10 Signs of a Passive Aggressive Husband
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They say seeing is believing. Nobody understands the curse of a passive-aggressive husband until they have been in those shoes themselves.
However, dealing with someone with passive-aggressive signs in a healthy manner is easier said than done.
Dionne Eleanor, Relationship & Empowerment Mentor, states,
A passive-aggressive relationship is like a slow-burning fire—never explosive, yet always capable of turning everything to ash.
If your partner is passive-aggressive, have we tried to get to the root of the problem? Why are so many people unhappy in their marriages? What compels them to take such drastic measures?
The damage caused by verbal abuse is no less than physical abuse. The worst part is people assume that it is not there if it is not visible.
A closer look into many failed relationships can give us insight into various aspects of passive-aggressive husband behavior and how to deal with a passive-aggressive husband.
Dionne Eleanor says,
Silence isn’t always golden; in a passive-aggressive marriage, it’s often a weapon disguised as peace.
What is a passive-aggressive husband like?
A passive-aggressive husband expresses his displeasure, anger, or frustration through silence or other indirect means. Their response to negative emotions is not direct or aggressive.
Passive aggressive signs include a person may not react overtly when they are displeased with a person or situation. They may instead use subtle means like silence, denial, taunts, hints or indirect statements to communicate their displeasure.
10 signs of a passive-aggressive husband
If your husband is passive-aggressive in your marriage, it can sour your relationship. In all honesty, being married to passive-aggressive men is like being stuck between the devil and the deep sea.
Surviving a marriage with a passive-aggressive husband is not easy. Passive aggressive symptoms take a toll on your physical and mental health. If you think you are a victim of passive-aggressive behavior, it is time that you start getting control of your fate.
To cure a problem or learn how to live with a passive-aggressive husband, you first need to realize that you are indeed married to someone hostile and come out of denial.
Here are some common passive-aggressive husband signs:
1. Always critical
One of the most common passive-aggressive husband traits is that he is always critical of your actions and shows signs of skepticism.
He does not value your opinion and always doubts your decision-making power.
He does this so often that he eventually believes that you cannot make any correct decisions on your own, leaving you to feel helpless without him. This may give him the feeling of being indispensable.
Dionne Eleanor points out,
Criticism without care is just disguised contempt.
Related Reading:- 15 Critical Spouse Signs and How to Deal With It
2. Non-cooperative
A passive-aggressive husband often tends to possess a sense of entitlement.
He would often overlook your struggles and show indifference towards you.
A passive-aggressive partner is unable to see or value all the efforts that you put into your relationship and feels no need to cooperate with you in any matters, from household chores to taking care of the children.
You will often find him reluctant to lend a helping hand.
3. Not appreciative
Dionne Eleanor highlights,
Appreciation is the currency of love; withholding it is the first step to emotional bankruptcy.
Marriage takes a lot of hard work and effort. Sometimes it gets very drab and boring. However, showing a little bit of warmth and appreciation always makes a difference.
For a passive-aggressive person, such gestures would mean being caught off guard. He might consider it below him to appreciate you for your efforts.
4. He is insecure
Usually, passive-aggressive behavior is due to insecurity and self-doubt.
Insecure people are usually defensive and oversensitive about their image.
The idea of losing their partner constantly haunts the person with such a mindset. An insecure husband has trouble valuing his relationship for any intrinsic worth.
5. Discourages your independence
Signs of a passive-aggressive husband include using all means to discourage their partner’s freedom. This ill-treatment is usually due to his low self-esteem.
Men suffering from self-doubt and low self-worth have internal insecurity about their relationship with their spouses.
This makes them believe they are not valued for who they are but for what they can provide. Therefore, they tend to make their spouse feel extremely dependent on them, which helps them elevate their ego.
6. Always sarcastic
Who does not love a bit of mockery or use sarcasm to be funny? But even though sarcasm is a form of humor, it must be used with caution.
Sarcasm is one of the key signs of passive-aggressive men as it indirectly communicates what they are trying to express.
Couples tend to engage in friendly jibes now and then. But if this becomes a norm, and that too with one person always being at the receiving end, then it is a problem.
Related Reading: 10 Reasons Why Sarcasm in Relationships Is So Damaging
7. Portrays himself as the victim
Another sign of a passive-aggressive husband is that despite all the mental torture and abuse, passive-aggressive husbands like to play the victim.
If your husband is passive-aggressive, he will often make you feel bad about your actions and even convince you to admit and apologize for things that you might not even have done in the first place.
Related Reading:- How to Recognize and Deal With Victim Mentality
8. Takes you on guilt trips
Guilt-tripping your partner is something many couples do to either get what they want or to avoid being confronted.
However, just like sarcasm, it must be used with caution. If you implement this approach recklessly without considering your partner’s feelings, you will soon find yourself in an unhappy relationship.
If your husband is passive-aggressive, he may make you feel guilty about your behavior, words, or actions.
Forget long drives; this kind of husband takes you on guilt trips! And that too for free! He will never miss a chance to make you regret and resent yourself.
Check out this video to learn more about guilt trips and emotional manipulation:
9. Control freak
Last but not least, passive-aggressive husband traits include being extremely controlling.
He might try to possess your mind and soul and take control of everything you do. He can break you to the bone until there is nothing of you left inside you, and you become numb.
An abusive spouse is often the result of unpleasant childhood experiences. History does not stop repeating itself; suffering in silence will lead to yet another generation of unhappy marriages.
10. Denies anger and sulks
Passive-aggressive husband abuse can come from repeatedly denying that he is angry or displeased with a situation. However, they may then sulk and pout about the situation or actions later.
You may consider divorcing a passive-aggressive husband if they constantly refuse to deal with their anger and displeasure in indirect and unhealthy ways.
How to deal with a passive-aggressive husband
Learning how to deal with a passive-aggressive husband can become crucial if you marry such a man. His behavior can be harmful to your mental health and overall happiness.
Continuing to tolerate passive-aggressive men’s behavior can destroy your relationship’s health.
So, take the time to figure out how to handle marriage with a passive-aggressive husband and make things better for both of you.
Summing up
Dealing with a passive-aggressive husband or divorcing a passive-aggressive man would require you to reestablish all your confidence and self-belief that he has robbed you of.
Be your hero. So, if you find yourself stuck in such a situation, you will have to be your hero instead of waiting for someone to come and rescue you.
You will have to break through these invisible shackles and stop passive aggression from ruining your relationships.
You can also consider seeking professional help for yourself and your spouse to eliminate this sickness while there is still time. It is not late yet.
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