10 Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman

Picture this situation. In your head, you have run through a situation or a conversation umpteen times. It would seem so many reruns will make you ready to face the situation.
But at the time of delivery, your old fears surface again. And the niggling worry, “Am I showing all signs of low self-esteem in a woman?”
Stop right there before the self-blame begins. Remember, you are not alone. There are reasons for low self-esteem, and there are ways out. Listed below are some ways to identify and help yourself and others.
Psychologist Mert Şeker explains,
Self-esteem encompasses an individual’s sense of worth, abilities, and self-confidence, involving valuing and respecting one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It reflects positive self-perception and is linked to understanding, accepting, and appreciating one’s intrinsic worth.
Strong self-esteem enhances coping with challenges, fosters healthy relationships, and boosts overall life satisfaction, making it crucial for psychological and emotional well-being.
What does low self-esteem mean in a woman?
In relationships, mainly in a marriage, a woman is called ‘the better half.’ This statement is thrown around quite a lot. It is well-intentioned, of course.
With signs of low self-esteem in a woman, this phrase takes a beating! The ‘better’ can quickly turn to ‘bitter.’
Whether at work or in a relationship, a confident woman will do much better. She will take negatives and mistakes in her stride. She will learn from every situation. She will stride forward, believing she will make the best of any situation.
Not being able to go ahead confidently can damage a lot of things. A low self esteem girl will question her own beliefs.
She will grow more dependent on others. More importantly, she will lose that swag that says she knows what she is doing.
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Women and low self esteem
Self-esteem or lack thereof is something that is not exclusive to women. Both genders are susceptible. It is a fact that women have more self-esteem issues than men.
Studies show this quite conclusively. It is easier to spot signs of low self esteem in a woman than in a man. This is mainly because men, in general, are more confident.
Why is this so?
It is believed that the answer lies in biological differences. It is about complex chemical processes in women’s brains. It is about centuries of conditioning and belief patterns. It is about expectations of behavior patterns.
Men are physiologically more strongly built than women. It is a fact of biological evolution. In an evolving world order, gender equality is being demanded.
However, it will remain the fact that the majority of women have lesser physical strength than men. This does lead to physical insecurity and lack of confidence.
One of the signs of low self esteem in a woman is gravitating towards the negative. Women tend to judge themselves harshly. It is as if they are forever in search of perfection. ‘I am fat’ ‘I have flabby arms’ ‘My cooking is not good’ ‘I cannot speak confidently, ‘I am not competent enough, to name a few.
This reflects in the way other women look at you. Ultimately it becomes a norm how society perceives you.
There is a reason for all this.
According to Dr.Louann Brizendine, a neuropsychiatrist at the University of California, women are far too judgemental. They tend to worry more about everything. From ‘Am I being a good mommy?’ to ‘Will the chicken casserole taste good?’, it goes on. This is because the worry center of the human brain is bigger in women!
Signs of low self esteem in a woman feed upon hormonal changes in the female brain. We are talking of estrogen and progesterone.
Their hormonal cycles cause changes that affect self-esteem in a big way. And then, there is the
environment and upbringing.
Women also believe they have to conform to norms. Statistics show that,
- Almost 70% of women are ready to take pills to attain ideal body weight.
- About 90% of females feel increasingly sensitive before the start of their periods.
- 74% of girls say they feel pressured to please.
- Girls and women have 90% of all eating problems.
- 53% of young girls have body image issues growing up.
10 signs of low self esteem in a woman
Spotting signs of low self esteem in a woman happens on physical as well as personality aspects.
Low self-esteem usually manifests in mental state, certain physical traits, and affected relationships. Before you begin to feel out of place, learn to read these signs.
1. Low confidence
Confidence and self-esteem have a symbiotic relationship. One thrives on another. It follows that low self-esteem will lead to a lack of confidence.
Low self-esteem will hamper a woman from moving ahead in life. This will manifest as lacking signs of confidence in a woman.
Psychologist Şeker clarifies,
Self-esteem and self-confidence, while interrelated, are distinct concepts. Self-esteem is an internal assessment of one’s self-worth, encompassing belief in one’s abilities, values, and life goals. Self-confidence, in contrast, is the assurance in one’s abilities in general.
Self-esteem is a broader internal evaluation, whereas self-confidence pertains to specific skills. Healthy self-esteem typically underpins self-confidence, with increased self-esteem bolstering overall self-confidence, positively impacting success, relationships, and various life aspects.
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2. Withdrawing from interactions
Dreading the upcoming ladies’ meet organized by friends? For the simple reason that you might have to talk about yourself?
This trait of wanting to withdraw from social gatherings consistently could be one of the signs she has low self esteem.
One ends up comparing with others negatively. Instead of feeding off others’ achievements, they feel inadequate.
3. Getting hostile
Being overly defensive about something, to the point of getting aggressive, is another telltale sign. Fear of getting perceived inadequacies exposed is one of the signs she has low self esteem.
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4. Feeling of losing control
When a woman has low self-esteem, she feels as if she has no control. As if she lacks power over herself or her surroundings. This can create a sense of instability and a feeling of being unanchored.
5. Substance abuse
One of the signs of low self esteem in a woman is an unhealthy physical attribute. This generally manifests as smoking, alcohol, or even drug use. The habit catches on as a support for their low self-esteem. It then becomes challenging to kick.
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6. Seeing nothing above your problems
Women with low self-esteem often get stuck within themselves. There is an overriding feeling that they got a bad deal. In everything.
This not only pushes them into self-pity mode but also stops them from empathizing with others.
There are many people out there who are in worse situations. Reach out to them! Who knows, your self-esteem may get a fillip once your perspective changes.
7. Overly sensitive to criticism
Are you someone overly sensitive to criticism? A female with low self esteem will have this trait.
Criticism can be a way of self-improvement. This fact escapes those who have low self-esteem. They tend to react negatively and personally to criticism.
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8. Feeling embarrassed asking for help
This is a sure sign of low self-esteem. Such women feel embarrassed to seek help. It may be as simple as finding their way. Or support about office work. They think others will think less of them or consider them incompetent.
9. Fearing failure
Self-talk in a negative fashion is one of the traits of women with low self esteem. This negative reinforcement causes a mindset that hampers any work at all.
They go about thinking they will not succeed. There is a constant internal conversation about failure situations. You are priming yourself for adverse outcomes.
Şeker adds,
Women have a more ambitious nature in business or social life compared to men. People with high ambition usually have a perfectionist personality, so they are afraid of making mistakes and failing. This may cause self-esteem to decrease over time.
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10. Going out of the way trying to please
It is seen that girls with no self respect or self esteem continually try to please. They are unsure of themselves and lack any opinion.
Going along with general opinion seems to be their answer. This is a commonly observed trait. Sadly this does not translate into likeability.
What causes low self-esteem in a woman
Why does a woman develop low self-worth? Neuroscience provides a scientific answer to this, saying women’s brains are different from men’s. Science shows women’s ‘worry centers’ are more extensive.
Because they worry more and negatively, their self-worth takes a beating.
But is that all? The answer is NO.
There can be several reasons for women having low self-esteem. Interestingly many of these reasons can be traced back to childhood. A young child is highly impressionable. This is especially true for young girls.
- Insecure childhood with overly critical guardians.
- Suboptimal performance in school, leading to comparison. This can eat away their confidence.
- Having to deal with medical issues constantly can hurt self-esteem.
- Being in a bad relationship can destroy a woman’s self-esteem like nothing else.
- People who have some mental illness.
How to improve your self esteem as a woman?
In the words of Barbara Corcoran, “I used to hate feeling embarrassed, but then I realized nobody’s watching and nobody gives a damn.”
“Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear,” goes another saying.
How can a woman be more confident? How to help a woman with low self esteem?
The journey from diffidence and low self-esteem to a confident woman is not easy. It is something that has to be worked on regularly. And it needs support from those around her.
A woman who is looking to turn herself around needs positive reinforcement. Constantly!
Whether you do it on your own or you wish to help some woman you know, these are some pointers to follow:
Talk to yourself
You are the one who knows yourself the best. Once you see signs of low self esteem in yourself, you have a task on hand. Become your best friend. Constantly give yourself positive reinforcement. Tell yourself you can do it.
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Be kind and loving to yourself
We hear this all the time, and it is typical to think, does this help? The answer is a big YES.
When you love and pamper yourself, you are giving positivity and self belief. You are telling yourself how to build confidence and self esteem.
Stop comparisons
The single most damaging thing for self esteem is negative comparison. Think of it this way! Everyone cannot do everything.
Some people are good at certain things, not so in others. Applying the same yardstick to yourself is being unfair. It is better to put in your best effort in whatever you do.
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Congratulate yourself
This follows the previous point mentioned. Every time you achieve some target, however big or small it may be, celebrate! Give yourself a huge pat on the back.
Do something special. Make a note of your improvements. This helps to actually ‘see’ how your efforts are bearing fruit.
Put an end to worrying
Worrying never got anyone anywhere. You can only plan your way into the future. Many times, things don’t work to a plan.
If you keep saying ‘What if….’, it will drag you down further. This will affect your physical and emotional wellbeing.
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Be physically active
This is advice that holds for almost every situation. It is especially true for boosting mental state. A healthy dose of activity helps release feel good hormones in the brain.
These help to perk you up and put you in a great frame of mind. Besides improving health parameters, of course.
Watch this video to understand the journey to your personal growth and confidence:
Let go of the past
We all make mistakes. We learn from them too. Living in the present makes a lot of difference. Help yourself or someone you know to gain confidence in them.
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Seek help from somewhere
It is essential to reach out when you feel you cannot come out of this limiting mindset. This is not something to be ashamed of, or to put away for another day.
Close friends, peer groups, physicians, or community health centers are good places to begin.
Carry out these changes every day
Remember, it is not only about how to spot a woman with low self esteem. Keep suggesting these means to her. It is important to check that she practices these regularly.
Who knows, you might be making the single most significant difference in someone’s life.
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Identifying signs of low self esteem in a woman is just half the journey. Take a challenge to help her self confidence issues. That would be the best gift of love and respect.
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