25 Ways to Respect Your Wife

If you want a happy and blissful marriage, one of the habits you need to imbibe is respecting your wife. This respect should not only happen in private but in public. If you tell your wife that you respect and love her, it is crucial to display this in public.
LMHC Kimberly Smith says,
Showing your wife respect in public and private shows those close to you and the world that she’s someone you love, care for, and value in your life. It shows others that you will not allow her to be disrespected, either.
When you get married to your wife, you can lose touch with what made you love her in the first place. Hence, you might be disrespecting her unknowingly. In this article, we will explore different ways on how you can respect your wife.
Why is it important to respect your wife
When you respect your wife, it is clear that you love her, and you appreciate her involvement and contribution to your union. Respecting your wife also means that even though other women might be better than her in all aspects, you still choose to remain with and adore her.
For a marriage to be successful, you need to respect your wife even though it looks as if she doesn’t deserve it. When you treat your woman with respect, you foster intimacy between the two of you. There would be fewer conflicts, and it would be easy to resolve them when they arise.
Orlando Alonso’s book titled How to treat your wife is a book for partners to treat their wives in the right way. Spouses will learn invaluable tips on how to respect their wives.
How to treat your wife?
The primary way to treat your wife with respect is to show her that she means the world to you. It should not only be done by words of mouth, but by acting it out too. Love her in the way that she prefers to be loved. Always learn to listen to her even though you don’t have anything to contribute.
Making her the center of your world will leave her with no doubts that you respect and care about her. You should treat her like a newborn. Ensure that nothing harms her, and if anyone tries to disrespect her, you should defend her and put them in their place.
This research study by Daniel Eckstein and Sarah Eckstein shows how couples can create respect for each other. Respect is a quintessential feature of healthy relationships, and partners can learn a lot about how to treat their wives with respect.
25 incredible ways to respect your wife
Treating your wife with respect is not a hard nut to crack. There are several ways that you can show that you respect your wife.
1. Don’t complain about her to third parties
If your wife finds out that you’ve been complaining about her to family, friends, acquaintances, etc., she might get pissed. She will get the notion that you don’t have respect for her.
If your wife offends you or she does something that doesn’t sit well with you, discuss with her privately instead of washing her dirty linen outside. It is more respectful when you talk to her directly about any issue.
2. Celebrate her victories
If your wife hits a milestone, whether big or small, ensure you celebrate with her. Some spouses have the habit of not celebrating their partner’s victories, making the other party sad.
When your wife succeeds at something, it should be a period to celebrate instead of treating their wins as inconsequential. Learn to see your partner’s wins as your own, and they will see that you respect them.
3. Encourage her
Life comes with ups and downs. When we feel dejected, we need people to support and cheer us on. It is easier when you are married because you have a permanent cheerleader. However, not every woman enjoys the privilege of having a partner who encourages them at their lows.
When you notice a change in your woman’s disposition, do your best to motivate her and plant a smile on her face.
In such cases, it is not compulsory to solve her problem. All she needs is someone to be there for her while she tries to get over what makes her sad. This is one of the ways to respect your wife and show her that she means a lot to you.
Related Reading: 20 Steps to Becoming a Supportive Partner
4. Know when to give her space
No matter how well you love your wife, you don’t have to be over her every time. Occasionally, she will crave her space, and you need to respect her decision. She might not communicate this to you directly, but you can tell from her behavior, especially if you know her temperament.
The essence of keeping to your space is leveraging on the quietness and aloneness to unwind and get in touch with your true self. The hustle and bustle of work and other aspects of our life can make us develop a monotonous schedule. And one of the ways to break free is by enjoying the peace that comes with our space.
Related Reading: Let There Be Some Space in Your Relationship
5. Learn how to have an open and honest communication
If you are not comfortable with what your wife is doing, it is best to have a clear conversation instead of giving her an attitude. One of the reasons couples experience conflict is some suppressed issues that they refuse to talk about. If your wife is doing what you don’t like, talk to her about it to avoid flaring up at her someday.
6. Don’t shout at her
Nobody likes being shouted at because it is not a sign of respect. When you shout at someone, you indirectly compel or control them to bend to your will. Anyone who shouts at their wife doesn’t respect her. And if your friends or family discover that you shout at your wife, some of them might follow suit.
7. Don’t fight with your wife in front of your loved ones
Not all women know how to keep a conflict till they get home. The mistake some partners make is fighting with their wives in public, not minding the people there. When you quarrel with your wife in public, you might erroneously mention some unpleasant things about her that you should not have said.
To respect your wife the right way, don’t shout at her in front of friends, acquaintances, family and kids. Other people are likely to treat your wife the way you do. So, it is best to set the right example by treating her with respect.
Related Reading: How to Stop Constant Fighting in a Relationship
8. Don’t hit her
When you physically assault a woman, it is a big sign that you don’t respect her. If you hit her, there is a chance that you might repeat it. This time, it would not be about what she did, but because of the way you perceive her.
One of the ways to show your wife respect is to avoid physical abuse in the relationship. A guiding rule you can use is to see your wife as a part of yourself. Therefore, since you cannot inflict pain on yourself, you should not beat your wife.
9. Allow your wife to speak her mind
When your wife has an opinion, hear her out. Don’t impose your decisions or choices on her every time. Even though her opinions don’t sound favorable, use a more pleasant tone to let her feel better. It is more appropriate to educate her constructively instead of making her feel dumb.
10. Don’t use derogatory remarks
When you are respecting your wife, don’t forget to use nice words. Your actions should reflect in your words when you are interacting with her. Avoid using offensive and discouraging statements that will make her feel bad.
11. Don’t cheat on her
Cheating on your wife is a sign that you don’t value your wife or respect her. When you cheat on your wife, you have violated the terms of your marriage, and she might not get to trust you again even if she forgives you. One of the strongest proofs of respecting your wife is remaining committed to her and not flirting with other individuals.
Related Reading: 15 Reasons Why You Should Not Cheat on Your Partner
12. Let her pamper herself
Your wife needs to continually spoil herself so that she will continue to look desirable to you. Don’t always object to it when she wants to pamper herself, especially when you know she deserves it. If she does new hair or goes shopping, ensure you compliment her.
13. Seek her opinion before making a decision
Another vital way on how to treat your wife with respect is to consult her before you make your decisions. Remember that your wife is a core part of your life, even if those decisions are personal. So, always seek her consent before you finalize any decision.
14. Listen to her
Women love people who can listen to them. She probably has a lot of things to say, but you are not there for her. To show that you respect your wife, make sure you listen to her. You might not have anything worthwhile to contribute but ensure you listen to her.
Related Reading: 4 Tips to Be a Better Listener in a Relationship- Why It Matters
15. Make sure she feels secure with you
Ensure you are a person of your word. When she shares her concerns with you, do not wave them off. If it makes her insecure, try and see if you can fix it. Always promise that you will be there for her irrespective of anything that happens. When you keep your word, it means a lot to her, and you respect her that way.
16. Don’t lie to her
For your marriage to be rock solid, you need to trust your wife and vice-versa. When you lie to her, you are disrespecting her. If you are not transparent with her, it is a sign of disrespect. Being honest with her shows that you respect your wife.
Check out this video about lying and how it can hamper the relationship:
17. Let her spend time with friends
Has your wife mentioned that she misses spending time with her friends? If she does, it probably means she has spent too much with you, and she needs a change. Don’t see her suggestion like she is tired of you.
You need to know that before she got married to you, she had friends and acquaintances in her life. So, even though she has set boundaries, she should not cut ties with them.
18. Give her support
You need to be involved in your wife’s life without imposing your decisions on her. If she has dreams, give all your support without being biased. Even though you don’t have any direct input, ensure you follow up with her plans.
19. Don’t make fun of her, especially in public
You can make fun of your wife in private when you are having a chilled time with her, but don’t try it in public. When you make fun of her in public, you are not respecting her. Other people would not understand your reasons. You can make jokes about her in private but treat her adoringly in public.
20. Don’t avoid touching her
Women love to be touched because it shows that you love them. To respect your wife’s feelings, give physical touch when needed. You can steal a kiss or a hug or maintain proximity. Doing these will make her feel happy and respected.
Related Reading: How to Understand Your Wife Better
21. Refer her for opportunities
Referring your wife for opportunities means that you are looking out for her. One of the ways to show your wife that you love her is to mention her name in rooms when she is not there. Doing this shows that you love and respect your wife.
22. Be available for them
One of the ways on how to respect your wife is to be available when she needs you. Don’t always give excuses not to be present with her except if it is unavoidable, which should be rare. Being available for her shows that she can always rely on you.
23. Tell her she is the only one you love
How often do you tell your wife that you love her? She might think that there are other women in your life, which is probably why you are not treating her well. You need to always tell her that she is the only one who stole your heart. This is one of the incredible ways to talk to your wife with respect.
24. Cover up for her when she is not at home
Do not leave all the chores for your wife to handle until she comes back. You should handle some of the duties at home, knowing that she has other engagements outside. She will be happy with you, and most importantly, you are respecting her.
25. Encourage her to be a better person
The only way your wife can get better is when she receives encouragement from you. It is important to give her the motivation to be better in all aspects of her life.
Gary Smalley’s book titled If Only He Knew is a valuable guide to know, understand, love, and respect your wife. It is a must-read for both the married and unmarried.
The strategies revealed in this article will help you respect your wife and love her as you should. It is crucial to be patient when you are handling your wife. Treat her like an equal instead of a subordinate. Make her understand that she has an equal say in the affairs of your matrimonial home.
Here’s a video that tells you important things that your wife needs from you:
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