Understanding The Importance of Family Planning In Your Marriage

While searching the Internet, one particular image about the importance of family planning rightfully struck the chord with me.
This image was posted on World Population Day to drive home the point, ‘family planning is a human right.’ The image, which featured our planet Earth, carried a strong message – Storage Almost Full!!! Manage your settings before Earth runs out of space.
We can pay more to expand our storage! pic.twitter.com/ekJrDSOuzV
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) July 11, 2018
Such images or messages compel us to think once again, why is family planning important? Consider this message as a slogan about the importance of family planning.
It is something that you give little thought to until you are at the point of thinking out the best types of family planning firsthand.
For so many couples who go through the process, they had no idea about the true importance of family planning or the fact that it was even such a long journey.
But, unintended pregnancy rates are pretty high in the U.S., and nearly 40% of men, aged 35 to 39 years, in the same country, need family planning.
There are family planning services available in countries like the USA that cater to a couple’s inquiries pertaining to family and family planning. In fact, nearly 42% of women, aged between 15 and 44, had sought family planning services, according to the National Survey of Family Growth way back in the year 2002.
So, before delving deeper into understanding the benefits of family planning, it is important to clear doubts about the purpose of family planning in the first place.
Importance of family planning
Family planning is a streamlined process by which couples can decide their desired number of children they wish to have and also determine the spacing of pregnancies.
Until the 20th century, abstinence was the only way out to prevent unwanted or space out pregnancies.
Fortunately for the new millennials and generation z, organizations like WHO have spread the importance of family planning to every nook and corner of the world. They orchestrated many programs explaining the importance of family planning in developing countries.
You may assume that once you decide that you are ready to have a baby, then you just begin trying. But there are advantages of family planning in the long run. Family planning has untold benefits not only for the health of the mother and her child but also for the world at large.
Advantages of family planning
How important is family planning?
The importance of family planning lies mostly in preventing pregnancy-related health risks in women.
Apart from that, reducing infant mortality rates, curbing sexually transferred diseases like HIV/AIDS, and putting a lid on adolescent pregnancies are few other benefits obtained from family planning.
Considering the bigger picture, family planning advises people to come together and practice a check on unsustainable population growth to negate the undesirable impact of overpopulation on the country’s economy, and the world’s environment.
Also, proper planning for a family empowers couples to make informed choices not only about their sexual and reproductive health, but also, to cater to the financial needs of the family and proper education of their single child.
It’s time to consider these points and happy family planning to decide on what is right for the two of you.
Different types of family planning
There are a variety of different types of family planning and approaches.
Some couples may just “wing it” and see what happens, but that could take a while and mean that you have no control over the process. Some couples put much more thought into family planning methods based upon their culture or religion.
There is truly no right or wrong here, and therefore it’s up to you to decide what will be best for you in terms of the importance of family planning or the family planning methods that you utilize.
Understanding the importance of family planning is not the end of the journey. You must understand the different types by which you can plan your family and contribute towards the betterment of the environment globally.
Following are different types of family planning you can consider looking into –
- Hormonal – Hormonal methods, which include pills, injections, and implants prevent eggs from being released from the ovaries, restrict the entry of sperm into the uterus by thickening cervical mucus, and negates implantation of fertilized egg by thinning the uterus lining.
- Barrier – Physical devices such as condoms, cervical caps, diaphragms, and contraceptive sponges prevent the sperm from entering the uterus and reaching the egg. Such devices have very few side-effects.
- IUD – IUD or intrauterine device is made up of plastic or copper, which is small in size and can be inserted into the uterus by a trained healthcare professional. The purpose of this device is to create a hostile environment for sperm.
- Sterilization – Surgeries like Vasectomy or Tubectomy are permanent and are suitable for those couples who have no further intention of expanding their family. Such surgeries do not have significant health side-effects.
- Natural – The natural methods do not require the use of any external devices or medicines. E.g., calendar/rhythm method, lactational amenorrhea, and so on.
- Emergency – Pills and intrauterine devices are used to avoid pregnancy after having unprotected sex.
Also, read – The ultimate family planning guide with faqs
Thinking this through together
Above all, you want to know when the time is right. While nothing will be perfect, as you consider the types of family planning that you will use as a couple, be sure that your opinion is also taken into consideration and when both of you are ready.
You want to be sure that you are on the same page and that you are ready to take this huge next step together as a couple—it is a really exciting one and if you consider the true importance of family planning, even if it’s a bit more informal, then you can enjoy this for all that it is.
Having children is truly one of life’s greatest joys, just be sure that you have talked through it altogether and that you have considered the advantages of family planning and how you will embrace this in your relationship.
It all begins with the two of you and then it grows from there.
It is about much love and great dedication that a family even comes about, so consider which method of family planning works best for you!
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