How Emotion Code Therapy Helps Handle Projection in Relationship

This past year has been challenging for a lot of people. There were so many changes. Sometimes developing quite quickly, many people could not keep up.
Whether it’s been a struggling business or other financial stressors, taking on remote learning with your children, adjusting to working from home, or a combination of these types of changes to the norm, your marriage might be suffering.
Enough is enough. It’s time to end the cycle of negativity. Let’s start by harvesting healing and new hope for relationships gone awry during a pandemic that has overstayed its welcome.
What is emotion code therapy?
The Emotion Code therapy is the latest form of bioenergetic healing to rid yourself of the unseen Emotional Baggage.
Created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, Emotion Code therapy is a simple yet powerful method that gives you the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your “emotional baggage” and opening your heart and body to the positive energies of the world.
Why the emotion code therapy?
Unprocessed emotions from past traumatic experiences can cause pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems, relationship blocks, and all kinds of mental and physical imbalances.
The Emotion Code therapy is non-invasive, totally safe, and requires very little time and effort on the client’s part. Compared to conventional therapies, we don’t need to talk in-depth about the past, making it more effective.
Related Reading: How to Regulate Your Emotions From Destroying Your Marriage
What are trapped emotions?
Trapped emotions are pesky negative emotional energies from past events or traumas that can create pain, malfunction, and eventual physical and/or psychological disorders.
They are those annoying relatives that you don’t see much, but they still manage to make you feel like crap/garbage. They can dramatically affect how you think, the choices you make, how you react to everyday challenges, and prevent you from living life to the fullest.
With the help of Emotion Code therapy, you can easily access these Trapped Emotions and release them, allowing your mind, body, and soul to be balanced.
Understanding the impact of trapped emotions
Sometimes couples need outside help to reconnect and shed the trapped emotions projection creates. Trapped emotions damage you from the inside and can cause physical ailments, not just emotional scars.
Until these trapped emotions are released, you and your relationships will suffer.
How to release trapped emotions?
An Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner can initiate the healing with emotional release techniques by clearing your heart walls and other subconscious blocks. This process utilizes muscle testing (a form of biofeedback) to get information from the subconscious about the trapped emotions.
Once it is identified, it can be released using two crucial elements:
- The modern technology of therapeutic magnets
- Ancient Chinese medicine principles.
The magnet acts as a powerful carrier for the practitioner’s intention to release the emotion.
Swiping the magnet through Governing Meridian (a central energy channel in the acupuncture system) with the intention of releasing the emotion allows the body to instantly release the emotional energy.
Will I feel the emotional release?
Your emotions carry a weight, and when they are released from your body, there is an energetic shift internally and externally.
Most clients report a shift in their energy right after the first session of releasing emotions stored in the body. Clients often report feeling lighter as if a weight is lifted off their shoulders, peace, and calmness, and renewed energy to carry on with life.
Related Reading: Recognizing and Managing Emotional Flooding in Relationships
What happens after releasing trapped emotions?
Considering emotion code therapy helps release trapped emotions, it is important to understand how emotion code therapy helps in tackling projection.
- Releasing trapped emotions supports your body’s natural ability to heal itself, often resulting in a reversal of the disease process and the disappearance of emotional and physical ailments.
- Freeing yourself from your trapped emotions can make you feel more secure and motivated, stress-free, and can liberate you to create the relationships, career, and life that you always wanted.
- Healing the subconscious mind through Emotion Code therapy helps each partner heal their unresolved traumas and limiting beliefs to better communicate without projecting on the other.
- Releasing trapped emotions stored in the body can make people feel lighter and freer, and this process may also improve physical health.
- Emotion code therapy is a body code, and they are connected. When you show up to the relationship as the best version of yourself, you can reconnect on a deeper level with your partner.
Once your heart wall is cleared, and all trapped emotions are released, you can also find healing relationships, greater intimacy, passion, and communication as a couple.
The video below discusses the link between the subconscious mind and muscles. Through muscle testing, we can figure out what the subconscious mind knows about our trapped emotions and start the healing process. Check it out:
Sometimes, during this journey of emotion code healing or emotional healing process, you find it is time to part ways, and that’s okay because you have done the work to find peace, and you have tried before giving up.
What is projection?
Under stress, people say and do things they ordinarily would not. And sadly, these comments and actions hurt the people around them. When a person takes their frustrations out by blaming others or saying hurtful words, they are projecting their anger and frustration.
Projection, although hurtful to people and harmful to relationships, temporarily makes the one projecting feel better.
But victims of projection endure the opposite. They eventually get worn down, and their self-worth is compromised as well as their relationship with the projector.
If you become a victim of someone’s projection, please understand that it’s the other person’s suppressed anger, fear, and guilt that’s making an appearance. Although it is not the ideal way to deal with stressors, projecting their anger on you is their coping mechanism.
It’s easier for a projector to throw all the blame and pent-up frustration out on someone else than take responsibility for what’s going on inside them and fix it.
Related Reading: How to Stop Projecting and Build a Happy Marriage
How to handle projection with emotion code therapy?
Being the victim of a projector’s tirade is not easy to endure.
However, you must learn the skill of stepping back and understanding what’s actually going on. Reacting with similar harsh words or even allowing yourself to take their blaming words to heart might be the initial reaction.
However, you can learn to avoid this pain by understanding that the projection is coming from a dark place inside your partner that needs healing.
Having the power of emotional resilience allows you to detach yourself and take positive action toward healing rather than take the projection personally.
Furthermore, by developing emotional strength and not letting yourself go down the usual path, you can control your relationship and put it back on a trajectory of love and success.
Taking action
If you feel this past year has dealt your marriage a fatal blow, consider professional healing sessions with an Emotion Code Practitioner to clear the negativity. Even if you’ve tried couples counseling, subconscious healing sessions could help you further.
Healing the heart wall and re-aligning the relationship by clearing unhealthy Energetic cords and releasing suppressed trauma can help get to the root of the problem and fix the underlying issue easier and faster.
Additionally, a subconscious healing expert can provide an array of services for specific issues. The goal is to release relationship misalignments, hormonal imbalances, and intimacy blocks plaguing your relationship.
A professional can provide many options for healing the hurt in your marriage, healing from past relationships, or healing after a bad relationship and to help you understand the projection to forgive and accept with empathy and understanding.
The results of your efforts will likely lead to a rekindled chemistry that puts you on a path towards new beginnings. If 2020 has done some damage to your relationship, take positive steps toward making 2021 the year of healing.
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