Things to Consider Before Giving up on Your Marriage

When you’ve been with your spouse for a long time, love grows, and love fades. You won’t believe me when I tell you that both happen, and it is normal.
Couples at some point cross the honeymoon phase into companionship, are exposed to not-so-beautiful aspects of their better halves, fights over stupid matters that erupt, and find themselves close to giving up on marriage.
But the question is, should they be giving up on marriage?
Honestly, the answer to a failing marriage depends upon what you want, for your happiness, you can choose to give up or fight it out.
On the brighter side, giving up on marriage is a common issue that most couples face at some point in their lives.
The good thing is, there are many things you can do for saving a marriage and change the downward slope of your marriage; all you require is strength and dedication.
We’ve highlighted the few essential tips on how to save a marriage that you need to consider:
- Understand that you are also part of the problem; take responsibility for your actions.
- Give each other space and time to think over.
- Stop the blame game.
- Remind yourself that you adore your partner, and you willingly decided for many wonderful reasons, to spend the rest of your life with them…despite their faults.
Related Reading: Reasons Not to Get a Divorce and Save Your Marriage
Now that you have the tips mentioned above on how to save your marriage, go through our in-depth tips and explanations you can implement for repairing a marriage.
Stop comparing
Most marriages face turmoil because one of the two compares their relationship to others in their lives.
You might be compelled to think that the neighbors have a better marriage, just because they post a lot on Facebook, but what guarantee do you have that they believe the same about you?
Comparing is a big blunder, avoid it.
Stop fueling already heated topics
Wondering how to make a marriage work? For starters, don’t add fuel to the fire.
When you start arguing with your already disgruntled husband/wife, you are treading in dangerous areas, one wrong word, and it can blow out of proportions.
A recent study has revealed that even the happiest couples argue about the same topics as unhappy couples, the difference is that happy couples tend to take a solution-oriented approach to conflict.
Try to stick to the real facts and not speculations, and try to talk things out in a more civil manner.
Let the heart love
What we mean by that is you love your partner, and maybe the lack of physical affection can be the reason behind the distance between you and your spouse.
Take some of your time to hug your spouse, even a simple touch from your beloved can reduce stress hormones, its science!
Related Reading: Important Things to Know Before Leaving Your Husband
Don’t avoid budding issues
One of the best advice any marriage counselor gives is to prevent rather than a cure. When you feel something is going to be a problem that can put a strain on your marriage, shut it down in the earlier stages, don’t let negativity fester in your home.
This will also help bridge the communication gap between both of the partners.
Develop a hobby together
You can scoff, but this is profoundly significant. When you develop a hobby with your partner, like running together at night, you are doing multiple things.
You are spending time together, inadvertently talking to each other, and increasing your presence in your partner’s schedule.
Live and let live
Understand that just like you, your spouse is human, and making mistakes is being human. Learn to forgive and put things behind you as you progress in your life. Going back to old wounds will only increase the hurt!
Be kinder
Generosity can create a lot of happiness in another person’s life. Being generous with your partner allows you to stay attuned to what gets them excited.
This does not have to come with a high price tag, but simply something to let your partner know that you were thinking about them. Generosity is a natural mood booster that brings a lot of feel-good feelings and closeness within the relationship.
A study seeking to establish a relation between generosity and marital quality mentioned that small acts of kindness, regular displays of affection and respect, and a willingness to forgive one’s spouse their faults and failings — was positively associated with marital satisfaction and negatively associated with marital conflict and perceived divorce likelihood.
Related Reading: Questions to Ask Yourself Before Contemplating Divorce
Look for the silver lining
Positivity has great power to solve almost any problem in the entire world.
If a person is positive, things get better, and the person himself is relaxed. Assuming you are in a bad relationship, you would want to know how to fix a toxic relationship and how to fix a relationship.
In this situation, the power of positivity can greatly help you.
In a longitudinal study conducted by Dr. Gottman and Robert Levenson identified that the difference between happy and unhappy couples is the balance between positive and negative interactions during conflict.
With the help of the study they introduced the Magic Relationship Ratio, which meant that for every negative interaction during conflict, a stable and happy marriage has five (or more) positive interactions.
Be positive with the people around you and with your partner, most importantly. This will not only prevent fights and arguments but also keep your relationship healthy.
Related Reading: Ways to Save My Marriage Myself
Introduce a change
Of course, you’ve thought a few times about the ways you wish your partner would change. That’s natural, and everyone does it.
The only problem is, you can’t change them. People only change when they are ready, and no amount of cajoling will make them do it.
Instead, ask how you can change to make your relationship better. So, how to fix a bad relationship?
Start with what habits you could quit, or start, and what behaviors you could change to produce a more healthy atmosphere.
Also watch: How to build a marriage and avoid divorce.
Giving up on marriage is hard, but saving it is even harder; anything worth it requires sacrifice, dedication, and a desire to fight against all the odds.
We hope these tips help you understand how to repair a broken marriage and make you think otherwise about giving up on marriage. Good luck!
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