that of others.
A relationship therapist can help you explore your current feelings and teach you techniques that can help you relax when you approach intimacy with your partner.
In conclusion, Valentine’s Day is a special day that married couples and other partners in a relationship should spend accessing and working on improving their love life. Remember being married means that you intend to stay together as a couple forever while enjoying every bit of the time in your relationship.
However, this is not easy, as getting too used to each other can possibly kill the magical feeling between couples unless you both work on keeping your love life alive.
This requires thinking of different romantic love making ideas and spicing your relationship, such as the amazing Valentine’s Day love making ideas for married couples discussed above. These sexual Valentine’s day ideas are proven ways that can improve your love life and make you feel satisfied and happy with your marriage life.
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