Couple Quizzes - Page 7

Your Level Of Codependency On Your Partner  Quiz

Your Level Of Codependency On Your Partner Quiz

It is easy for someone to feel emotionally attached to someone, hence feeling they can depend on that person. The most beautiful thing is, in fact, when two lovers know they depend on each other hence feeling a special bond between them. So, do you share a special bond that has created a special dependency between you and your partner? Or are you one of those persons who depend too much on their partner?  Take our quiz and find out which one you are now.
Test Your Marriage With Quizzes For Married Couples

Test Your Marriage With Quizzes For Married Couples

Testing married couples is very interesting and, of course, very amusing as it allows you to find out who wears the pants in the relationship, who is the laziest, and who is the most compassionate in your couple. Of course, there are other things you can also find out about, like who cleans the house most of the time and who is the best children disciplinarian at home. But you will have the chance to find out right away, after completing our very fun quiz.
Does My Partner Deserve My Trust?

Does My Partner Deserve My Trust?

Trust is the first condition of a healthy relationship. How can you feel happy when you are never able to predict your partner’s next move or never be certain of their support? When you don’t trust someone, you can’t have an emotional connection with them. Unfortunately, lying to people in our lives is often taken lightly, and when your partner is one of those men that can’t be trusted, your love life will be a mess. Take this quiz to discover if your partner deserves your trust!
 Do We Have a Future Together Quiz?

Do We Have a Future Together Quiz?

Do you and your partner wish for a future together?

The prospect of a future with your loved one is no doubt very tempting.

But, have you ever discussed your desires with your partner? Don’t worry, the ‘Do we have a future together quiz’ is right here to help you take a major step towards your life goal.

The outcome of the quiz can give you better clarity and help you understand the future of your relationship. Good luck!

Find Out Your Intimacy Level With Your Partner

Find Out Your Intimacy Level With Your Partner

Intimacy is a quality usually associated with healthy and long-lasting relationships. According to psychologists, intimacy is a central developmental task throughout adulthood and in order to be truly intimate with someone, individuals need to have a strong sense of identity in the first place. Intimacy is so important for people because its absence represents an obstacle to self-fulfillment – and some individuals unfortunately remain isolated and experience difficulties. What about you, how intimate are you in your relationships? 
Are You Negotiating Chores With Your Spouse?

Are You Negotiating Chores With Your Spouse?

When it comes to household chores it's never easy to complete them on your own, and contrary to what people think it's even harder to organize them when there's two of you in the house. This is mostly due to the fact that some people are lazier than others, tend to forget about them, or worst, they just don't feel like doing them all the time. But a house needs to look nice, especially when you have visitors all the time. Knowing that being the busy people that you are and that you've probably decided to share the chores with your partner, are you happy with the way it has been divided so far? Take our quiz and find out quick!
How Good Are You and Your Partner at Setting Shared Goals Quiz

How Good Are You and Your Partner at Setting Shared Goals Quiz

When you are in a relationship with someone the ideal thing would be to share common goals with that person. Whether they are hobbies, passions, or qualities, sharing goals is what makes the relationship stronger. The best way to share goals is to learn to communicate, share your mutual thoughts and listen to one another, and also take time to plan them together. So, do you share your goals with your partner? Take our quiz and see it for yourself.
How Fond Are You Of Your Partner?

How Fond Are You Of Your Partner?

When we fall in love, we fall in love with someone we admire and adore with all our heart. This love leads us to do some crazy thing, like defending them when they do the most unbelievable things, giving them a second chance even if it’s against our own principles, and also, giving up on some old and strong friendships. But, this degree of fondness and admiration, hopefully, is different for people. This means that for some people it is quite strong and for others moderate or very weak depending on the type the relationship they have with that person. Now, how fond are you of your partner? Take our quiz and find out.