How to Date Your Wife: 25 Romantic Ideas

If you ever feel like your marriage is uninteresting, knowing how to date your wife might reignite the spark in your marriage.
The phrase “dating your wife” might feel strange to many people. After all, you are already married and passed the stage of dating. However, like every relationship, marriages do get stale at some point.
It’s only normal to feel detached from each other as you get comfortable or consumed in one activity or the other to get by with life. For instance, you may have a thriving career that needs your attention.
Also, when children start coming in, you will need to devote some time to caring for them. This and many other things are enough to distract you from being the lover you were before marriage.
Regardless of how busy and overwhelmed you may be with other events in your life, you and your partner need to keep growing your love. The solution is to continue planning dates with your wife.
You need some date ideas for your wife, some tweaks, and creativity to return the spark in your relationship. In this article, we will be delving into ways to date your wife so that you can enhance your love. In return, you get to remember how sexy and adorable your wife used to be.
Dating your wife doesn’t mean neglecting other activities – the trick is never to stop dating your wife. So, what are the benefits attached to dating your wife?
Related Reading: What to Do When It Feels Like the Spark Is Gone
5 untapped benefits of dating your wife
Once you have married your partner, going on dates may seem futile and inconsequential. But nothing is further from the truth!
Remember, never stop dating your wife.
Dating your wife will ensure that things don’t get boring between you and your wife. It will strengthen your bond and keep you connected with each other. Here are some key benefits of learning how to date your wife.
1. It encourages communication
One of the great benefits of dating your wife is that it encourages positive communication.
Considering both of you are usually occupied with many activities, you might not have time for personal communication. However, when you spend an evening with your wife alone, you see no barrier to having an endless talk with your partner.
Maggie Martinez, LCSW
Try and bring some deeper questions to learn more about one another to the date alongside some fun questions.
Related Reading: 10 Trusted Tips For Encouraging Communication With Your Spouse
2. It strengthens your friendship
It is important to learn how how to date your wife to strengthen the friendship you both have.
Note that friendship and dating are two different things. Friendship makes you see your wife as more than your partner. She is simply everything to you, and that’s what dating your wife helps you reinforce.
3. It reinforces commitment to each other
Every relationship needs reassurance to keep your love as radiant as possible.
When you keep dating your wife or spend an evening with her, you assure her that she will always be that sexy lady you met some months or years ago. That further rejuvenates the commitment you have to each other and the relationship.
4. It makes your relationship interesting
Marriages indeed get boring at some point. Why? That’s because most people stop doing the activities that made their dating phase fun.
For instance, while dating, you have many date ideas for your wife, but you forget these things in marriage because you have other activities taking your time. With many date ideas for your wife, your relationship becomes more fun and exciting.
Related Reading: How to Keep a Relationship Interesting and Fun
5. It allows you to relax
As stated earlier, careers, kids, and other responsibilities often consume couples. Spending an evening with your wife, for instance, allows you to connect with your wife. It takes you away from your usual environment to a new place where you can become vulnerable with each other again.
How frequently should you date your wife?
The number of times you date your wife depends entirely on you and your partner. If you want to maintain growth and connect with your wife, it’s important to have date ideas for your wife. However, the question is: how often should you date your wife? Daily? Weekly? Or monthly?
In learning how to date your wife, remember to make it a consistent pursuit. It is best to consider your schedules so that it is something which both you and your wife look forward to.
Remember how you were excited about your first date with your partner, your date ideas with your wife should give you the same feelings. The more often you create loving memories together, the stronger the bond in your relationship. All you need is to put in the same effort as you did when dating.
No matter how busy you are, ensure you discuss and plan with your wife. If once in a week seems too much, you may make it once or twice in a month. Know how to ask your wife out for a date and create ideas for dating your wife.
25 ideas for dating your wife
Reinfuse the romance and magic into your marriage by putting in effort into strengthening your marriage bond. Make things exciting for you and your spouse by trying new things and making your relationship a priority consistently.
Here are some ideas that you can use to learn how to date your wife:
1. Take a walk together
One of the most straightforward ideas for dating your wife is a walk. This idea doesn’t involve special planning or spending. Take a look at your neighborhood to see a suitable place where you can walk together and talk.
For example, if you stay close to a beach or any water body, you can walk together along the edges. The water view can calm and distress you while focusing on your partner.
2. Send her flowers
Sending flowers has always been a grand gesture when you are confused about how to date your wife. Research shows that there is a link between flowers and people which you can utilize to your advantage.
You don’t necessarily have to send the flowers to her at work. You can send it even if you are both at home.
Trust me, your wife’s face will light up when she receives a bouquet while cleaning the house or busy working on her laptop.
3. Ask her to be your date
If you want to know how to date your wife, start by asking her to be your date. This act should be done unannounced.
For instance, you can sneak up on your wife while cleaning in the kitchen and kneel. Then, gently ask, “Darling, will you be my date?” That will make her day and make her look forward to the date.
Related Reading: 11 Experiences as Creative Date Ideas for Couples
4. Revisit the first place you met
Another way to connect with your wife is to visit the first place you met. Also, this place may be a location where you first had your date.
For example, you may ask her to prepare to visit a place together the next month. Tell her to dress sexy and watch her grin like a toddler.
5. Reassure her
Well, if you think you need to do something significant before you date your wife, you may be wrong. One of the remarkable date ideas you can try right now is to reassure your wife of your love.
You may do this by hugging her when she least expects it and whispering some sweet words into her ears. Also, you can send her a text, ensuring the words come directly from your heart.
6. Add some courtesy
It’s normal to show your wife some courtesy while you are dating. These may include holding the doors for her, holding her coat, and opening the car doors for her.
After marriage, you may have forgotten the courteous gestures that you made before. Now that you want to date your wife try incorporating it into your actions.
7. Buy her gifts
Aside from flowers, when was the last time you bought a gift for your wife?
The gift you give her doesn’t have to be expensive. By now, you should know your wife and the little things she enjoys. Use this insight when Randomly buy one of these gifts for her and giveit to her while she is watching her favorite TV show or just napping.
Related Reading: 7 Hot Gift Ideas for the Amazing Woman in Your Life
To learn more about the impact of giving and receiving gifts, watch this video:
8. Cook for your wife
This particular date idea for your wife is for those who hardly ever participate in kitchen activities. Cooking for your wife is an act of love many women appreciate. Ensure the meal is different from your regular dishes.
Try googling up new recipes or meals to make it more interesting.
9. Attend a wedding together
One of the best date ideas for your wife, and the best way to reignite your love is to attend a wedding party together. A wedding is all about the celebration of love. And with the lovely activities associated with it, you realize how much you love or miss your wife.
It is also an avenue to reminisce on your wedding day and what it means to both of you. Nostalgia can be your friend when you are learning how to date your wife.
10. List the things you love about your wife
We all have our flaws, and focusing on them can brew hatred for each other. To date, your wife, make a list of the things you love about her on a sheet of paper. Then, slip the note into her purse where she could quickly find it.
Words of appreciation are those simple things that can help you on your path to learning how to date your wife.
11. Write a love letter
You may feel like love letters are not for kids or people stuck with the traditional dating model. However, you can learn to win over your wife again with a love letter.
Love letters are a classic romance element that can enhance your wooing game when you are on the path to learn how to date your wife.
Remember those times you wrote love letters to a special someone. Your words were weaved with innocence, nativity, and clear consciousness. The words were straight from your heart. Try doing the same now without mincing words.
Related Reading: 15 Tips on How to Write a Love Letter
12. Spend an evening with your wife
One of the common dating your wife ideas you can try is to spend an evening with your wife. Although you may have a busy schedule that takes out your evening all the time, ensure you fix an evening just for you and your wife.
Try to figure out where to take your wife on a date to make your wife happy.
13. Visit a new place together
If you are looking for where to take your wife on a date, you can try a new place. That can be a location within your vicinity, a new town, or a new country.
Visiting a new place takes you away from everything you know, and it helps you relax and create new memories together.
14. Take up a new hobby together
You and your wife should look for a new hobby or interest together. It may be the same or not, but ensure it’s an activity you both will enjoy. For example, you can try playing a new game or creating a new fitness goal together. Then, work towards achieving it together.
15. Relieve your honeymoon
A honeymoon is usually a period of goodwill at the beginning of your marriage. It’s a time you feel more in love, and it signifies a great union between you and your partner. Why don’t you recreate this moment?
If recreating your honeymoon requires planning, you should start the conversation with your wife as soon as possible.
Related Reading: 15 Ways to Recapture the Honeymoon Phase in the Relationship
16. Spend alone time with your wife
Even if many activities in your life overwhelm you, an excellent way to date your wife is to have time alone with her in the house. That may be an hour before bedtime or early in the morning. You don’t have to do much in your me-time. Start by incorporating cuddling, playing games, etc.
17. Make your wife’s birthday memorable
Knowing how to date your wife includes making her birthday special. It’s not just enough to remember this day; you also have to make it intimate and significant for her. Thankfully, you have whole 11 months to plan for it.
18. Hold her hands
Many couples think they need to drop some acts since many people know they are married. No! Holding your wife’s hands in public is one of the silent ways to express your love and reassure her of your commitment.
19. Read books and discuss together
Buy a book that dwells on one of your wife’s favorite movies and discuss. Doing this is also one way for both to de-stress and take your mind away from other activities.
Maggie Martinez adds,
It also helps you get into her day-to-day life a little bit more, and she will have a sense of appreciation for the effort and gesture.
20. Visit her place of birth
One of the uncommon date ideas for your wife is to visit her place of birth together. This is one way to relive her memories and create topics for endless discussion. Besides, it’s a way to know your wife more as she shares her childhood memories with you.
21. Do something special for your wife every day
Make up your mind to do something special for your wife every day. It may seem like you will run out of date ideas for your wife this way, but you won’t. Think about things that will make her smile or say thank you every day.
Approach each day with this thought, and you will see how easy it is. For example, you can do the dishes on the weekend, do the laundry, lay the bed, or arrange her clothes.
22. Dance together at night
Another way to keep dating your wife is to dance together. Start by choosing a romantic song together, decorate your living room or any room, hold each other, and dance. That will add to an archive of great memories you already have.
23. Go to the cinema together
A date night with your wife can also take the form of a cinema date. Ensure you pick a movie scheduled for the evening so that you can spend an evening with your wife. Also, the film should be one you both agreed on, so anyone doesn’t get bored.
24. Get on the swing together
Adulthood is generally filled with responsibilities and activities that make you forget having fun. If you don’t have a swing in your compound, go to a place where you can get one and hop on it together. It’s a way to relive your childhood memories and relax.
25. Get away from the kids
Kids are lovely and a significant part of your family, but they can sometimes make you forget yourself. If you want to know how to date your wife, find a way to get away from the children for a little while.
You can leave them at your parents’ place or your friend’s. The most important thing is that you and your wife are alone.
Maggie Martinez comments,
This will allow your bond to become stronger without any sort of distractions!
Related Reading: 3 Tips to Date Your Spouse While Raising Your Children
Relationships generally require the partners involved to put in the effort to make it work. Marriage often seals a relationship, but it demands work. One way to make your marriage thrive is to date your wife.
That involves executing many date ideas for the wife and creating lovely memories together. Specifically, dating your wife involves exciting activities to keep the spark in your relationship thriving.
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