21 Reasons Why You Should Believe in Love

The force of love is one of the most significant influences on the earth. This incredible emotion gives us reasons to smile and teaches us to look at the brighter things in life.
Love gives us hope and makes us more patient. It certainly is one of the most beautiful emotions that makes our life worthwhile.
But, not everyone is fortunate enough to experience this emotion in its purest form. Sometimes, betrayal infests a relationship, or at other times, people simply fall out of love, leaving the other partner in the lurch.
Such experiences can cause people to hold on to hurtful feelings, and over time, they just give up on love. Therefore, it is essential to know that there are some things you must do to keep believing in love.
If you have been heartbroken and disappointed, it does not cancel the fact that many people continue to still believe in love every day of their lives. Therefore, no matter the hurt or disappointment, you can still continue to believe in love for the reasons that are discussed ahead.
What exactly is love?
Do you believe in love because you understand its meaning?
Love is a combination of emotions that form our behavior. This results in a strong feeling of attraction, affection, intimacy, protectiveness, loyalty, and adoration for another person.
You can feel love for non-human things; love can be felt or expressed towards a deity (God), material things, and animals, to religious beliefs or even principles. Love is complex. The feeling of love within an individual and the expression of love differs from person to person.
What does it mean to believe in love and express it?
You can express love in different ways or practices, which include the following:
- The intense emotion of likeness that results in affection and care
- The willingness to put another’s happiness and satisfaction above your joy and pleasure
- The feeling of being obligated to meet the needs of another person
- Going the extra mile to sacrifice your time, energy, and other resources to comfort another
- Having a genuine desire to be around someone all the time
- Making sure that the interest of another person is always protected
Considering the various outlined ways of expressing love, it becomes difficult and inappropriate to constrain the expression of love. This variance is why partners or spouses feel hurt because their partner stepped outside the box of their definition of love.
It is crucial to receive sufficient knowledge on the subject matter of love and how people express love because it varies from person to person, and this will help you keep believing in love.
Maggie Martinez, LCSW, says
Communication about how you give and receive love and your partner is imperative to ensure you feel fulfilled in your relationship.
Sometimes, your partner or spouse may deliberately or unintentionally do things or manifest characters that hurt you. Some of these actions may damage you so severely that you resolve to stop believing in love again or have another partner with whom you are in love.
It is not unnatural to experience this and to feel this way. But to remain with this conviction or state of mind may not be the best. There are things you can do to keep believing in love regardless of what your past experiences are.
Why is it important to believe in love?
Believing in love is essential because it nurtures hope, fosters connection, and brings joy. It opens doors to meaningful relationships, personal growth, and emotional fulfillment.
Maggie Martinez adds here,
Love is one of the deepest and strongest emotions a human can experience.
Love inspires compassion, resilience, and the ability to navigate life’s challenges. It fuels optimism, reminding us that love’s transformative power can heal and bring beauty to our lives.
How can we keep believing in love?
Or how to believe in love?
To maintain belief in love, seek positive examples of love in real life and in the media. Surround yourself with supportive, loving relationships. Practice self-love and personal growth. Embrace vulnerability, take risks, and remain open to new connections.
Cultivate gratitude, maintain realistic expectations, and learn from past experiences to build a resilient belief in love.
21 reasons to keep believing in love
Many people once had disappointment and heartbreak, but that did not stop them from moving on with their lives. At one point, some of them were able to find love again as a result of the openness of their heart.
If they were once in your shoes and were able to do something about their situation, then you can as well. You can love again, no matter your experiences. Be open in your heart and mind as you consider some of the reasons to believe in love.
The following are some reasons why you should keep believing in love.
1. Love truly exists
The mentality that love or true love does not exist is inappropriate. So, if you find yourself asking, does love exist? Yes, it does!
Research has shown that love exists and can last for a lifetime. Have you ever wondered how other people remain in love with their partner or spouse for a very long time, some for years and decades?
2. Believing in love attracts love
“You become what you think about most.. But you also attract what you think about most. (John Assaraf) ”. Rhonda Byrne quoted it in her book, ‘The Secret.’
The more you believe in relationships that bring meaning to your life, the more you will experience true love in your life. This belief will enable you to create positive vibes around yourself that will attract more love in your life.
3. To love and be loved makes life better
Love is showing affection and care. Although you can show love to yourself, true love is not just to oneself but also to others. Part of our greatest cravings is to have people love us.
4. Love can lighten you up
Being in love helps to reduce stress to a considerable extent. With the reduced stress in your life, your physical and emotional well-being improves significantly.
5. You definitely have someone around you who loves you!
Whether you are aware or not, because you don’t believe in love does not take away the feeling of love people have for you and their willingness to be committed to you. There are people who likely say “I believe in love” because of you.
It’s easy not to be aware or choose to ignore the love around you, but this doesn’t make it vanish and unreal.
6. Love helps you get a new perspective
When you are in love with someone, you might observe their thinking and convictions to be a lot different from yours.
Being in love helps you broaden your thinking and gain a fresh perspective on your life, which in turn helps you keep believing in love.
7. Love creates exciting memories
We usually never want to reflect on moments that were not pleasurable. We prefer to only reflect on moments of happiness and excitement.
These moments exist because of the presence of love.
8. Love creates happiness
Everybody craves happiness!
We want to do things, go to places, and be with people who make us happy. Love creates happiness and a sense of joy.
9. Love helps you overcome fear
The consciousness of having the one you love around eliminates the feeling of anxiety.
Maggie Martinez comments,
With someone you love, you feel as if you are not alone in any difficulties.
You suddenly believe you can achieve anything with the support of your partner or spouse. You have faith in love which builds your confidence.
10. Love unveils the best version of you
When you love, you always want to be happy, make others happy, and positively influence the world around you.
This is why it is vital you believe in love again. It will help you discover your true self-the best version of yourself!
11. The feeling of being the reason for someone else’s happiness is unparalleled!
How exciting it is to know that someone is happy because they have you in their life.
Love unveils your ability to influence others positively, especially those with whom you are in love.
12. Love helps you overcome selfishness
It’s necessary to learn how to stop being self-centered, selfish and not consider other people around you. Love brings you to that point where you can also think about others’ satisfaction as you feel about yourself.
13. Together each achieves more
“TEAM” is an acronym that means “Together Each Achieves More.”
You cannot tell how much you can achieve with the support of your partner or spouse.
14. Love creates hope in us
The presence of love creates a positive state of mind within us. In order to live life to its fullest, it is essential to never lose hope in life.
Love teaches us to hope.
15. Love helps you live in the present
When you love, you do not live in the hurt of the past. You are not skeptical about the future.
You live in the now. You forget about your history and stay optimistic about the future.
Loving again can open you up to better experiences capable of paying for the losses, hurts, and disappointments of the past.
Watch this thoughtful video on ‘’The healing power of love & intimacy”
16. You are designed for love
There is always this craving inside of us that nothing else but love can satisfy. It is rightly said that our brains are wired for love!
The early relationships help in creating attachment bonds and wire our brain. Right from birth, we crave attachment and love.
17. Love makes you more accepting
Love can help you feel more open-minded and accepting of differences in others. It can help you appreciate diversity in people, things, and setups around you.
18. Love can inspire you
Love can help you feel more motivated and driven to achieve your goals and other greater things in life. It can give you the energy to pursue your dreams.
19. Love helps you feel more connected
Love can help you feel more connected to the world around you and connect better with people who matter in your life. It can help you appreciate the beauty of life.
20. Love can make you more understandable for others
Love can help you feel more understood and accepted by others. It can give you a sense of belonging and acceptance.
21. Love makes you more grateful
Love can help you feel more grateful for the people and things in your life. It can make you appreciate what really matters.
Common questions
Here are some more questions discussing the importance and power of love and why we should keep believing in it.
How can I overcome past heartbreak and maintain my belief in love?
Here are some ways to overcome past heartbreak and maintain your belief in love:
– Give yourself time to heal and process your emotions.
– Practice self-care and self-love.
– Learn from your past relationships and mistakes.
– Be open to new experiences and people.
– Communicate openly and honestly with your partner.
– Set healthy boundaries and expectations.
– Focus on the present moment and enjoy the journey.
– Don’t compare your current relationship to past ones.
– Trust your instincts and intuition.
– Believe in yourself and your ability to love and be loved.
Is it good to believe in love?
Yes, it is good to believe in love. Love is a powerful emotion that can bring joy, happiness, and fulfillment to your life. It can help you grow as a person and build strong and meaningful relationships with others. Believing in love can give you hope for a better tomorrow.
Keep your trust intact
It is not unnatural to be disappointed or hurt by your partner, spouse, or someone you love. Life sometimes comes with ups and downs.
However, the feeling of love is the reason to keep on believing in it. You can believe in love again if you refuse to give up on love.
To gain true happiness, you must let go of past hate and be ready to take steps to help you to keep believing in love. If you believe in love, you will be able to heal the hurt and pain that your past experiences have caused you.
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