Am I in Love? 50 Revealing Signs to Look Out For

If you have ever met someone who makes you feel special and who you like being with, there’s every possibility that you may have asked yourself, “Am I in love?”
Is it a crush, or is this love? Do I love my crush? What exactly is going on with me? Is this love that I’m feeling?
These and more are some of the questions you may soon start asking yourself (if you haven’t already) as soon as you begin having those feelings. In any case, being able to tell the difference between love and other emotions is key to helping you make better decisions for your romantic life.
If you have ever felt that you’re beginning to feel strongly for someone else, this article will help you put things in perspective.
Am I in love or infatuated?
Infatuation and love can feel like confusing feelings in the beginning. You might wonder if you are infatuated with someone or in love with them.
Infatuation is quick, while love is slow and steady. When you are infatuated with someone, you may feel extremely attracted to them, which may happen very soon. A week or so into meeting someone, you might find yourself extremely smitten by this person, to the point where you might believe you are in love with them.
Love, however, is slow. You fall in love with someone as you spend more time with them and get to know them on a deeper, more intimate level.
How to know if you love someone?
Loving someone can be profound. Sometimes, you might not be sure if you love someone, have a crush on them, or are just infatuated with them.
For some people, drawing the lines between love and lust is also challenging, and they might themselves ask, “How do you know if you love someone?”
Knowing the signs of being in love can help if you are in such a situation. Read this article to know more.
50 signs to make sure you are in love
If you’re asking this question, you are most likely feeling something for that person who’s quickly becoming the special one.
This section will examine fifty signs that this is more than a crush. If you find yourself acting or responding to them (the one you have feelings for) this way, you should place your feet on the brakes and critically evaluate your feelings.
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1. What you’re feeling isn’t exactly new, but time hasn’t affected it yet
One of the defining characteristics of a crush is that regardless of how intense it is, it usually fades with time. However, if you have been having feelings for someone that have persisted over time, there’s every possibility that this is more than a crush.
2. You have almost no secrets from them
We all have secrets, and most times, we don’t open up except talking to people we completely trust. If you figure that they know almost everything about you, and they’re also completely open with you, there’s every possibility that you are beginning to fall for them.
Effective communication, when people are in love, is usually deep and no-holds-barred.
3. You see them in your future
Wondering, “Am I really in love?”
When you sit down to make plans for your future, you somehow fix them somewhere in your future. Whether or not you planned it, they feature in your future plans.
4. You spend most of your time together
Spending quality time with someone is both a tool for developing feelings for them and a way to strengthen an existing bond. If you have found yourself making time to be with them, it is possible that what you feel is more than a crush.
Related Reading: Making Time For You And Your Spouse
5. You have fun hanging out with them
The times you spend with them are arguably the best moments of your life. Even when carrying out boring and arduous tasks, you are somehow not fazed because you enjoy the time spent with them. As a result of this fun, you look forward to the moments spent together.
Does this sound like you? It is possible that you are so in love with them.
6. You have complementary goals and interests
During some of your heart-to-heart conversations, you’ve most likely talked about deeper feelings, goals, and aspirations. You may have noticed that your goals and objectives tend to align and complement each other’s.
These aligned goals further move the needle forward in how you relate with them. Because you are interested in similar things, you may get more drawn to them and spend more time together.
This further produces a snowball effect because as you spend more time with them, you’d likely develop stronger feelings.
Also, Try: Is my crush my soulmate
7. You are sexually attracted to them
While sexual attraction isn’t exactly a yardstick for measuring the depth of your feelings for someone, sexual attraction may play a major part in the trajectory of your relationship.
Evaluate how you want to relate with them sexually. Do you want to sleep with them and get it over with? Do you want to make love and be intimate with them for as long as possible?
If your case is the second option, it is possible that what you feel for them is much more than a crush.
Related Reading: What is Sexual Attraction
8. You want to be with them, even after fighting
If an argument doesn’t affect your relationship (you don’t suddenly lose the allure you’ve always felt, the allure and promise of having feelings for them), you may want to evaluate your feelings. This is usually sponsored by a sense of commitment that you may have developed over time.
Also, take some time to examine their relationship with you after a fight. Do they suddenly make excuses about why they are suddenly unavailable? That could be a cue.
9. You want to explore similar sexual options
Are you in love with your crush? If you suspect that this is the case with you, pay close attention to this point.
Most people have sexual kinks, and this conversation may come up at some point in your conversations with the one you have feelings for.
When it does, you will realize that you have similar sexual interests. You may want to explore similar sexual situations or be open to trying with them. This may, in turn, increase the sexual tension between you.
Related Reading: 10 Signs of Incredible Sexual Tension
10. You seek out the silliest reasons to reach out
It is supposed to be a crush, right? However, you find yourself picking up the phone and face-timing them when a new person packs into the neighborhood or when your dog takes a dump in the middle of your living room.
Yes, you would most likely want to reach out to them for the smallest things.
11. Every other romantic interest begins to pale in comparison
When, at those odd moments, thoughts of other people who should be romantic interests at this time cross your mind, you figure that they aren’t as important again.
If, since this person came into your life, you’ve found your romantic interests in others waning, you may want to analyze the current state of your relationship and critically examine your feelings for them.
12. You’ve started feeling super comfortable around them
One way to tell the difference between Love Vs. Crush is when you’ve lost the ability to try and impress them.
They can call you up when you’re deep in sleep, and you wouldn’t mind getting on a video call with them – without paying much attention to what they would think if they see a prepped version of you.
Maybe, this would have been a nightmare for you early on. However, they’ve probably seen deeper parts of you, and keeping up facades no longer means so much to you.
13. You no longer feel slighted if they don’t respond to your messages immediately
For some reason, you’ve come to understand how busy they can get as well. You have respect for their space, and you know they would reply to you at the right time.
Deep down inside, you’ve become comfortable with the knowledge that whatever you’re feeling is probably not one-sided, and they aren’t going off to look for the love of their life at the slightest chance they get.
14. At some point, prey may have given you some clues
This is the part where you get to walk down memory lane.
Try not to read any meaning into everything, but are there times when hanging out with them suddenly went from cozy to uncomfortable within minutes because they did or said something that suggests they may have feelings for you as well?
It could have been something as little as holding your gaze for a few seconds longer than necessary or reacting strongly to a random brush of skin. Can you lay hands on a reasonable number of these?
If yes, it is possible that you are crushing and that your crush may have the same feelings for you as well.
15. You admit to liking them more than just a crush
If you have ever caught yourself thinking about them in terms of having stronger feelings for them (feelings that are stronger than a pesky little crush that is going to fade away in a matter of weeks), it may be that a part of your brain has accepted the truth that you more than like them.
Even before you admit to having stronger feelings for them, a part of you knows and can tell that what you are feeling is more than just a crush.
16. You’ve probably thought about taking them to see your parents
Don’t freak out yet. You’re most likely not organizing a ‘get to meet the parents of the spouse’ kinda thing, but you may have thought about staging a meeting with your parents at some point.
This could have come in the form of wanting to take them home for dinner or just wishing that you’d run into your parents on your way from the mall. In any case, you have (at some point) imagined what this meeting would be like.
17. You suddenly have an ear to the ground
With the awakening that came from the knowledge of what has been discussed in point 15, you’ve suddenly kept an ear to the ground.
You find yourself listening closely to every conversation, so you can determine if they feel the same way you feel about them. You smile at their jokes, but you probably can’t help but wonder.
18. Physical intimacy no longer states the desire to be close to them
How to know if it’s a crush or love? See what intimacy means to you at this time.
In fact, you may even find yourself becoming more in love with them as the days go by. Inasmuch as you may have a deep desire to make love to them, you want something much more than just a romp in the sack.
19. You are willing to accommodate them
As is the case with every strong relationship, all parties must be willing to accommodate themselves. To answer the “am I in love” question, you must evaluate how willing you are to compromise here and there.
Do you wish to understand them and accommodate their lives? Do you already find yourself making some changes just to keep having them in your life? If you answered yes, it could be that you are well on your way to falling in love.
20. You don’t want to think about the idea of losing them
No matter how strong a crush is, a part of you also knows that it isn’t feasible and may never ever happen. This scenario, on the other hand, is a completely different case.
Do you find yourself appalled at the idea of having them walk out of your life for good? Do you think you’d have a breakdown if they left you and settled with another person?
That may be your heart speaking to you right there.
21. You find yourself stealing glances
When you are in love with someone, there is just something about them that keeps you from looking away from them. You may find yourself looking at them all the time or stealing glances when the two of you are in a crowded room.
If you find yourself looking for them in a room full of people, you might have feelings for them.
22. They are your first and last thought of the day
So, how do I know if I’m in love?
The second you open your eyes, it is them you think about. Right before you go to sleep, you are thinking about them. It could be something as simple as their smile or eyes or something they said or did, or it could be dreaming about a life with them or when you will get to see them next.
23. You feel a high
Being in love is a lot like being on drugs. You feel high when you are with someone you are in love with. This is because of the hormones our body produces when we are around someone we are in love with.
If being with them or spending time with them feels like a high, you might just be in love.
24. You think about them too much
How do you know it’s love?
You find yourself constantly occupied by the thoughts of them. Things they have said, things they do, how they behave, their smile, or laugh, or little gestures.
You might even find it difficult to focus on work or study because your mind is constantly occupied by thoughts of them.
25. You might feel jealous
When you see someone being really close to them, touching them, or laughing with them, do you feel a strand of jealousy? If yes, chances are that you are falling in love with this person.
While a lot of jealousy may be a red flag in a relationship, a little jealousy just means that you wish to have their attention or want to feel special to them.
Related Reading: 15 Tips on How to Stop Being Jealous in Your Relationship
26. You find yourself prioritizing them
All of us have so many things to take care of. However, if you find yourself putting them over other things, or wanting to spend time with them over other things that you could do, it is a sign you are in love with them.
27. You are falling in love with new things
When we start to fall in love with someone, we start to see the world differently. You might find yourself trying new things, mostly things your person likes. When you find yourself falling in love with new things, it is a sign that this is more than a crush.
28. Time goes by quickly when you are with them
Do you both spend hours together, but when you look back, it seems like it has just been a few minutes? If that is the case, chances are that you are falling in love with them. You enjoy their company so much that time passes by too quickly, and you do not even realize it.
29. You find yourself becoming a better person
Another tell-tale sign that you are in love with someone is when you find yourself becoming a better person for them.
You recognize your behaviors that are problematic and try to rectify them as much as you can. This is because you want to be the best version of yourself for the person you love.
30. Their quirks grow on you
Every person has some quirks. Initially, when we meet someone and they mean nothing to us, these little quirks may be annoying, or we might just be indifferent to them.
However, as time passes and you start to fall in love with someone, you find out that these little quirks have now grown on you, and if anything, you find them adorable.
31. Being with them feels easy
If it is a crush, you might find yourself constantly conscious of what you are saying or doing, because you want them to like you back, or just want to present yourself a certain way.
However, when it is more than a crush, being with them feels easy. You find yourself being you more often, without a filter or without trying too hard.
32. You want them to be happy
Another sign that you are in love with this person is when you want them to be happy. Whether it is with you or not, you wish all the best things for them. You want them to have the best life, see a lot of success, and achieve everything they want.
33. You can’t hold a grudge against them
Sometimes, people we love or adore can end up annoying us. You might find yourself holding a grudge, or just not liking being around these people.
However, when you are in love with someone or have started to fall in love with them, you might notice that you cannot hold a grudge against them.
34. You feel better about yourself around them
Another sign that you are in love with someone is when you start to feel better about yourself when you are around them.
They make you feel so loved that you feel confident and valued. If you feel better about yourself around them, you might fall in love with them.
35. You have felt the urge to say, “I love you”
Maybe they did something really cute for you, and you felt the urge to say I love you to them. You might not have said it yet, but you do feel the urge. It just goes on to say that you do feel the feeling of love towards them.
36. You might feel ready for commitment
You only feel ready for commitment when you are in love with someone. If you feel committed, or ready to commit to this person, it is definitely more than a crush and a clear sign that you are in love.
37. Their pain is your pain
If they are physically, or emotionally in pain or worried, you feel worried for them. You want to help them get over whatever is causing them pain and help them in finding the solution.
Being extremely compassionate towards someone is a sign that you are more than just attracted to them and that they are more than just a crush.
38. You behave affectionately towards them
Another sign that you are in love with this person can be that you behave very affectionately towards them. You try to take care of them, do things for them, or even try to understand how they feel loved to go ahead and do those things for them.
39. You wait for them to reach out to you
Sometimes, you find excuses to reach out to them. However, when you do not, you wish for them to reach out to you.
You wait for their texts or calls, and when you receive one, it is not just your phone that lights up, but also your face.
40. You feel safe with them
How do you know you are in love?
Another sign that you may be falling in love with someone is when you feel very safe with them. You do not feel anxious, tired, or exhausted with them.
You feel at ease and calm with them, which just goes on to tell that this is definitely more than a crush.
41. You want to take adventures with them
When you think of things you want to do with them, you think of adventures. It could be a vacation or just a simple hike, but you want to do something that is fun and adventurous with this person.
This is because taking adventures with someone you like or maybe falling in love with can help strengthen the bond with them.
42. Their opinion matters to you
Another sign that it is more than just a crush, and might be turning into love is when their opinions start to matter to you. It means that what they think about you, or even anything in general, makes a difference to you.
43. Things remind you of them
When you are doing the most fun things around the city, or the most mundane things around the house, you are reminded of them. Maybe you go somewhere you see their favorite food on the menu, or you look around the house and find a movie they really like.
When someone is on your mind constantly, it means that it is definitely more than a crush.
44. You feel okay with making sacrifices
Being with someone in a relationship or even a friendship requires a certain level of sacrifice. To maintain a healthy and happy relationship, you have to feel okay with making sacrifices that help the well-being or happiness of the person you are falling in love with.
45. It is easy to make plans with them
Now that you are a little smitten with them, and most likely, they are too, you find it easier to make plans with them. You both discuss availability and prioritize your time together.
46. Even chores with them are fun
You know it is fringing on the line of love when even the most mundane tasks with them seem fun and enjoyable. If you have started to enjoy doing chores such as laundry or the dishes with them, it means it is more than just a crush at this point.
47. You are consistent with them
When it comes to love, a virtue that is underrated is consistency. When you are falling in love with someone, you stay consistent in your efforts with them.
One of the signs that it is more than a crush is when you start being consistent in making plans with them, talking to them, or just being around them.
Wondering if they like you too? Watch this video for some signs that your crush likes you back.
48. There are no games
When it is still a crush, there are games and rules. The third date rule, or who calls or texts first, etc.
However, when you start to fall in love, the games go out of the window. You stop playing hard to get and just go with the natural flow of things.
49. You have spoken about what love means to each of you
Things are getting serious to the point where you both know how the other person defines love. You are likely to have this conversation with someone only when both of you are starting to look at the situation from that perspective.
Having such serious conversations is a sign that you are falling in love.
50. Disagreements are welcome
You understand that two people who like each other can also disagree with each other and do so respectfully. When you just have a crush on someone, you want to agree with them on everything because you like them so much and want them to like you.
However, when you are falling in love, you feel it is healthy to disagree and can express your opinion freely. So, if you are wondering if it is love or just a crush, comfortable disagreements can serve as one of the key signs of falling in love.
Do I love them or am I just attached?
You can know if you love them or are just attached to them based on the feelings you have for them. If your feelings for them are not conditional, it is most likely love. However, if your feelings are affected by their proximity or their behavior in the smallest of ways, it could be attachment.
Related Reading: Do I Have a Crush or Am I in Love Quiz
Am I in love, or do I have a crush? Am I in love with my crush or is this something that would fade away?
If you’re asking these questions, it is possible that you have developed deep feelings for them (your crush). Take a look at the signs we discussed in this article to decide if you are truly in love or if you just have a crush.
Meanwhile, if you are having trouble navigating the relationship, you should consider couples counseling.
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