Love vs Like: 25 Differences Between I Love You and I Like You

The terms Like and love are normally used interchangeably, but these two terms are different. Of course, there can be gray areas when interpreting your feelings for somebody, but it’s essential to know where you stand.
So how do you differentiate both terms? Like vs. love is not a hard concept to grasp if you know the meaning of both terms.
What does I like you mean?
It is easy to wonder what does it mean when you like someone?
Liking someone simply entails being attracted to them on a physical or superficial level. Liking someone boils down to pleasure. What can they offer you, how they make you feel, and so on?
When you like someone, it is not exactly about them as it is about you. When you like a person, YOU come first. So you’re more focused on how they treat and care for you.
What does I love you mean?
What exactly is love, and why is this word so hard to deduce? Scientists over the years have conducted various research to dissect the meaning of this word. Even The National Institutes of Health is conducting 18 trials to discover the meaning of love.
So, what does love mean? Love is simply a strong feeling of emotions for another person or an intense feeling of deep affection. It is the ability to feel positively towards another.
When you love someone, you have their best interest at heart; love is selfless. Loving someone is simply accepting them for who they are, their flaws, and imperfections. You’re interested in building a real commitment with them and creating a connection with them.
Related Reading: What Is Love?
Watch this video to know the meaning of love:
Like vs. love: 25 differences between I love you and I like you
The difference between like and love is hard to comprehend as each concept involves having feelings for another person. However, these concepts differ, and to decipher the feeling you have, you need to know the difference between like and love.
Keep reading to understand like vs. love properly. Irrespective of your feelings for someone, this article tells you where you stand, is it like or love?
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1. Like: it involves physical attraction
Liking someone involves physical attraction. When somebody likes you, it doesn’t extend beyond your physical appearance. They are attracted to the colors of your eyes or your body. But love extends beyond physical attraction; somebody that loves you is also attracted to your soul.
Love: it extends beyond physical attraction
Their love for you includes who you’re down to your core, not just your physical attributes. Love is profound and also includes the little things. For example, your partner will love your laugh and work ethic and even just having you around.
They love you for who you are and not only how you look.
2. Like: it is easy to get over the person
Moving on from the person is a piece of cake when you like someone. Their absence in your life wouldn’t make much of a difference. You might even start dating weeks after the breakup. This doesn’t mean they meant nothing to you; after all, you liked them.
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Rather it means their feelings for you were superficial.
Love: it is hard to move on
On the other hand, it is difficult to forget about them and move on when you love someone. Every little thing will remind you of them, and the person will always be special to you. This is a sign of deep attraction.
3. Like: it’s all about sexual intimacy
Liking someone mainly involves being physically attracted to the person. It’s all about sexual intimacy and sexual love. 98% of the time, you guys hang out, leads to sex. Worse yet, the person hardly spends the night and is always eager to leave.
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Love: spending time with you is enough
Being in your presence and spending quality time with love is enough. They make time for you regardless of how hectic their schedule is. This is one of the main differences between liking and loving someone.
4. Like: the person is your source of happiness
When you like someone, the effort you put into making them happy is limited. Instead, they are your source of happiness. You don’t go out of your way to make them laugh; rather, you are happy to be the center of attraction.
Love: you are the source of their happiness
When you love somebody, the spotlight shifts from you to them; you want to make them happy at the expense of yours. So you will aim to put a smile on their face regardless of the cost.
5. Like: it’s all about perfection
Your attraction to somebody you like is probably because you think they are perfect. You have built up this image of them that might not be real in your head. You aren’t curious to see what is under the surface.
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Love: it is all about imperfection
With love, you understand that the person is human and therefore imperfect. You also end up loving the imperfect part of them. You will embrace their flaws and won’t force them to change.
6. Like: you’re nervous around the person
You get nervous and self-conscious around the person. But, on the other hand, you’re eager to leave an impression, even a false one. So when the person you like enters the room, you adjust your outfit and recheck your appearance to ensure you’re perfect.
Love: you’re comfortable around the person
You don’t try to hide the real you from the person you love. You are an open book and won’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Likewise, if you’re around the person you love, you won’t try to hide your flaws from them.
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7. Like: it is at first sight
You can feel an instant attraction for somebody you just met. You don’t know anything about the person, so your attraction isn’t based on their character or personality. Rather it is based on what you see.
Love: it takes time to build
Falling in love with someone is not immediate but takes time. With love, you won’t be able to pinpoint when it started. A study reveals that men take at least 3 months to confess to their partner they love them, and women take about 5 months.
8. You are hardly interested in the person’s views
You pretend to listen when the person you like talks. However, you are barely interested in what they have to say, and you feign interest not to offend the person. You could even be more focused on the person’s physical attributes than their words.
Love: you hang on to every word
When the person you love speaks, you listen to every word. You’re interested in what they have to say because it gives you an insight into who they are.
9. Like: you’re not interested in solving their problems
You can’t go past feigning interest in their problems with somebody you like. Yes, you might wish them peace of mind, but you won’t go the extra mile to make this happen. After all, it’s their problem, not yours.
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Love: you want to solve their problems
The problems of somebody you love are yours. You’re ready to do everything possible to solve their problem and ensure they are free from any issues.
10. Like: it is out of your control and fleeting
Your attraction to somebody you like is mainly physical and based on emotions. You might even walk away if problems arise in the relationship. However, it is comfortable staying with the person because everything is perfect, and as a couple, you’re yet to face difficulties.
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Love: it is a choice
You choose to love someone in the bad and good times. You decide to care and stay with the person even when the relationship gets tough. The person’s flaws won’t send you running for the hills.
11. Like: proud to be seen with the person you like
When you like someone, you want to show them off like a prize with the thought that they positively reflect on you. It’s about you and not them. If they are good-looking, you’re always eager to show them off to your friends.
Love: you’re proud of them
When you love someone, you’re not interested in what they can do for you but vice versa. You are simply proud of them, irrespective of how they look or their achievements.
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12. Like: you pursue perfection so they will notice you
You wouldn’t want them to leave you, so you crave perfection. You are always trying to perfect yourself, even if that perfect person is a false depiction of who you are.
If you want to get the attention of someone you like, you will reveal half of yourself, the half that is always beautifully dressed, says and does the perfect things.
Love: you’re inspired to be the best version of yourself
When you love somebody, you want to be worthy of them. They inspire you to grow and be the best version of yourself. The goal is not to change you but inspire you..
13. Like: you get put off by simple things
You easily get unimpressed and ready to end the relationship when you see their embarrassing side. You also get turned off when the whole charade of perfection has ended, and you get a glimpse into their real self.
If your attraction for them crashes in this instance, then there is a great chance you just liked them.
Love: you want to know every flaw
You don’t get turned off when you see the embarrassing side of the person; instead, you love them more. Your feelings for the person can’t fade just because you have a front seat to the person’s life, both the good and bad parts.
14. Like: you dream of the person
When you like a person, they are always on your mind and can even appear in your dreams. Unfortunately, you’re stuck in the past, how the person looked or how they dressed. You are not interested in what the future holds for the relationship.
Love: you want a future with the person
You not only constantly think about the person, but you also want the person to be part of your future. You are way past daydreaming about the person’s physical attributes and whatnot. The goal is to make the person part of your future
15. Like: you are infatuated with the person
Your feelings are portrayed obsessively. If you can offer the person you’re attracted to a magical potion to reciprocate the feelings, you will. Your feelings are on the surface level and composed of lust and attraction.
You are likely to make wrong decisions in their presence.
Love: you are coolheaded
You are rational and well-balanced when you’re with the person. In fact, with the person’s help, you make sound and wise decisions.
16. Like: you don’t correct their mistake
You are reluctant to rock the boat and raise issues in the relationship. When somebody you like makes a mistake, you overlook or downplay their mistakes. You are more eager to please the person than let them grow into a better version of themselves.
Love: you sincerely correct their mistakes
Irrespective of the effects of your words, you won’t let a person you love continue making mistakes. Instead, you would rather invoke their wrath if that will help them improve.
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17. Your attraction fades when you get closer
The more you get to know each other, the more your attraction fades. The excitement and thrill of the person start diminishing because they are not a mystery anymore. When you like someone, you’re interested in the façade they put up.
Love: it increases the more you get to know the person
You fall harder when you know what makes the person you love tick. You will grow fond of them and will enjoy their presence.
18. Like: you want to be taken care of
You want to be pampered and cared for. However, you’re not eager to return the favor and might mumble or complain when asked to.
Love: you want to care for the person you love
You’re excited to care for and indulge them when you love someone because love is selfless. It wouldn’t matter if your actions are not reciprocated; what matters is that there is a smile on the face of the person you love.
19. Like: your ego comes first
A simple fight and you’re out the door without looking back. You’re not prepared to settle or talk things out with the person you like. Your ego determines your response, and if it is bruised, you lose all incentive to stay.
Love: your ego comes last
A series of fights cannot send you out the door. Losing the person you love is a scary thought, and as a result, you would want to work through the problem. Leaving is not even an option.
20. Like: feelings fade if you stop seeing the person
You’re only attracted to the person you like, and being unable to see the person will affect that attraction. Your feelings for the person will likely face, and another person can easily replace them.
Love: it can stand the test of time
With love, the heart will grow fonder with time. Even if the person you love is thousands of miles away, your love won’t diminish; instead, you will long for the day you see them.
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21. Like: you’re not nervous about meeting the family
Meeting the family isn’t a big deal. You have one foot out of the relationship and the other in. The family’s feelings towards you won’t be a big deal.
Love: meeting the family is a big deal
You want to be accepted by the family because you want to be a part of it one day. So, putting your best foot forward when meeting the family is the only strategy you will apply.
22. Like: you’re controlling
It’s easy to get jealous if you see the person you like with another. This is because you tend to be possessive and controlling of the person you like.
Love: you know you don’t own the person
When you love someone, you won’t seek to control them. Instead, you will treat them with respect as individuals and be available for them. What you’re interested in is their happiness.
23. Like: emotional intimacy
Liking someone involves only emotional intimacy. Your feelings may even be shallow and only involve physical appearance. If the person changes their look, your feelings will also change.
Romantic intimacy
When you love someone, it transcends surface feelings and looks. You are past fantasy or being enchanted by just their looks. Now, you’re enchanted with every part of them.
24. Like: it is conditional
When you like someone, your feelings are based on many factors, such as physical appearance. Your feelings fade when those factors change.
Love: it is unconditional
When you love someone, it doesn’t come with terms and conditions. It is without strings, and it is offered freely. Little disagreements won’t make you walk away from them.
25. Like: you don’t care about celebrating the little moments
You’re more likely to forget anniversaries and birthdays when the relationship is new, and you like someone. You might not even be interested in celebrating little milestones.
Love: you celebrate every little moment
Whether it is anniversaries, birthdays, or the first time you kissed your love, you are eager to mark a milestone. Those moments are special to you, and you want to celebrate with them.
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Wrapping up
There is a like vs. love controversy, and it is hard to know where you stand if you aren’t aware of the difference between both terms.
The characteristics of likeness vary, and it doesn’t mean your feelings for the person aren’t genuine. However, when you love someone, your affections are profound and earnest.
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