15 Signs of a Shy Guy in Love

He is an introvert and mainly keeps to himself. But, on multiple occasions, you find him giving you more than enough attention. He may suddenly become courteous to you or even approach you for small talk.
Sometimes, you may find his loving and admiring gaze on you with a silent nod of appreciation. Probably that super-duper hot shy guy is into you!
But shy guys have their own world. They are also humans who fall in love like a regular man. But, since the guy is a little introverted, you need to look for signs a shy guy likes you.
They do not openly convey their attraction but often drop subtle hints and signs that a shy guy likes you. You may have talked with your girl gang about his admiring gaze to clarify. But it does not help!
However, there is a way! If you are a little clever, you can easily pick up shy guys flirting signs to confirm your intuition!
So, read on! It is time to learn more about signs a shy guy likes you!
How to know if a shy guy likes you
Shy guys have their own ways of expressing things. Being introverts or ambiverts, they often prefer to use their gestures and body language to express their feelings. As per research, even shy guys will try to make the extra effort and may become more open to dropping signs.
Read this research to find out what behaviors express romantic attraction.
His face may light up as he sees you or greets you. Or, he may even try to sit or remain close to you during social events. So, the best way is to check out the language of love for shy guys.
The shy guys are often more capable of reading body language. He may even give you a hand in difficult situations by checking out your body language.
15 signs a shy guy likes you
Let us look at the top fifteen signs a shy guy likes you and considers you more than a friend!
1. He becomes very nervous around you
Shy men are socially awkward and often remain in their own world. On top of that, they are also not good at expressing their feelings with words. Hence, it is very difficult to get a direct confession from a shy guy.
One of the interesting facts about shy guys is that they often become nervous and fidgety while confessing their feelings.
2. He makes some effort to stay close
Shy guys may not express their feelings with romantic or flirty gestures. But they are indeed dependable. He will always try to remain in your proximity. You will find out that he has the same shift in your office or walks down the same path during the wee hours.
This is one of the most common signs a shy guy likes you. This happens because he has a natural protective instinct but cannot express his concern.
Hence, he desperately tries to make the world safer and more beautiful by being closer and pushing out of his comfort zone.
3. He becomes a good listener
Is he your acquaintance? Then here is a tip on knowing if a shy guy likes you.
Shy guys are good listeners as they do not talk too much. If you find him listening carefully, even in the simplest conversation, pick up the cue!
He is giving you more attention than others. That means he has genuine feelings for you and loves listening to you as a star-struck lover!
In the book titled Listening Is an Act of Love, StoryCorps founder and legendary radio producer Dave Isay selects real-life stories about how listening can often be synonymous with loving.
Related Reading: 4 Tips to Be a Better Listener in a Relationship- Why It Matters
4. He takes a few glances, secretly
Every man loves to glance at and watch their crush from time to time to admire their beauty and personality.
If a shy guy likes you, he will secretly gaze at you once in a while to admire you. He will work like a secret admirer who secretly loves to watch over you.
But, being a shy guy, he becomes nervous whenever you catch him. He will avert his gaze wherever you gaze back.
5. He makes eye contact
If he tries to make eye contact once in a while, it is time to get a green signal for his feelings. Introverts do not prefer to make eye contact unless the person is very important to them.
Check out if he makes eye contact with you first while entering or exiting any place. This is one of the main signs of a shy guy having a crush on you.
Related Reading: 10 Powers of Eye Contact in a Relationship
6. He is all smiles around you
If he always smiles as soon as he sees you, consider it among the confirmed signs a shy guy likes you. You are important to him, and probably his world lights up with your face.
It is time to run towards him when he greets you with a pleasant smile, sweet gestures, or even nods!
7. He tries to talk with you
He does not talk too much but makes a special effort to talk with you. Probably he is trying to drop hints about his feelings with this gesture.
For a shy man, making a conversation is similar to pushing their boundaries. He is sincerely making you notice. So, be clever and pick up signs a shy guy likes you to initiate the relationship.
Wondering how to talk to him? Watch this video on how to talk to shy guys:
8. He may blush around you
If you wonder how to confirm that a shy guy has a crush on you, look for this sign. Try to start a conversation with him and give a small compliment.
It is a positive sign if he blushes cutely and mumbles a little. He is definitely into you, and your compliment means a lot to him!
9. He always offers a helping hand
Being helpful is one of the common signs a shy guy likes you. You are important to him, and he will leave no stone unturned to be in your aid. If he has led you with a courteous hand during any problem, small or big- he definitely likes you.
10. He follows you on social media
He may not talk much with you in real life, but he follows you on social media platforms. Sy guys avoid confrontation and often use social media to keep connected with their crush.
So, if he is friends with you on social media and drops a like or comment on your post, take that as a sign of the shy guy having a crush on you.
11. He is freer with virtual conversations
Shy men often avoid real-life conversations but are more comfortable in the virtual world. Be confident if he often talks with you on social media and initiates conversation.
It is among the top signs a shy guy likes you. He is probably preparing himself to converse with you in real life more or is probably trying to drop hints about his feelings.
12. He becomes jealous when you talk with other guys
He is shy, but that does not mean he is not prone to becoming jealous. Shy men often become jealous when their love interests talk with other guys they think of as their competitors.
So, if you are unsure about his feelings, go talk with another guy other than your male friends. Your shy admirer may become rigid and may even avoid you of jealousy! A little game can often confirm his feelings.
13. He tries to impress you with his actions
A man trying to impress his crush is one of the most common signs a shy guy likes you. He may try to change his style and appearance to attract your attention.
If you find him wearing new glasses, a new shirt, or a new hairstyle, he is definitely trying to make a move!
Related Reading: 21 Telltale Signs a Guy Likes You
14. He notices little changes in your appearance
A shy guy often observes the appearance of people he deems important. If you are his love interest, he will surely make an extra effort to check out your appearance in detail.
He is someone who will notice the slightest change in your appearance. He may notice you are wearing new jewelry or that you got a haircut. He may even notice small changes like changing your spectacles or regular watch.
If he compliments you and notices the smallest changes, consider it among the positive signs a shy guy likes you.
15. His friends may make subtle hints about his feelings
If he is madly in love with you, his friends may have a clear knowledge of his feelings. He has a small circle of friends, and each of his friends knows your importance in his life.
They may even make subtle hints about his feelings in your presence to make him confess. Check out his reaction. If he becomes nervous, count it among the signs that a shy guy likes you.
The bottom line
Looking for shy men in love signs may help you to find if that handsome shy dude is into you in real life. Since shy men often do not approach you directly, they may not propose to you directly.
So, you may not find him going all out to impress you in front of others. Hence, you may need to take some action and propose to him instead.
Despite being a shy guy, he is a dependable man who will become your companion and help you cherish a beautiful love life filled with happiness.
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