Is Love at First Sight Real? 20 Signs of Love at First Sight

Whether you are in the majority and believe in love at first sight or you think it’s all a bunch of baloney, you can’t argue with science, and science claims that, in some sense, love at first sight is indeed real.
The proof is in the chemistry.
That connection you feel is the real deal, but there are probably some important things you need to know if you believe you are experiencing love at first sight.
And if you don’t know if you have caught the ‘love at first sight’ bug or not, then keep on reading to find out what signs to look out for.
Who knew our bodies were such wonderful matchmakers?
What does love at first sight mean?
What is love at first sight? Love at first sight could actually just be an attraction at first sight.
Now, we don’t want to make you feel like your bubble has burst, but some people could say that love at first sight could be an attraction at first sight, and they wouldn’t be wrong.
People can immediately decide if they find someone attractive, and without that initial attraction, love at first sight cannot occur.
Your brain knows exactly what it wants and can determine if the wonderful specimen you are talking to ticks the boxes in seconds. It’s this response that often develops into a long-standing relationship.
What is ‘love at first sight’ like?
Most of us have felt it.
You go about your day and life, unsuspecting, and then it hits you. All it takes is a look, a smile, a smell. And you’re toasted! It’s the most amazing thing.
Those around them might envy them or secretly wait for it to end the same way it has started. But you never know with falling in love at first sight. Its course is equally unpredictable as its start.
There are many lovers at first sight that fall out of love as fast as they fall into it. And then there’s love at first sight that ends in a lasting, loving marriage.
What does love at first sight feel like? ‘Love at first sight’ could just mean that when you see even just a glimpse of someone, you know they could be the one for you. It could be the way they look, their body language, how they are dressed, how they smell, how they talk, or anything else that just makes you gravitate towards them.
Is ‘love at first sight’ real according to science?
There’s a chemical reaction in your brain that makes you feel love.
So, is it possible to fall in love at first sight? Can you fall in love at first sight?
Magical things happen when you look into another person’s eyes. They send messages to your brain to acknowledge the attraction and then loop in a cycle.
The longer the loop cycle, the stronger the feeling or pull toward the person you will feel.
They pull you together using chemistry and do such a good job that they can even lead you to lock lips – thus enhancing the chemical reactions occurring inside.
So when somebody acknowledges that there is chemistry between a couple, they speak literally.
What causes love at first sight? The video below discusses how your heart feels love intensely, whether for a soulmate or a first child, and modern science shows us how the brain is involved when we fall in love:
Can you actually fall in love at first sight?
When neuroscientists deliberate on romance, they have a completely different take on the question “Is love, at first sight, real?” than the lovers do.
They think in terms of neurotransmitters and hormones. And according to them, yes, definitely yes – love at first sight is possible.
It’s a sort of a perfect storm in our brains. We meet someone, something clicks, and our brains get flooded with chemicals that keep pulling us closer to that person.
According to neurologists who have researched it, the brain of someone who fell in love at first sight looks a lot like the brain of a heroin addict! Do you still wonder: “Is love at first sight real?”
How long does it take to fall in love at first sight?
According to surveys, people do believe in love at first sight. A poll found that 61 percent of women and 72 percent of men believe that one can fall in love at first sight.
Meanwhile, how long it takes for someone to fall in love is determined at 88 days for men, and 134 days for women, according to surveys.
This could mean that while you can feel attracted to someone at first sight, and your brain may release chemicals that make your stomach fill with butterflies, actually feeling “in love” with someone, it might take slightly longer than just one sight.
Related Reading: The 10 Stages of Falling in Love
20 signs of love at first sight
Not sure if you are experiencing love at first sight? How do you know it’s love at first sight? Here are signs to help you determine whether your chemistry says ‘Yes.’
1. Your stomach flutters
Those matchmaker chemicals are busy again, this time releasing adrenaline into your veins so that when it is released, you get all the ‘feels.’ And if the chemistry is making its love at first sight trick on you, you can expect powerful butterflies.
Related Reading: What Is Relationship Chemistry and How Important Is It?
2. It feels as though you’ve met them before
If you’ve ever had the feeling that you’ve met someone before, and it’s coupled with some of the other signs of love at first sight, chances are it is love at first sight.
3. Nerves kick in when you are around them
If looking at this person makes you stutter or feel your nerves prickling, it’s a sign that your chemistry is locked in and ready for you to recognize love at first sight.
4. You are confused by your reaction
You are drawn to this person, and you just don’t know why because they are far from your ‘norm,’ but you are so attracted to them.
Related Reading: 6 Signs of Physical Attraction and Why It Is so Important in a Relationship
5. You are compelled to talk to them
So your magical chemical force has drawn you in, brought this person to your attention, made you feel weird, and now you have an unstoppable desire to go and speak to them, despite being a nervous wreck. Yup, that’s love at first sight.
6. You can’t get them out of your head
If it’s real love at first sight, and they’ve made it into your mind, trust us, they will not be leaving your thoughts any time soon. No way, no how. You are stuck with them permanently on your mind. And truth be told, you are probably going to enjoy the ride.
7. You are given attention too
Regarding this issue of love at first sight, Christiana Njoku affirms that,
It comes with the other person reciprocating that same feeling almost immediately, making it a moment of shared affection.
If it’s seriously a mutual love at first sight and not merely one of the infatuation or attraction at first sight signs, you will also receive attention from the person. It could be a mere gaze or a smile as a signal of readiness to take things forward.
Related Reading: What Happens When There Is Lack of Attention in Relationship?
8. You smile thinking about them
If you often smile thinking about them, that sense of euphoria is also a sign of love at first sight. Love is about the sense of happiness and fulfillment in life, and if the person you see can give that to you, there is nothing like it.
9. You experience a sense of familiarity
You don’t feel a sense of strangeness with the person. That person can give you comfort despite being a stranger. This sense of familiarity is one of the love-at-first-sight signs from a guy or girl. When you meet them, you are comfortable sharing your opinions and communicating with them.
Related Reading: 20 Signs You Are Meant to Be Together
10. You feel your heart racing
Very similar to having butterflies in your tummy, if you also feel that your heart is skipping beats, this is a clear indication of one of the physical symptoms of love at first sight. Your heart beats fast, and you want to blurt out your feelings for the person.
11. You can’t stop thinking about them
In love, people often lose the sense of time and space. They are lost in their world. If this is also happening to you for the person you have just met and you can’t take them out of your head, it means you fell in love at first sight.
12. You get a sudden urge to see/ meet them
One of the sure signs of love at first sight is when you want to meet the person all the time. You can’t keep them out of your head and can’t stop meeting them and keep thinking about ways and excuses to see them again.
Related Reading: 26 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You
13. You find them extremely attractive
You appreciate the way they look. You find their personality and look attractive. Beauty is subjective, and what pleases you might not please others. So, even if your friends have a different opinion than yours, they are all you can think of.
14. You visualize yourself with them
Not only do you find them attractive, but you also want to spend your time with them. You think of a prospective relationship and want your future together.
Christiana Njoku put it this way,
When it comes to love at first, one of the signs is that you will begin to visualize being together and seeing that person in your future, having something to do with each other.
If thoughts of togetherness run in your head and you have already painted a happy picture, it is love.
Related Reading: Dreaming Together: 3 Essential Tips for Having a Happy Future as a Couple
15. You don’t care about the type and match
You don’t care if you both are a perfect match or are compatible physically, emotionally, or financially. You know that you really like the person a lot and are already planning a future together.
You are thinking of ways to express your feelings and give them a shot, despite not knowing enough about the person.
16. You feel relaxed around them
It is a feeling you can’t explain. Even as you feel nervous around them and feel the butterflies in your stomach, you still feel relaxed and safe around them. You feel like you can be yourself when you are around them.
17. You feel in sync
You have just met this person, but you already feel in sync with them, as if you both have been on the same page for a really long time. This could be one of the signs that you have fallen in love at first sight.
18. Your body language changes
Did you realize you are smiling too much around them? Do you start playing with your hair or watch your shoulders relax when around them?
When you fall in love at first sight, your body language is likely to change around this person.
Related Reading: What Your Body Language Says About Your Relationship
19. You can see no one else
When you fall in love at first sight, the rest of the world, apart from this person, ceases to exist. You can see no one else in the room except them because, at this moment, no one else matters.
20. You are curious about them
When you fall in love at first sight, you want to know more about this person. You would want to learn more about who they are, what they do, their likes and dislikes, and more.
Characteristics of love at first sight: Fake vs. Real
First-sight love usually starts with physical attraction, and at times, a mere infatuation or a short-term attraction can be confused with love. So, unless you experience the solid signs aforementioned, you should not believe it to be love.
If you only love the way they love, walk, or talk, there are fewer chances that the relationship will be a success. So, make sure you are sure about your feelings before making the first move.
Wrapping up
Here’s the truth, love at first sight does not mean that you have met ‘the one.’
It means that you have the potential and the assistance of your joint chemistry to give you enough of a connection for a long enough period to get to know each other and determine whether you can build a lasting relationship.
This is good news for all concerned; it’s perfectly okay if you don’t feel love at first sight. You still have as much of a chance to build a relationship together first before the chemicals kick in.
And if you have experienced love at first sight and are disappointed with the idea that your lover might not be the one, don’t sweat it. Instead, think of it as giving you a headstart and realize that you are unlimited in your potential to find love. It’s not a case of finding a needle in a haystack.
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