Is It True That True Love Never Dies? 6 Ways to Make Love Last

Early in your relationship, levels of Eros love are strong. The ancient Greeks described Eros as an infatuation and physical attraction shared between two people. We get the word ‘erotic from the word eros.
This initial chemistry can last anywhere from one month to infinity, depending on how much the couple works on keeping the fire alive. However, if it is gone, it can make things less exciting.
During this time, a couple may choose to separate in favor of finding someone new to obsess over. But, does this have to be the way it ends? Definitely not as true love never dies.
Couples can make their love last a lifetime if they are willing to put in the time, effort, and commitment to being with their partner.
Does true love ever die? Not if you both partners are willing to put in efforts.
What is true love?
True love can mean different things for different people, based on what it is that they are looking for in life. But generally speaking, it is when someone genuinely cares about you and looks out for your interests.
True love encompasses within it notions of understanding and empathy. It is when you hold someone in high regard and are able to put their interests before yours. Each other’s well-being becomes of utmost importance and you start picturing a future with them.
Understanding whether true love never dies is entangled with what we consider true love is. FOr most of us it is an enduring feeling that keeps two people together.
What are the signs of true love?
In your moments of doubts, you might think that true love doesn’t exist. But if you look around you will realize that the signs of true love are visible when someone is truly in love.
These signs can be linked to how a person’s behavior changes around the one they love, or it can also be in terms of the dynamic that they share with one another. There is a uniqueness in their behavior and conduct around the one that they truly love.
To learn more about the signs of true love, click here.
Tips for finding true love
Finding true love can seem elusive and a tall order, but it can be achieved if you find ways to be yourself.
There is no set formula that can guarantee you find true love in life. But you can ensure that you create the right environment so that it doesn’t just pass you by while you are not ready to receive your true love in your life.
You should try to be open and self-aware about your feelings and motivations, as it can help attract the right kind of people in your life. Also, instead of focusing on some invisible checklist for your true self, focus on the present and maintain realistic expectations.
Click here to learn more tips on finding a person that proves that true love never ends.
Does true love ever die?
You may have heard the true love never dies quote, but is this true? Well, it depends on your definition of love.
True love never dies meaning is wrapped up in testing the notion that real love does not fade over time and true lovers can move past challenges in a healthy manner.
In an ideal world, true love should be able to withstand any test that comes its way, even the one of time. It is resilient and grows deeper with time.
True love never ends and if it does, then maybe it wasn’t true love after all. Certain people who consider themselves to be in true love, might start questioning whether it was true love when their relationship can’t withstand problems.
6 tips for making true love last
You might have realized by now that real love never dies as it endures all challenges and grows stronger over time. Most people are looking for this sort of love, but they may not find it quickly.
Here are some tips that can help you make the true love in your life last longer:
1. Pronouns matter
Are you a “We” couple or an “I” couple?
The way couples perceive their relationship has a lot to do with whether their love will last. A study published by Psychol Aging found that personal pronouns can actually have a great effect on marital conflict.
The study states that those with “we” vocabularies had more positive and less negative emotional behavior and lower cardiovascular arousal, whereas those who spoke of only themselves displayed more negative emotional behavior and had lower marital satisfaction.
True love never dies when partners think of each other as a team and, at the same time, do not lose their sense of self in the process of symbiosis.
2. Be present
Is it true that true love doesn’t end? Yes, but only if you start focusing on the present moment, rather than your painful past.
A study of 243 married adults found that partners who spend too much time on their phones end up ignoring their spouses. This is now referred to as “phubbing.” Research indicates that phubbing has been closely linked to an increase in depression and a decline in marital satisfaction.
The next time you are trying to communicate as a couple, resolve an issue, or just talk about your day together, show your spouse they have your undivided attention by putting your phone away. This can be a way to ensure that true love never dies.
Phubbing may seem trivial, but it has the potential to make true love die, no matter how close you were to your partner once.
3. Continue getting to know each other
Statistics show that a couple is most likely to divorce after eight years of marriage. Why is this the case?
As mentioned at the onset, during the first stages of a new relationship, love signals the neurotransmitter called dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure center of the brain. This, coupled with serotonin, pulls you deep into the throes of infatuation.
But as time goes on, the effects of dopamine begin to wane. This can cause boredom in the relationship.
One way you can keep the spark alive in your relationship is by continuing to get to know your spouse to ensure that true love never dies.
Schwartz quotes,
“What keeps love alive is being able to recognize that you don’t really know your partner perfectly and still being curious and still exploring.”
Ask your partner questions. You may have heard the answers before, but ask with genuine interest and get to know your spouse all over again. You may just be surprised at what you learn.
4. Spend time together in and out of the bedroom
Spending quality time with your spouse is deeply important for keeping the spark alive.
Many couples benefit from having a regular date night. This is one night a week (or at the very least, once a month) where couples put work aside and get away from the kids to spend some much-needed quality time together as romantic partners, not just roommates or “mom and dad.”
When there are children in a marriage, everything revolves around children. It really makes you wonder, does true love die when children come into the picture? It can if you are not mindful enough.
Not only does this have a myriad of health benefits such as enhanced cardiovascular health, lower stress, and mood elevation, but studies show that couples who communicate about sex have higher sexual satisfaction rates and better marital quality.
5. Take care of yourself
When your spouse sees you, you want them to feel a fiery passion for you. You want them to feel attracted to you both inside and out. Therefore, it should go without saying that if you want to keep your partner’s interest over the years, you should focus on taking care of yourself. Do such things as:
- Dress up when you go out together
- Keep up with personal grooming
- Use deodorant
- Pay close attention to oral hygiene
- Exercise regularly
These are the basics of taking care of your appearance, but taking care of yourself means focusing on your mental and emotional health, too.
Does love die? Yes, if you ignore your needs and feelings in a relationship.
Couples counseling often highlights that couples certainly benefit when they spend quality time together, but time alone is equally as important.
True love never dies when people understand the value of having their own space and, at the same time, giving it to their partner.
Spending time apart occasionally will help strengthen your sense of self. Use this time to do things that make you happy. Focus on your hobbies, friendships, and pursue your passions. These qualities are the same ones that made your spouse fall in love with you when you first met.
Watch this video to learn why relationships require self-care:
6. Share hobbies together
According to the Institute for Family Studies, the most common reasons for divorce are infidelity, drinking or drug use, growing apart, and incompatibility.
One way for couples to prevent growing apart is by spending time together regularly. Not just on a date night, but by sharing and creating new hobbies together.
Will true love die when you love the same things and love spending time together?
Well, it’s less likely!
SAGE Journals randomly assigned married couples to engage in activities together for 1.5 hours a week for 10 weeks. The actions were defined as either pleasant or exciting. The results of couples working together and engaging in the ‘exciting’ activities showed higher marital satisfaction than those who were assigned the ‘pleasant’ activities.
The results are clear: shared activities promote marital satisfaction.
Some commonly asked question
Here are the answers to some pressing questions that can help clear your doubts about true love and whether it can stand the test of time:
What does true love feel like for a man?
There is no concrete difference between how men and women experience love. The differences in experiences are usually based on personality based differences, rather than the ones based on gender.
Love can make a man feel special and drawn to another person. They may want to spend more time around that person, despite feeling slightly nervous in their presence.
How rare is true love?
Finding true love can be rare as most people end up with a person romantically due to factors other than love. But you can follow the steps above to ensure that you make your love grow stronger and more healthy.
Final thoughts
Those who want to keep the spark alive in their marriage are encouraged to explore intimacy regularly. This weekly boost of oxytocin will help you and your spouse stay connected and communicate. True love dies when couples don’t invest time and effort in their intimacy ritual.
Staying curious about your partner, spending time together, and trying new hobbies as a couple are three other great ways to keep your love alive.
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