The Best Marriage Books: Words That Inspire the Best in You

Whether it’s the best of times or worst of times in your marriage, it is always good medicine to bring insight into the partnership.
We suggest investing some of your hard earned money in relationship books for couples that offer some of the best marriage advice.
While the best books for couples require contributions of time on your part, the dividends are tremendous.
In this article, we have rounded up some of the best books on marriage to help you create a healthy marriage filled with lasting happiness, even if you don’t know where to start.
Read these favorite relationship self help books for couples, discuss the content, and consider working through some of the more tedious issues in your marriage.
Be willing to engage your partner with open and honest talk about the state of the marriage, and the path all should follow to ensure a just, verdant, and productive path forward.
Presenting some best books on marriage and relationships for couples
The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted – Gary Chapman
This wonderful title is intended for couples interested in “post-marriage” counseling.
Considering everything from the division of household labor to the “socks on the floor,” Chapman’s work is designed to equip couples with the tools needed to build and maintain healthy models of communication.
One of the best marriage counseling books, this one encourages couples to envision a vital, sustainable partnership.
What will it take to reach the outcomes you desire? What will you need to do to create the best possible future for you and your partner? The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted helps you dream the big dream.
You Can Be Right or You Can Be Married: Love-Based Solutions for Couples – Brett R. Williams
“You Can Be Right” assumes that all marriage issues and problems have a common solution.
The solution?
A willingness to enhance and maintain effective communication.
Williams’ contribution to the marriage library assumes that couples have a willingness to honestly assess their communication acumen, and practice the skills that Williams suggests.
Active listening, “I feel” communication, and role-playing are among the approaches that Williams places before his audience.
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts: Seven Questions to Ask Before and After You Marry: Workbook for Women – Les Parrott III
Among the most popular books on relationships, this one, designed for women in partnership, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts: Workbook for Women uses tremendous surveys and worksheets to help women determine their communication style, hardship hardiness, stress triggers, and the like.
Parrott believes that insight is the key to personal growth and relationship happiness.
This engaging title also asks the “tough questions” to help women determine if their actions and attitudes stymie joy and the health of the existing partnership.
Are you in an abusive partnership?
This book will let you know and will equip you with the approaches that ensure a healthy existence and an invigorated life.
Restoring Your Broken Marriage: Healing After Adultery – Robert D. Jones
Besides being a recommended relationship book for couples, this provocative title helps couples explore and overcome the treacherous abyss of adultery and marital infidelity.
Encouraging partners to name the pains in their marriage and work to overcome the anger associated with infidelity, Restoring Your Broken Marriage: Healing After Adultery assumes that estranged partners want to make a “second go” at life and happiness.
Of course, this tool is best used in conjunction with substantial marriage counseling, which is an important step to take in order to heal from infidelity.
Wired for Love: How Understanding Your Partner’s Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship – Stan Tatkin, Harville Hendrix
Billed as a, “complete insider’s guide to understanding your partner’s brain and enjoying a romantic relationship built on love and trust,” Wired for Love explores topics from neuroscience, attachment theory, and emotion regulation, to offer couples practical steps that foster sensitivity, vibrant communication, and joyful “babble.”
Easily accessible to all who are willing to give the title a spin, Wired for Love helps its audience understand what makes the other tick, and what we do to push our partner’s buttons.
Before a Bad Goodbye – Tim Clinton
In the book, Before a Bad Goodbye, marriage counselor Tim Clinton uses his extensive counseling repertoire to help couples explore the three typical outcomes of marriage counseling which include divorce, marriage in name only, and reconciliation.
Working with the assumption that “reconciliation is, by far, the most difficult option,” Clinton helps couples determine if they are ready and willing to give the partnership a resounding second chance.
Clinton believes that even at the breaking points of partnerships, forgiveness, mutual respect, and selfless love are viable possibilities.
There is hope for a saved partnership
All these books for couples endorse the belief that a happy marriage can be marred by anger, distance, poor communication, and unsavory choices.
While it can feel easy to walk away when the bad stuff comes, there is hope for a saved partnership if the couple is willing and able to push through some adversity.
Read these best relationship books and learn to be honest about fears, hopes, and opportunities.
Connect with a caring counselor
These are some of the best marriage counseling books that will help you improve your marriage, by allowing you to create your own mini counseling sessions with each other where you discover ways to deepen your connection and love for each other.
However, if you are apprehensive that either of you will sooner or later end up uttering the dreaded “D” word and want your marriage to continue being the best, then couples therapy can be the most effective tool for you to save your marriage.
Marriage counseling can strengthen a relationship, solidify your love bond and save a troubled relationship.
So, in conjunction with seeking insights from the popular marriage help books, it is also important to connect with a marriage therapist to help you create a relationship you desire with the person you love, or to heal a broken relationship.
By all means, do not give up on your partnership without attempting to determine the benefit of pushing through the pain and rising toward a renewed future.
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