Family Quotes That Can Guide You Home

However, a family is more than a support system. It is a part of your daily life that includes routines, jokes, and even occasional arguments.
The purpose of many of the quotes about family, quotes about home, and quotes about parents and children, given below are to help you navigate the bad times, and most importantly, enjoy and savor the good times.
So, enjoy these family quotes and allow them to guide you in your desperate times.
Quotes about family life
- Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. – George Burns
- “In time of test, the family is best.” –Burmese Proverb
- “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.” ― Richard Bach (Aviator and Author)
- “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” Mother Teresa
- “Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls—family, health, friends, and integrity—are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered.” —Gary Keller
- “A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold.” — Ogden Nash
- “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” – Leo Tolstoy (Anna Karenina)
- “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live”–Pope John Paul II
- “Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it.” -Stephi Wagner
- “It’s not necessarily what a family is supposed to look like. But it is what it is. It’s about a connection and bond that everyone can identify with.” – Queen Latifah
- “Disorder in the society is the result of disorder in the family.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- “Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten” – Lilo and Stitch
- “A family is like the forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place.” – Ghanaian Proverb
- ‘You have to love a nation that celebrates it’s independence every July 4th not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics…’ Erma Bombeck
- “ I sustain myself with the love of family” Maya Angelou [1080×1080]
- “A brother is like gold and a friend is like diamond. If gold cracks you can melt it and make it just like it was before. If a diamond cracks, it can never be like it was before.” ― Ali Ibn Abu-Talib
- “We all hate it sometimes when our friends or family try to make us feel better about something. Actually, we just want to feel sad or pissed off for a moment.” — Jessica Wildfire
Family quotes about children and parents
- “The key to being a good dad… well, sometimes things work out just the way you want. Sometimes they don’t. But you gotta hang in there because when all is said and done, 90 percent of being a dad is just showing up.” Jay, Modern Family
- “The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.” — Calvin Trillin
- Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old. – Uknown
- “One of the greatest things a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” – Howard Hunter
- “The children who need love the most will always ask for it in the most unloving of ways.” – Russel Barkley
- “Wise parents prepare their children to get along without them.” -Larry Y. Wilson
- “A lot of mothers will do anything for their children, except let them be themselves.” – Banksy, Wall, and Piece
- “Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” -Oscar Wilde
- “I’d like to thank my parents for somehow raising me to have confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities. Well done. That is what all parents should do.” – Tina Fey, 2008 Emmy Awards
- “Do not raise your children the way your parents raised you; they were born for a different time. ” – Abi bin Abi Taleb (599—661 A.D.)
- The question isn’t so much, ‘Are you parenting the right way?’ as it is: ‘Are you the adult you want your child to grow up to be?’ – Dr. Brene Brown in Daring Greatly
- “By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.”- Charles Wadsworth
Family quotes about home
- “Where is home? I’ve wondered where home is, and I realized it’s not Mars or someplace like that, it’s Indianapolis when I was nine years old. I had a brother and a sister, a cat and a dog, and a mother and a father and uncles and aunts. And there’s no way I can get there again.” Kurt Vonnegut
- “It’s a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You’ll realize what’s changed is you.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” -George Augustus Moore
- “Home is where all your attempts to escape cease.” – Naguib Mahfouz
- “Home is where people love you, don’t forget that.” Burnie Burns
- “Students who are loved at home, come to school to learn. Students who aren’t, come to school to be loved. – Nicholas A. Ferroni
- You can’t truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.” —Zig Ziglar
- “Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others, find it in a person” – Beau Taplin
- “Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love” – Billy Graham
- “Home is the place where boys and girls first learn how to limit their wishes, abide by rules, and consider the rights and needs of others.” — Sidonie Gruenberg
- He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It takes a lot of effort to make a family flourish. Sometimes, you’ll also have to wait for the right person to start one. In the end, however, all your efforts will be rewarded tenfold.
Hope, you enjoyed these family quotes. So, enjoy your family, and live it day by day.
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