20 Weird Things Guys Do When They Fall in Love

The moment some people fall in love, you will observe that they seem to adopt a personality that you’ve not seen before.
Some people in love exhibit behavioral traits that might look strange to you. However, it is because they are in love with someone and it brings out some weird behaviors that are not typical of them.
In this article, we will look at the weird things guys do when they fall in love and also some of the crazy things that some women are likely to do when they are in love.
Karen Ehman’s book titled, Keep Showing Up, is an eye-opener for anyone experiencing crazy love. This book teaches you how you can channel crazy feelings of love to make your relationship work.
What happens when someone is in love
When someone is in love, they feel on top of the world. They are confident in their partner’s ability to keep them safe and bring out the best in them.
Hence, anyone in love is likely to be more vulnerable and open with their crush or partner. This means that they might find themselves doing things that are sometimes childlike and weird.
It is important to understand the true meaning of what goes down psychologically and physically when you’re in love. This research study by Alvin Powell explains the various ways in which love changes things for a person.
20 weird things people do when they fall in love
When it comes to being in love, we do things that might be surprising to our partners. If other people see you doing some of these activities or habits, it becomes weird or strange to them because it’s a departure from your usual self.
Here are some of the crazy things people do for love
1. Checking social media accounts frequently
One of the weird things guys do when they fall in love is to comb through their social media platforms regularly everyday. The reason is to see if you’ve left them a message on those platforms. Hence, they will keep coming back to ensure that they don’t miss your messages.
Christiana Njoku, LPC, says
Who doesn’t get excited reading from the one they love? This is one of the things you do when in love.
This does not happen to everyone, but those who experience it are bound to be less productive because they spend most of their time online.
Related Reading: The Harsh Truth About Social Media and Relationships’ Codependency
2. Comfortable with strange things you do
If you are wondering what are the things you do for love that might look crazy, one of those things is your partner’s ability to be comfortable with some irritating habits of yours.
For instance, your partner might be comfortable listening to your loud music, with some of your unhygienic habits or annoying quirks, if they are in love with you.
When this happens often, you can be sure they are in love with you and have accepted everything about you.
3. Overanalyze your interactions
One of the things you do when you’re in love is to look out for your partner. Some people make it their life’s mission to ensure that their partners do not get into harm’s way.
Therefore, when you discuss with your friends and acquaintances, they will analyze all your statements to look for all the possible meanings.
One of the reasons why they do it is so that you can make amends if your words do not come out right in front of others. Sometimes, this is one of the weird things guys do when they fall in love.
4. Judge your potential parenting skills
When people ask whether love makes you do crazy things, the answer is often a resounding “yes.” If some people are in love, they will link everything you do to how your parenting skills will look like. This means that they look forward to spending the rest of their lives with you as their partner.
Sometimes, they will imagine things like the kind of names you will give your future children, the city where you want to settle down, etc.
5. Emulate some of your mannerisms
When it comes to the things you do for love, one of them is when you begin to act like your partner without knowing. This means that you may have studied them to the point where they become an integral part of you.
Therefore, you might begin to talk, walk, eat or even think like them. This does not happen to everyone, but it is one of the wildest things to do when you are in love. Similarly, it is one of the weird things guys do when they fall in love.
6. Always smiling while on their phone
If you have ever asked why does love make you do crazy things, the answer might be because when you are in love, you feel vulnerable, free and open with your partner.
One of the weird things some people do when in love is to keep smiling when they are on the phone with their partners, not minding if they are in a public space. The smile will be visibly written on their face, and it would look weird to other people who don’t know what is going on.
7. Laugh more than expected
One of the weird things guys do when they fall in love is to laugh at their potential partner’s joke, even if the humor is not profound. The reason is that they are in love and hence, everything about their prospective partner is heightened.
Additionally, being in love makes them free and childlike. Therefore, they are likely to laugh at almost everything, which could become excessive.
8. Care more about their appearance
When some people fall in love, their consciousness about their physical appearance takes a U-turn. This means they will be more concerned about how they look because they don’t want to repel their potential partner off. Doing this is also one of the weird things guys do when they fall in love.
It could become an obsession where they are excessively concerned about how they look without paying much attention to other aspects of their lives.
Related Reading: How Much Do Looks Matter in a Relationship?
9. Keen on making crazy sacrifices
One of the weirdest things people do when they fall in love is to make sacrifices that are sometimes beyond certain acceptable limits. A successful relationship thrives on the willingness of both partners to make sacrifices and compromises. However, there is often a healthy limit to this rule.
In some cases, some people go to extreme ends to make sacrifices that put their lives at risk. Additionally, it is one of the weird things guys do when they fall in love, and want to impress someone.
10. Ignore red flags
Whenever people say love will make you do crazy things, they are not far from the truth. Some people who fall in love with someone might decide to ignore red flags even when they know it is detrimental to the relationship.
As noted by Christiana Njoku,
Red flags are warning signs that something is not right about the relationship. Don’t let that feeling of love cloud your sense of reasoning.
They prefer to prioritize their feelings over some red flags that might ruin the relationship. Even when their loved ones try to enlighten them, they call their bluff because their feelings are all that matter.
Related Reading: How Important Is Sacrifice in a Relationship?
Watch this video about some red flags that tell us whether a relationship will last or not:
11. Looking for a potential home for cohabitation
When it comes to people doing crazy things when they fall in love, one point that cannot be left out is how some start to search for homes immediately. One of the reasons why this is weird is that even though they are in love, the relationship has not commenced.
Hence, searching for homes would be skipping the process because other important things should be settled first. Sometimes, this is one of the weird things guys do when they fall in love.
12. Bookmarking wedding items
One of the ways to know if someone is crazy for falling in love with you is when they begin to bookmark everything wedding-related online. These items will range from cakes, clothes, shoes and even possible wedding venues.
Anytime they are with their crush, the discussion will be centered on how the wedding will go, without even bothering to discuss the modalities of the relationship.
13. Mentioning their crush often
If you are looking for one of the weird things you do when you’re in love, one of them is finding a way to insert your crush in every interaction. Many people who do this always mention their crush even when the conversation is unrelated to them.
Most times, this happens because they are excited about their prospective partner, and they want everyone to know how much they mean to them.
14. Requesting passwords and other details
When searching for one of the wildest things to do with your boyfriend, requesting their password and financial card details fall into the category of answers.
Many people who fall in love do this without remembering that the relationship has not started yet.
They ask for their password and other details, thinking that the commitment should be intense at this point. However, they do not realize that falling in love is not sufficient to kickstart a relationship and even make it work.
15. Doing things they’ve not done before
Another weird thing that people do when they fall in love is to start doing things that may seem strange to the people around them. For instance, someone who falls in love can begin to show acts of kindness at every opportunity, which is not something that they used to do before.
At first, it might be viewed as coming from a place of good intentions. However, it might become uncomfortable for the recipients because they know that this behavior is not typical of that individual.
16. Try out each other’s clothes
Sometimes, when people fall in love, they begin to try out each other’s clothes or footwear. You will find them trying to see if their partner’s clothes or shoes fit them.
Most times, you will discover that their intent for doing this is purely harmless. However, it is because they are in love with their partner, and this is one of the strangest ways they can express themselves.
17. Text or call while in the same room
Another weird activity people do when they are in love is to communicate with their crush over the phone instead of speaking to them.
For instance, they can text their crush to get something in the other room. Also, they can go on a video call with them in the same room and act like they are several miles away from each other.
18. Comfortable with bodily functions
When some people are in love, they don’t mind farting, burping or discussing health concerns in their crush’s presence. One of the reasons they do this is because they feel free and safe with them. Hence, they are more likely to do things they would not typically do in public.
19. Pretending to be sick
If you have ever asked why does love make you crazy, you will discover that people have different answers. However, it all boils down to the fact that when you are in love with the right person, you are certain that you can conquer the world together.
Therefore, you are more likely to do crazy things with them. One such things is pretending to be sick to watch how your potential partner will fawn all over you.
20. Leaving their things at their crush’s place/car
When some people are in love, they will do weird things because they want to keep seeing their partner. So, when they are back from a date with their partner, they may leave some important items at their place or in their car. The reason is always to find an excuse to meet up with them.
Therefore, if they are out for lunch and they leave their second phone with their partner, they can fix another appointment the next day to come for the phone.
Are you wondering why your partner drives you crazy? Resmaa Menakem’s book titled Monsters in Love gives a good answer to this question. The book explains why people in love do crazy things and how you should react to them.
Having read this post, you now understand the weird things guys do when they fall in love. It is important to note that these things do not apply to one gender. This means that anyone who is in love is likely to do this.
If you need help taking things further with your crush, you can always reach out to a relationship counselor for guidance and mentorship. When you are going through this phase yourself, you may not notice the change. However, you will notice these in others and in yourself if you choose to notice things more carefully.
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