5 Easy Everyday Activities to Help Babies Grow up Smart

Starting from the food you eat and medicine you take during your pregnancy and all the way to the games you play when they are old enough to sit and crawl, your influence on your child’s intellectual development will be invaluable.
In fact, there are ways to boost your baby’s brain power. Therefore, it’s vital that you turn out to be a loving and involved parent who will gladly engage in activities that will stimulate your little one’s brain development and allow them to grow up into a smart individual even before enrolling in elementary school.
Here are some of the interesting ways to raise smart children –
1. Bond with your baby
According to Tracy Cutchlow, editor of the book Brain Rules for Baby, the brain is wired to search for safety, and if the brain doesn’t feel safe, its ability to learn decreases.
This is precisely the reason for providing your baby with the sense of security early on in their development. Skin-to-skin contact is one of the best ways to build that sense of safety, but face- time, baby massage, talking to your baby, and wearing your baby will also help immensely with that.
A strong relationship with your partner will also be of great importance in bonding with your child, because you’ll need support and help with feeding, changing, and battling sleep deprivation while trying to be there for your little one.
Write down chores, and make an agreement with your partner in order to create a calming and loving environment for your baby to grow.
Avoid having spats in front of your baby, so you don’t jeopardize that sense of safety. Even though babies don’t understand the words, they will be affected by the emotions between the two of you and feel your frustration which can further cause crying and fussing.
2. Play together
Whenever possible, engage in guided play with your child.
This will direct their attention and provide them with innovative ways to explore and understand. Find time to play with your little one every day for a while to strengthen your bond as well as improve their cognitive skills.
Introduce sensory, stimulating items in your playtime, and have them explore treasure boxes filled with feathers, or let them look through a bin of bubbles. Feel free to fill a plastic tub with water and bath soap to let your bundle of joy pop the bubbles together with you.
One-on-one human interaction is the best teaching method for babies, according to experts.
In fact, this is one of the everyday ways to boost your baby’s brain development.
3. Describe activities for them
How to make your child smart and intelligent? Experts say that talking to your baby can be very beneficial for their mental development. Namely, vocalizing thoughts that go through your mind every day will boost your baby’s brain power because the brain is all about learning patterns such as words.
Now, the more you repeat to them, the better they’ll learn, so don’t be afraid to narrate your entire day and every activity you’re performing to them.
When you’re going to put them in one of their baby car capsules and go on a car ride to the supermarket, describe every action to them. Tell them that you’re putting them in a seat, buckling them up and that you’ll be going for a ride.
Also, point to familiar people and objects during the ride, sing songs with repetitive verses and keep them involved with what you do along the way. All of that will strengthen their reading, spelling, and writing skills, according to experts.
Feel free to use both complex and simple words, so that your child’s vocabulary would be rich from the very beginning.
4. Read to them
To help your child develop an emotional vocabulary and build empathy along with a plethora of other skills, start reading to them from a very young age.
Reading together will also help you bond more with your little one, while also reducing aggression and anxiety.
Furthermore, nothing will stimulate your baby’s imagination and thinking capabilities more than good books. That’s precisely why you should read to your baby every day no matter the time of the day.
Bedtime stories are a great way to put them to sleep, but reading to them during the day will sparkle their imagination while they’re fully focused on what you read to them. With brightly colored books featuring different textures and simple images will hold your baby’s interest.
While children tend to have their favorite book read to them all the time, eventually they’ll become interested in exploring other works too.
5. Introduce your child to letters and numbers
While you may be happy to read to your baby, allowing them to do it on their own is also a good and recommended idea.
Have them try to read their favorite book even before they start going to school and have them start counting at home during your play sessions. Teach them letters that they can point out on boards and signposts as you walk down the street. Make their school experience easier by exposing them to the written word early on.
They’ll understand and study it more easily when it is time if they’ve been previously familiar with the matter.
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