30 Signs He Loves You

Love is a powerful feeling. But there’s no guarantee that the person you fall for loves you back, and that’s why rejection hurts hard.
No wonder he’s falling in love but scared to tell you. While men can make grand gestures to propose, there are times when you can see the signs he loves you but is scared to admit them openly.
Love has a way of building hopes and crushing them.
This is the reason why most guys tread very carefully when it comes to accepting it as well as professing their love to you.
However, women are blessed with an intuitive mind, and most of the time, you know when a man is in love with you but scared to say anything.
When a guy says he likes you, he is subtly letting you know that he is falling in love with you.
How does a man act when he’s falling in love?
Usually, when a man falls in love, the signs he loves you is that he is jittery and anxious when you talk to him.
When a guy stutters and has problems speaking to you, but doesn’t seem to have the same problem with everyone else, then it’s a good sign that he is into you.
The reason why he is stuttering is that there are hundreds of thoughts entering his mind, and he is very careful about what he says in an effort not to embarrass himself.
On the other side of the coin, he probably hates you with a passion and is doing his best not to show it. He knows that fighting with a woman is distasteful, so take note. It’s your previous interactions that will tell if you’re his biggest crush or the pain he can’t get rid of.
Not just this, he begins to focus a lot on you.
Whenever you feel bugged by the nudging questions like is he in love with me or does he really love me, try to analyze if he pays attention to what you say or what you do.
Whether you two are in deep conversation over a glass of wine at a fancy restaurant or just shooting the breeze over coffee at Starbucks, he is totally into whatever you are talking about.
He’s looking at you (and not scouting the room checking out other women), asking you questions, and, most importantly, remembering what you are saying. (He’ll ask you about it in later conversations.) When men are in love, they listen!
30 signs he loves you
He could be your best friend, a friend of a friend you’ve started hanging out with, a guy you’ve started dating, or a common friend who is suddenly taking a good amount of interest in being around you, how to tell if he loves you?
Be it your partner or just a friend. If he is not saying it out loud, the following are the signs he loves you:
1. He starts changing
A change isn’t always a bad thing, so if you start seeing changes in your guy, don’t be worried. It’s only fair that you might start thinking, does he want a relationship?
But the change is because he is scared of his feelings for you.
These are the signs he loves you but is afraid of rejection.
The change becomes more prominent when he has other women around him; you will notice that he is treating you differently than other women.
This is one of the most common signs he wants to say I love you. You will see that his charm, as well as his nervousness, are all directed towards you.
2. He wants to get out of the friend zone
If you are good friends and you have started seeing changes in his behavior towards you, there are chances that he wants to be more than friends.
If he has started a level of harmless flirting with you, winking at you, asking you out for subtle dates, it’s pretty clear that he wants you to be his girlfriend.
If he gets nervous around you, it is again one of the signs he loves you but is scared. He fears that his proposal will change the friendship you guys have.
He wants a relationship but is scared to mess up the perfect bond that you guys already have.
Grady Shumway, LMHC, says,
If you share his feelings, consider having an open and honest conversation to express your own thoughts and address any fears. Taking things slowly and ensuring clear communication can help both of you transition smoothly from friendship to a potential romantic relationship.
3. Cracks jokes about liking you
You may see many signs he wants to say I love you but is scared. His fear is valid as he likes you but is scared of rejection.
This fear of rejection will make him test the waters now and again. You will find him joking about how much he likes you. However, he isn’t just joking. He does like you but is checking your reaction!
Women love a man who can make them laugh (yup, even research says so!), so if a man is suddenly exercising his funny bones around you, then it’s one of the sure-shot signs he loves you.
4. Starts acting jealous
Signs a guy likes you but is scared aren’t hard to tell. They are pretty helpful as well because then you know how to make him say “I love you” or tell him that you aren’t interested at all.
Jealousy is also one of the early signs he loves you.
It’s also the most common signs that give him away. Acting jealous is one of the significant signs that he loves you but is scared to admit. Because of this, he will fume when other guys will even talk to you or flirt with you.
5. Starts staring constantly
How to know if and when a man loves you?
Well, that’s easy. Look at the signs he loves you but is scared to make a move. If you notice him staring at you for a long time, most of the time, when you are not looking, it is a huge sign.
Women have the power to judge a stare, so observe his staring, and you will know whether he likes you or he is just a creep.
6. Leans on you after a breakup
Having failed once can be one of the many signs he is afraid to fall for you, or maybe he’s falling for you but scared to admit it.
If that’s the case and you know about his past, go easy on the guy. If you like him, make things easier for him. Give him signals that he can approach you, and there is nothing to be scared of.
He has loved and lost before, so approaching women becomes tough when a man loves you but is afraid of losing you. He will ask you out the minute he knows that you will not turn him down.
7. Compliments more than usual
How does a man act when he’s falling in love? For starters, he finds ways to compliment you.
It’s very unusual for a guy to compliment unless he is really into you. So this is a massive sign that he likes you.
If you are getting compliments from him out of nowhere, and then be sure that the guy is falling for you. He keeps throwing the ball in your court; he wants to see your reaction to his attention.
Keep check of all those compliments because that could be a sign he wants a relationship with you.
8. His friends know
If you want to know whether the guy is falling for you or not, observe how his friends act around you. If they are acting all funny and goofy around you, it’s a huge sign that he has told them about his feelings for you.
So, girls, the signs are all there! You just need to look closely and find out how to make him say it out loud!
9. You are always on his mind, and he tells you so
He sends you silly memes, and he texts you just to say he’s thinking about you, he emails you photos of your last weekend together.
He might miss an important point during a meeting at work because he is fantasizing about you.
If a man loves you, you are ever-present in his head, even when you aren’t physically with him.
Yes, these are the obvious signs he loves you.
Grady Shumway adds,
If you reciprocate his feelings, let him know how much you appreciate his gestures and share your own thoughts and feelings with him. It’s important to balance showing affection and maintaining personal space to ensure a healthy relationship. Communicating openly about your mutual expectations can help strengthen your bond and foster a deeper connection.
10. He will never refuse to do you favors
Unless you’re his boss or something to that effect, a guy who will do whatever it takes to help you is clearly in love with you.
Men are simple creatures, but when they fall in love, they do crazier things than women do. Because unlike women, men are expected to be in control, they take pride in that.
Only love will let him give up that pride and allow a woman to take control over his entire being.
If they are just shy or too afraid of rejection to tell you how they feel, then they will be content just to spend time with you. Doing favors for you will give them the opportunity to be close to you, and hope that you notice them then make the first move.
If you don’t feel anything for that man, stop seeing him.
11. He will understand things about your past
Not everything about your past is a bad thing. For example, having a child is a blessing, but for a man, the possibility of marrying someone carrying excess baggage is hard to swallow. But if he can look past things like that to be with you, then he really loves you.
But you wouldn’t know anything about that unless you have a heart to heart talk with him. But how would you know if he understands your past if you are not in that kind of commitment?
If you are comfortable enough with a person, then you can be honest with them about your past. If they, in turn, are honest with you, then you can see what he truly feels.
12. Respect
When a man loves you, he will respect you. He will respect you as a person, your decisions, your choices, your lifestyle, your belief, and faith. He will never force you to do his bidding or to follow his dreams and desires.
13. Knight in shining armor
How do you know he loves you? It is not that hard. When a man is in love, he will go all Jackie Chan on anyone who can pose any threat towards the love of his life. He will go to the ends of the earth to protect and look after his loved ones.
14. His pride in you
A man in love is always proud of the love of his life.
One of the not so commonly known signs of true love from a man is that he loves to show her off amongst his family and friends. He will talk about your success and admire you all day long, and even then, it wouldn’t be enough. Signs of true love from a man are as clear as crystal.
15. He is kind and humble
He will remain compassionate towards you. His ego will not be his most prized possession; his love for you will surpass all. He will apologize even when you are at fault so that you can calm down. He will love you truly, undisputedly, irrevocably.
16. Supportive
The signs he loves you are not that hard to find; even a blind person can see two people in love. The only problem is that as we are in the relationship, we are blind to the fact. A man in love will give you his undivided attention and 100% support.
No matter what you do or the decisions you take. Even if he does not agree with them, and if you fail, he will be there to pick up the pieces.
17. Inclusion
One of the signs of true love from a man is that he will make you his priority. You will always be a part of his major life decisions, even if they are small, compared to daily life, where to eat, where to shop, where to go. He will make you feel that he hears your voice and your opinion.
18. A giver rather than a taker
Signs of love always include a person who gives more than they intend to take.
A giver is someone who focuses on what they can do for their partner rather than focusing on how much their partner can do for them. If both people involved think in the same manner, the relationship will bloom like nothing else.
19. You have always known
A part of you knows. It has always known. Whether you choose to believe that part or not, that is another story. You know if your partner loves you. You know if he is sincere, and you know if you can see a future together or not.
Signs a man loves you is not that hard to think up of; as a man, though is careful with his emotions, they tend to reveal their feelings via actions, unconsciously, though.
20. He is attentive
One of the signs a man is falling in love with a woman is when he becomes very attentive. He will begin to notice even the slightest of details. He will also remember things that you just said in passing. The center of his focus will undoubtedly become you.
21. All the walls come down
This is probably the very first sign of true love from a man. Naturally, at the start of the relationship, he would only like to show his best side. However, as his feelings begin to grow, he will want to share a more genuine relationship with you.
This means he will probably open up more and stop trying to conceal his flaws.
He would want you to know the real him, someone who is not probably perfect, but he would want to share that side of himself as well.
Moreover, he would not want to hide anything from you. He would trust you with anything and everything that holds importance for him. When a man bares himself emotionally, inside out, it’s one of the signs he loves you.
22. He is proud of you and wants you to meet his friends and family
Does he love me?
Well, this is not just one of the signs he loves you, he perhaps wants the two of you to get happily hitched.
It’s with excitement that he plans a big party to introduce you to his group of friends, saying, “they’re going to love you!”. He’s anxious to bring you home to meet his parents, who he knows “will adore you”!
He is so proud to be with someone as great as you, and he can’t wait to show you off to his world. That’s love with a capital L!
23. He talks about “us” rather than “me”
“We need to plan our vacation” has replaced “I’m going surfing with the guys this summer in Hawaii,” “Let’s go choose a new bed that we both like” instead of “My old bed needs replacing, I’m going to stop by Ikea on the way home and pick something out.”
There is no more reason left for the question- does he love me to pop up.
Decisions are now made with your input because he loves you and wants to make sure you are involved in all aspects of his life.
At the same time, it’s your responsibility to maintain the charm in your relationship. Even if your partner loves you, you need to put an equal effort into your relationship to go for miles.
So, watch this video to avoid common relationship mistakes and aim for a happy and healthy relationship:
24. You are his cheerleader too
Does he love me?
Of course, he does! This is one of the signs he loves you enough to make you his go-to person when he needs cheering up after a bad day at the office or motivation not to skip that workout.
He doesn’t need to pretend that he’s got it all together around you.
Love knows you can be vulnerable around your partner without fear they will reject you. When he cries in front of you, know that he loves you enough to show you his tears.
25. He celebrates you
Does he love me?
Yes, he does, when he has no insecurities or ego. On the contrary, he celebrates you!
It’s love when your man is happy for your accomplishments (rather than being in competition or being jealous of you), encourages you to reach for the stars, and has constant, unwavering faith in your abilities to excel.
He is your number one cheerleader and will do everything to ensure that you can pursue your goals, such as giving you a quiet space to write that report for work to offer to proofread it once you have finished.
26. He sits through some of those soppy Nicholas Sparks’ movies
“The Lucky One” may not be his cup of tea “ (he’d rather be watching “The Avengers”), but he knows you melt for Zac Ephron, so why not make you happy?
Besides, you’ll get so hot after watching Zac that he’ll reap the benefits of your heightened arousal…it’s a win-win for all!
If this is happening between you and your boyfriend, it is definitely one of the signs he loves you and it’s time to kick away your lingering question- does he love me!
There are the signs your boyfriend loves you truly and madly.
27. He can read your moods
Despite having a boyfriend and irrespective of you having physical proximity with him, if you tend to wonder- does my boyfriend love me, try to identify if an emotional connection exists between the two of you.
He can read you like a book from how you purse your lips in reaction to something he has said.
He has looked at your face a million times and, as such, needs no words to interpret what your expressions are saying.
28. He touches you all the time
You know he loves you if he can’t keep his hands off of you, even if it is just a little squeeze around your waist or a light touch on your arm. These gestures involving a physical touch are not only limited to trying to get you to the bedroom; he enjoys feeling you in his arms anytime.
Sexual overtones or not, he just wants to feel your skin next to his.
These are the obvious signs a guy loves you, and now you can put your nagging question on does he love me to rest.
29. He’s your emergency contact
How to know if he loves you?
Well, when a man really loves you, your heart will know it. You will inadvertently start trusting him, and you will begin to depend on him in your times of need.
So, you know those forms you fill out, like when you are seeing a new doctor? And there’s a space for “emergency contact information”? You’ve asked him if he can be that person for you, and he says, “of course!” right away. And you are his, too.
This means that should you ever need him to be there for anything, and he’s there. No hesitation. No, “oh hon, I can’t come right now…I’m leveling up!” He has made it clear that you can count on him for anything, emergency or not.
30. He touches you all the time
You know he loves you if he can’t keep his hands off of you, even if it is just a little squeeze around your waist or a light touch on your arm. These gestures involving a physical touch are not only limited to trying to get you to the bedroom; he enjoys feeling you in his arms anytime.
Sexual overtones or not, he just wants to feel your skin next to his.
These are the obvious signs a guy loves you, and now you can put your nagging question on does he love me to rest.
Why don’t men always tell us when they deeply love us?
Have you seen the movie “Love Actually”?
It’s a feel-good movie with semi-independent arcs about different kinds of love and relationships. One arc is about Rick the Zombie Killer, in love with his best friend’s wife, the Pirate Princess.
He did everything he can to protect everyone and not reveal his true feelings that could ruin their friendship. But his love was so strong that the Pirate Princess found out anyway.
The most common reason is the fear of rejection. There are other reasons, some just as silly as the common ones, but some are more noble and serious, like Mr. Rick the Zombie Killer.
But just because they do not say it in words doesn’t mean he doesn’t cherish you.
Does he love me?
How to know a guy loves you? How can you be 100% sure?
All the aforementioned signs he loves you with are a very general collection of changes and behaviors that a man might display when he is in love. However, these are not set in stone.
You can also take this quiz and figure out his exact feelings:
Signs a man loves you is not that hard to think up of; as a man, though is careful with his emotions, they tend to reveal their feelings via actions, unconsciously, though.
Give him opportunities to show those flags. The more opportunities you give him, the more chances he will have to show those signs he loves you. It is always important to consider the situation at hand.
However, there is one thing that you can definitely take away from this:
A bond of love is one of trust and respect. It is one where being considerate to the other comes without question. When you truly love someone, you never want to hurt them in any way.
Hence, to find out if he loves you or not, you should look for signs a man is falling in love, and his feelings for you shall become clear on their own.
If you are a woman who is not afraid and willing to take control of your own life, then be the first to confess your love. All the best!
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