9 Tips for Coping With Wife’s Affair

If your wife is having an affair, or your partner is involved with someone else, it may feel like everything is falling apart. The foundation of your marriage is shaken, and it’s completely normal to feel hurt, angry, betrayed, and raw.
You might be asking yourself what to do now or how to deal with a cheating wife. You’ll most likely be considering whether or not to leave your unfaithful wife.
Knowing what to do is hard when you find out you’ve been cheated on. In the beginning, however hard you try, you might find that you can’t get over your wife’s infidelity.
So, how to get over the wife’s affair?
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Getting over your wife’s affair is going to be an arduous task. But hold on to your hopes tightly.
Of course, you need time to process what has happened and be kind to yourself as you move forward. But, if you have decided to stay back in the marriage, make sure to put in your best efforts.
What are the signs of a wife cheating?
Have you almost felt, “my wife is having an affair, but I’m not sure?”
Before you try to understand what you can do to cope with your wife’s affair, it is important to understand if, at all, she is having one.
What are the signs your wife is cheating on you?
Is she really cheating on you, or is your relationship just broken?
Here are some signs you should look out for.
- You notice she has fallen out of love with you
- She asks for more privacy than she ever did before
- She lies to you about where she is or who she is with
- She hides her phone from you
To know more about the signs of a cheating wife, read here.
How to deal with your wife having an affair
Here are nine tips to put all your racing thoughts on coping with a cheating wife to rest. Use this advice to deal with your wife’s affair and support your healing process.
1. Don’t make any quick decisions
How to get over a cheating wife?
When you first find out about your wife’s affair, it’s normal to react with, “That’s it, I’m leaving!” It’s reasonable to respond, “I’ll do anything to improve this.”
The important thing is not to make any quick decisions.
Processing the emotional fallout of an affair takes time.
You’ll need time to get calmer and work through your intense emotions. You can only get the clarity you need to decide on your future.
Work through the initial shock and betrayal first before trying to decide on what to do next.
2. Take good care of yourself
The stress of discovering infidelity takes a toll on your physical health as well as your emotional health. Now is the time to take good care of yourself physically.
That means eating healthy food, getting regular fresh air and exercise, and doing your best to get a good night’s sleep.
You probably won’t feel like doing any of those things right now, but they’ll help you heal and reduce stress so you can handle the situation better.
Related Reading: 30 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Be Good to Yourself
3. Accept your feeling
How to get over wife’s affair?
There are no “bad feelings.” Feeling everything from rage and grief to bitterness, despair, or hope is normal.
Whatever you feel, accept it. It’s normal to feel this way when you confront the harsh reality and affirm that your wife is having an affair!
It can help to keep a journal to express your feelings. Writing things down brings clarity that thinking or talking sometimes doesn’t.
4. Seek professional help
How to get over your wife having an affair?
Don’t try to go through the pain of your wife’s affair all by yourself. Whether you see a therapist alone or go to couples therapy with your wife, getting professional help is a wise choice.
Therapists are trained to support you as you work through your feelings and figure out what you want and need to heal.
Seeking therapy for infidelity will help you clarify how to cope with a cheating wife.
5. Be honest
How to handle an affair? Honesty may be the best policy.
Be honest with yourself about your relationship. Ask yourself what you need to heal the relationship and get back to a point where you can trust your wife and enjoy her company.
Be honest with your wife, too. Let her know what you need.
You will have some hard discussions about your wife’s affair, but complete honesty now is vital if you both want to move forward.
Related Reading: How to Be Honest in a Relationship: 10 Practical Ways
6. Keep up hobbies and friendships
Working through the aftermath of an affair can feel all-consuming.
It takes a lot of mental and emotional energy to process your feelings and talk to your wife about the affair and the future of your relationship.
Constant stress is bad for your mental and physical health.
Combat the effects by making time for positive activities and interactions.
Keep up with the hobbies you enjoy, or get out and exercise. You might not feel like it, but you’ll be glad you did.
Keep up your friendships, too. You might not want to talk about your marriage problems to everyone (in fact, talking to too many people can make it harder to figure out what you need) but do confide in a trusted friend.
And even when you’re not talking about your problems, being around good friends will support you and enliven your spirits.
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7. Don’t play the blame game
If you feel you can’t get over your wife’s infidelity, it may be essential to consider this tip.
No matter what was going on in your marriage before your wife’s affair, she ultimately decided to go ahead.
Blaming yourself or her will only make things feel more hopeless and cause you more pain.
Blaming your wife won’t help, either. Yes, she made a terrible decision, but the key to healing is dropping the blame game so you can focus on what you need.
The blame game is especially damaging if you want to save your marriage.
Related Reading: How to Stop the Blame Game in Your Relationship
8. Give yourself time
Dealing with an affair can be difficult.It takes time to heal from infidelity. Don’t expect to be over it in a week, a month, or even a year.
Don’t try to time your healing process.
Be honest with yourself and your wife, keep working through your feelings, and accept that it will take time.
Don’t rush yourself. Let the process take as long as it needs to take.
9. Be open to forgiveness
Whether you stay with your wife or not, forgiveness will help you heal and leave the affair’s pain behind you.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning what happened.
It simply means letting it go, so it’s no longer an open wound that continues to hurt you.
Watch this video to help you forgive your spouse after the affair.
Coping with your wife’s affair is painful and can feel like there’s no end in sight.
Take good care of your physical health and let yourself feel and express your feelings so you can start the healing process.
What not to do after finding out about your wife’s affair?
Now that you know how to cope with your wife’s affair, it is also vital to know the don’ts in such a situation.
What to do when your wife has an affair?
What things should you not do after you find out about your wife’s infidelity?
1. Think that you are alone
Often, we can end up in situations where we feel that it is only happening to us and that no one else will understand what we are going through. However, you will be surprised to know how many people go through the same things as you.
As much as we may not want it, infidelity in relationships is not a new concept. Therefore, more people know what it feels like to have a spouse cheat on you. Reaching out for help may not be such a bad idea.
2. Let someone else take the call for you
If your wife cheated on you, you must decide what course you want to take. Do not let family, parents, or friends decide what you should do.
While these people may want the best for you, they cannot decide for you. You must think about what you want and go ahead with it.
3. Do not try to self-medicate
Emotional turmoil like infidelity can break the relationship and adversely affect a person’s mental health. If you feel your mental state is adversely affected by the incident, it is best to seek professional help.
What you should not do, is self-medicate, as it can lead to addictions and other health problems.
4. Do not stalk her or her new partner
If your wife cheated on you and is still seeing the person she cheated on you with, it is very natural for you to feel the urge to stalk her or her new partner. However, it would help if you didn’t do so. This will only harm your mind and healing and will do no good.
If needed, getting off social media may also be a good idea for a little bit.
5. Do not act on impulse or rage
Anger, when you have been cheated on, is a natural emotion. However, we end up doing a lot of harm when we are angry, much of which we will regret later.
No matter how furious you feel, please do not act on it in ways that can be dangerous. These include getting violent with your wife’s new partner or harming them in any way.
If you feel anger towards your wife, ensure that you do not act on any impulse that can be violent or dangerous to her.
Here are some frequently asked questions about coping with a wife’s affair.
1. Can a marriage survive a cheating wife?
The answer to this question is both complex and simple. It can be both a yes, and a no.
Whether or not your marriage can survive after your wife cheats on you depends on both of you and if or not you want to give your marriage another chance.
Some factors that can play a role in this are
- Was the cheating a one-time thing, or was it a long affair?
- Does your wife still want to be in the marriage?
- Do you still want to be in the marriage?
2. How do I act around my cheating wife?
If you have found out that your spouse or wife is cheating on you, and are unsure of what to do around them, here are some things to keep in mind.
1. Do not try to reason, beg, or implore
The more you ask them to stay, the more they will likely go away from you. Moreover, as much as you may feel that this is what you want, a little distance may help you see things more clearly.
2. Do not call them frequently or obsessively when they are not around you
Calling them too much to check where they are and who they are with may be a natural emotion for you, but it is best not to do it.
3. Do not ask for reassurance
While a little reassurance from your partner may feel like a respite at this time, you will not believe them unless your relationship is fixed. So, seeking reassurance may be futile.
4. Do not taunt or call them names
Name-calling or giving them remarks about their cheating will do no good for either you or the relationship.
5. Do not force a conversation about the past or the future
It would help if you did not try to force a conversation about the past or the future with your partner when you find out about your wife cheating on you. Giving yourself and them the time to deal with what has happened is essential.
The takeaway
Cheating and infidelity can be difficult to deal with, let alone cope with. They can break a relationship or marriage, but sometimes, they are still salvageable. If you feel your marriage can be saved, it is advisable to work with a professional to repair your damage.
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Your Questions, Answered
How do I stop being so needy after learning that she has cheated on me?

Anne Duvaux
Expert Answer
Betrayal is a very tough situation to get through and it will naturally affect you both individually and as a couple. As a couple, you need to communicate and problem-solve through the root cause whilst remembering that one person cheats, but two people create the relationship dynamic. As an individual, you'll have to work on the role that you played in the relationship and what wasn't working before as well as rebuilding your self-esteem and emotional balance. There are various techniques ranging from mindfulness and embracing emotions to reframing situations to viewing them from different angles. Most importantly, it's about prioritizing your self-care whilst also focusing on your strengths and what you bring to the relationship to give you the positive boost to pick yourself up again. Finally, be patient with yourself and your partner, as these things take time, but by supporting each other through the journey, you'll come out stronger on the other side.
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